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Custom number plates

5T3R30TYP3 said:
They're wanky as fuck, people who have them must be pretty lame in bed

Innit. If I went on a date with a bloke who showed up in a car with a personalised number-plate, he'd have to work very, very hard at making up for it.
KBT, did you know the vice chancellor of our august university drives a jag with the plate "3 PHD"?

Apparently he hasn't got 3 doctorates, but couldn't afford "1 PHD".

What a tosser :mad:
dirtysanta said:
Whos fiona richmond.

Cos that reg is on a Range Rover near my neck of woods.

I think they are fucking wanky but id have that one !
Fiona Richmond was someone I heard of in the 70's, something to do with a sex mag, I think.
Happen she is mrs Toby :confused:
5T3R30TYP3 said:
They're wanky as fuck

Yup, another vote for wanky as fuck. The only thing I can think of more lame than a personalised plate are the people who place adverts for cars and bikes using the phrase "cherished plate" to try and get more money. Cherished by who exactly?
tobyjug said:
Rather sleazy film "actress", writer of articles in "top shelf" magazines, about thirty years ago. Probably dead by now.

Fraid not. She's a "proper" writer now & IIRC, lives somewhere down your way. Cropped up on some show fairly recently plugging her latest book.
They're a total unjustifiable waste of money. For fecks sake pay the money to charity rather than chuck it away on something so pointless.
dirtysanta said:
Whos fiona richmond.

they're for people with massive ego's, who like to 'personalise' their material posessions cos they ain't got enough going on in their life... seriously, i'm not jealous or anything, but how can anyone who's happy with themselves and their life want a personalised number plate?
Saw one today in Stockwell - something like L777LE C.

I was really, really tempted to leave a note on his car* saying "DOES THE C STAND FOR COCK"? but forwent the opportunity.

*it was a wanky purple metallic 4X4 if you're interested!
oryx said:
Saw one today in Stockwell - something like L777LE C.

I was really, really tempted to leave a note on his car* saying "DOES THE C STAND FOR COCK"? but forwent the opportunity.

*it was a wanky purple metallic 4X4 if you're interested!
arrghh you should have done it!!!!
5T3R30TYP3 said:
arrghh you should have done it!!!!

Wish I had now. Didn't have enough ale down me at the time.

There was always the possibility that Little Cock was a gun-toting Little Cock, which did diminish one's brazen-ness somewhat...... :eek: :eek: :D
oryx said:
Wish I had now. Didn't have enough ale down me at the time.

There was always the possibility that Little Cock was a gun-toting Little Cock, which did diminish one's brazen-ness somewhat...... :eek: :eek: :D
True, true...
On the cooler side of the coin, the numberplate G8 SUX was still available last time I checked on the DVLA site :D
I've posted this before but there are plenty of beauts going around here. One is a small pretty bleach-blonde lass in a top-model Range Rover with the reg W4ste (plate reads Waste) & a guy in the same bank as me with a black Audi regged ELR1C (Elric - fantasy novel character) I wonder if he has the big black sword to go with it? :eek:
There's a woman round here who drives a large Mercedes with SPO14T in such a way that it spells Spoilt. :mad:
Now before you do anything you may regret - lots of these things are bought for people by their other half as a singularly unimaginative Birthday or Christmas present.

Imagine the weak smile - "oh thanks, love - I always wanted to send a message to all the world that I might be a vain waster. Thanks a neffin lot." At least they will probably be able to sell it on when they dump the numpty.

Bitter? Me? :(
King Biscuit Time said:
I saw a merc near me with the reg B19 UP G

I have no idea who 'G' is, or why he needs to big himself up on his number plate.
I dunno - you could ask the owner of the Silver Ford Fiesta (or is it a Rover?) on page 45 of the current Fast Car magazine who has B16 UP M...

my dad used to have DR 2000 and DR 3000. but he got rid of them in the 70s.

i think the ones that almost say something are stupid B19 UP does not say BIG UP . you're not fooling anyone with yoiur carefully placed screws and your funny font.
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