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Cycling Track


It may have major consequences, but it's a very small mistake.
The difference between a big mistake and a small mistake with major consequences is more than I can cope with after a week's hard Olympic-watching, I'm afraid.
The BBC mustn't be providing the live pictures of this either as there's been no shots of Chris Hoy's dad and his entourage of 37 or whatever the number was he wanted from LOCOG.

ETA..oops there is he with a mere +2
It's not really an incredibly small mistake though, is it? It's an incredibly big mistake that gets you thrown out of the final, or loses you the gold medal. No point in gaining that extra 0.01 seconds if you don't even get the chance to compete.

It's the same place every time you go round the track. It's the same two riders every time they do the race. If Tom Daley and the bald one can do three and a half somersaults in perfect harmony then one cyclist can learn not to overtake another one before the gaffer tape.

If Tom Daley and the bald one could do three and a half somersaults in perfect harmony they might have won a fucking medal!
Stupid question that wasn't the stupid question that Lineker asked: why does the lead get one of those red stand thingies, but the other two just get a man holding them up?
Stupid question that wasn't the stupid question that Lineker asked: why does the lead get one of those red stand thingies, but the other two just get a man holding them up?

Because it would be a real bugger to connect up 3 of them to release at EXACTLY the same time, and then have to bring them on and off the track. As the timing starts from the lead off rider it's far easier to just make a rule that they can't go past the lead off rider at the start.
Yeah, and the others stay behind the lead rider. Except when the lead rider peels off at the end of the lap apparently.
Did anyone catch Hindes post-race interview? Someone on another board saying he claims to have fallen deliberately to get a restart. Sounds a bit iffy but can't seem to find it.
Um, could we get in trouble for that...? :hmm:

According to the article the UCI have said they're not doing anything, the French Fed aren't raising a complaint and there aren't any rules to specifically deal with that situation. I guess there may be a generic 'spirit of the game' type rule it may fall under, but it's a moot point anyway by the looks of things.
The commentators didn't even mention it as a possibility, they just exclaimed that he appeared to have a steering fault, when it was pretty obvious that he didn't suddenly develop a seized headset.
Did anyone catch Hindes post-race interview? Someone on another board saying he claims to have fallen deliberately to get a restart. Sounds a bit iffy but can't seem to find it.
Bbc evening showing (I think with Hindes) were pretty much nudge nudge wink wink.

"You said blah in your post-race interview BUT OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T MEAN THAT DID YOU?"
Jesus. Another gold gone then. Surely. Or maybe this is again down to 'discretion'?

Has there ever been a case of such sure-footed smartness (in taking the action in the first place) followed by such numb-headed stupidity (in admitting it)
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