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Children to be banned from cycling to (one particular, London) school without number plates

I agree. They should be taught the green cross code before being let out onto the streets alone. It really isn't that hard to learn it.
Is that current doctrine ?
I would probably fail the test since I was probably never taught anything like that ...
Whilst the swivel-eyed loons on here are banging on about how dangerous people riding bikes are Surrey Police have posted this:

The Roads Policing Unit, these:

Pembrokeshire RPU:

And more, all within the last 24 hours:

Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit on Twitter

Durham Police RPU SC on Twitter

Suffolk Police on Twitter

CDSOU Road Safety Unit on Twitter

Essex Echo on Twitter

Essex Police on Twitter

OPU Warwickshire on Twitter

GMP Traffic on Twitter

GMP Traffic on Twitter

There are more :(

...but it's time to take Lily for a walk :)
Genuine question, if this is the correct way to over-take a cyclist...


...WTF is going on with painted cycle paths...


...being so narrow? :hmm:
Whilst the swivel-eyed loons on here are banging on about how dangerous people riding bikes are Surrey Police have posted this:

The Roads Policing Unit, these:

Pembrokeshire RPU:

And more, all within the last 24 hours:

Derbyshire Roads Policing Unit on Twitter

Durham Police RPU SC on Twitter

Suffolk Police on Twitter

CDSOU Road Safety Unit on Twitter

Essex Echo on Twitter

Essex Police on Twitter

OPU Warwickshire on Twitter

GMP Traffic on Twitter

GMP Traffic on Twitter

There are more :(

...but it's time to take Lily for a walk :)


'n one for the road, not a very responsible hashtag from the 5-0 there.
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Genuine question, if this is the correct way to over-take a cyclist...

View attachment 148049

...WTF is going on with painted cycle paths...

View attachment 148050

...being so narrow? :hmm:

If there's oncoming traffic you shouldn't be overtaking anyone, so if you have got time to overtake there's no reason to pass close to a cyclist. Police guidance says you should give 1.5 metres minimum when passing a cyclist, but IIRC the highway code doesn't give a specific distance.

Many cycle lanes are indeed a bit shit. For one thing, the outer line is usually as close as you should ever get to the pavement. If a cycle lane runs alongside parking spaces a cyclist would have to move out of the cycle lane altogether to pass parked vehicles at a safe distance. A cycle lane you're allowed to park in is worse than useless.
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Ignoring the boring anti-cyclist cuntery that seems to be popping up a lot these days, why not just skip the whole thing and have all schoolkids given an RFID implant? That way Amazon won't have to pay to insert one later on, which will give them an Advantage In The Job Market.
In addition to the above two replies about cycle lanes...

painted cycle lanes are designed by people who do not cycle. They are only useful in the same way bus lanes are - for providing a clear space to filter past traffic (except it puts you to the left of large vehicles soo....). They exist to tick boxes for requirements to take cycling into account. They are often dangerous by design leading cyclists to pass close to side roads where they are more vulnerable to someone pulling out on them, they will dissapear at junctions which are the most dangerous place for cyclists. They lead you down the left hand side of large vehicles and create straight on lanes to the left of left turning lanes. We used to take lorry drivers round a particularly bad one in Birmingham, starting from here you are turning left at the lights. The cycle lane only runs up to the ASB then stops so if you are in the lane as you go left, you get crushed against the barriers by the traffic in the lane to your right. This kind of stuff is everywhere.
They are a menace and for me should almost all be removed. If there is enough space for painted cycle lane that has any value, there is enough space for a fully segregated one.
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In addition to the above two replies about cycle lanes...

painted cycle lanes are designed by people who do not cycle. They are only useful in the same way bus lanes are - for providing a clear space to filter past traffic (except it puts you to the left of large vehicles soo....). They exist to tick boxes for requirements to take cycling into account. They are often dangerous by design leading cyclists to pass close to side roads and more vulnerable to someone pulling out on them, they will dissapear at junctions which are the most dangerous place for cyclists. They lead you down the left hand side of large vehicles and create straight on lanes next to left turning lanes. We used to take lorry drivers round a particularly bad one in Birmingham, starting from here you are turning left at the lights. The cycle lane only runs up to the ASB then stops so if you are in the lane as you go left, you get crushed against the barriers by the traffic in the lane to your right. This kind of stuff is everywhere.
They are a menace and for me should almost all be removed. If there is enough space for painted cycle lane that has any value, there is enough space for a fully segregated oe.

The trouble is, they are misleading drivers into thinking they can pass cyclists that close, whether there's a painted cycle path or not, which IMO is fucking bonkers.
The trouble is, they are misleading drivers into thinking they can pass cyclists that close, whether there's a painted cycle path or not, which IMO is fucking bonkers.

Yes, absolutely, I forgot to mention that! "i'm in my lane, they're in theirs, what's the problem?" We show this video (sainsbury's lorry passing a cyclist) when we are training lorry drivers to make that point. Generally leads to a discussion about what's the point of painted cycle lanes. edit: realised you are making a wider point - I think the police close pass stuff has really helped drivers realise they need to give space but when there's a lane there, they don't see the need, I don't think the lanes really encourage closer passing than if they didn't exist but I'm sure there are some people who do use that as their yardstick.

Also there are plenty of people who think cycle lanes are compulsory for cyclists so when someone isn't using one they get all enraged about it.
In addition to the above two replies about cycle lanes...

painted cycle lanes are designed by people who do not cycle. They are only useful in the same way bus lanes are - for providing a clear space to filter past traffic (except it puts you to the left of large vehicles soo....). They exist to tick boxes for requirements to take cycling into account. They are often dangerous by design leading cyclists to pass close to side roads and more vulnerable to someone pulling out on them, they will dissapear at junctions which are the most dangerous place for cyclists. They lead you down the left hand side of large vehicles and create straight on lanes next to left turning lanes. We used to take lorry drivers round a particularly bad one in Birmingham, starting from here you are turning left at the lights. The cycle lane only runs up to the ASB then stops so if you are in the lane as you go left, you get crushed against the barriers by the traffic in the lane to your right. This kind of stuff is everywhere.
They are a menace and for me should almost all be removed. If there is enough space for painted cycle lane that has any value, there is enough space for a fully segregated one.

There's a roundabout we use for training HGV drivers specifically because it's so bloody awful. It has a cycle lane running right round the outside so that left turning vehicles cut across you. Also it always has taxis parked in the cycle lane. Nowhere else on earth would people think to park on a roundabout, but drivers see a cycle lane and think 'parking space' :facepalm:
Didn't there used to be some government funding for cycle paths, an amount per mile, which resulted in councils painting a few lines & collecting the dosh?

Or did I dream that? :hmm:
This morning's twat closely passed me just a bit too fast and without warning while I was pushing my bike on the pavement due to the traffic building up becuae of the construction of a farcility - complete with dodgy-looking central kerb ..

He was approximately my age and probably works where I do - when he stopped to pick a fight, I think he muttered something about me being jealous of faster riders - not the first time - what is it with these fragile little egotists ?
I pointed out to him that the other pavement was being prepared for people like him (over-12s who like to ride on the pavement).

I will reserve judgement as I have managed quite well without such a facility for 30 years - and the road having been narrowed for it means I won't have much choice ...
didn't quite get that post gentlegreen, are you saying another cyclists was having a go at you for not being fast enough?
didn't quite get that post gentlegreen, are you saying another cyclists was having a go at you for not being fast enough?
That has been a retort on more than one occaision - though the prize has to go to the young woman who fat-shamed me.
The incidents generally occur when I'm showing consideration to pedestrians or whatever ..
That has been a retort on more than one occaision - though the prize has to go to the young woman who fat-shamed me.
The incidents generally occur when I'm showing consideration to pedestrians or whatever ..

There are some dickhead cyclists out there for sure. Any kind of shared-use route, be it a pavement or a footpath or whatever, pedestrians have priority. If there are small kids or dogs around you should be slowing to a speed where you can stop on a sixpence if required. If you don't like that, use the road.
...why not just skip the whole thing and have all schoolkids given an RFID implant? That way Amazon won't have to pay to insert one later on, which will give them an Advantage In The Job Market.

Because we don’t have a common international public/private data interchange standard for RFID implants yet. :p
Just imagine how much worse it would have been to have been hit by a fighter jet. Or a drone-launched Hellfire missile! :eek:
Cyclists shouldn't have to pass a test because cars :D
You have to love them, don't you :D
Maybe car drivers should adopt that stance. We don't need a license because volcanoes and earthquakes are more dangerous :D
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