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Darwinning formula: Liverpool FC 2023/24

Well today's going to be emotional, isn't it?

Fantastic manager who's given us some absolutely brilliant times. Envious of anyone going today - I only got to watch one game irl under Klopp (and we lost that one obvs :D) but it was a joy to watch teams playing for him.

I'll miss him.
From Koplass, on RAWK:

Having Jurgen Klopp as our manager has been the greatest privilege imaginable. It's been utterly life-affirming. He swept us off our feet, took us by the hand, and gave us success, romance and untold life lessons.

Because make no mistake, we got the BEST one. The absolute best of the lot. Yes, there have been more successful managers, but there haven't been any better people.

Would the success have been as enjoyable with a humourless Guardiola, a negative Mourinho or a dour Ferguson? I doubt it. But more importantly, would the failures have been as enjoyable? Definitely not.

Because Klopp isn't just a football manager, he's a leader, capable of making you reassess the way you see life.

From fist pumps, to gegenpressing, to parades, to corners taken quickly, to heavy metal football, to hugs, to goalies scoring, to fan parks, to penalty shoot-outs, to broken specs, to European finals, to last minute derby winners, to trusting the kids, to 7-0, to our first league title in 30 years...

What a ride it's been! I will always be SO glad, that Jurgen was a red.
Shit time for both halves of the Merseyside divide, first Kevin Campbell and now Hansen. He was part of my childhood watching MOTD and I had a bit of a crush on him. I hope he'll be OK.

It was genuinely sweet seeing Liverpool fans leaving messages of support for Campbell and Everton fans doing the same for Hansen. Cliched, sure, but some things > football.
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