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There was a theory that one chap with diarrhoea in a block of flats infected loads of people with SARS1 ..

I used to go on about that and related matters a lot more. Everything from anal swabs to the detection of the virus in sewage/wastewater that is now very much a part of the UKs surveillance system, to keeping the toilet lid down when flushing. I dont think I looked into farts before, but fating when naked carries greater risk than farting with clothes on, since clothes end up performing a similar function to masks, they do some filtering.

As for the original SARS incident you mention:

Recent investigations into the March 2003 outbreak of SARS in Hong Kong have concluded that environmental factors played an important role in the transmission of the disease. These studies have focused on a particular outbreak event, the rapid spread of SARS throughout Amoy Gardens, a large, private apartment complex. They have demonstrated that, unlike a typical viral outbreak that is spread through person-to-person contact, the SARS virus in this case was spread primarily through the air. High concentrations of viral aerosols in building plumbing were drawn into apartment bathrooms through floor drains. The initial exposures occurred in these bathrooms. The virus-laden air was then transported by prevailing winds to adjacent buildings at Amoy Gardens, where additional exposures occurred. This article reviews the results of the investigations and provides recommendations for maintenance and other measures that building owners can take to help prevent environmental transmission of SARS and other flulike viruses in their buildings.

The Quebec police, le Sûreté, are very efficient.

I grew up in Quebec - you are taught not to piss them off.
They said le Sûreté are not nice to anglophones, but I never had a problem with them.

They may well be but imagine the scene - a bustling high street full of people, most have been vaccinated and are carrying their cards, a few have not and are not.

How do you find out who has not and is not without causing considerable inconvenience/stress to those who have and are?
They may well be but imagine the scene - a bustling high street full of people, most have been vaccinated and are carrying their cards, a few have not and are not.

How do you find out who has not and is not without causing considerable inconvenience/stress to those who have and are?

How odd!!!

The premier said it would only be used if the numbers go up and they have to start shutting the province (or region) down again to control the numbers.

Vaccinated people can still go to work, etc., the rest have to go back working from home, etc.

I really doubt the numbers will make another lockdown a reality.

Quebec will also vaccinate any tourist that comes in and wants a jab.

Quebec has a higher vaccination rate than Ontario (where I live)

Here are Ontario's numbers:

81.104% of adults (18+) in Ontario have received at least one dose

69.217% of adults (18+) in Ontario are fully vaccinated

Too lazy to find Quebec numbers....
How odd!!!

The premier said it would only be used if the numbers go up and they have to start shutting the province (or region) down again to control the numbers.

Vaccinated people can still go to work, etc., the rest have to go back working from home, etc.

I really doubt the numbers will make another lockdown a reality.

Quebec will also vaccinate any tourist that comes in and wants a jab.

Quebec has a higher vaccination rate than Ontario (where I live)

Here are Ontario's numbers:

81.104% of adults (18+) in Ontario have received at least one dose

69.217% of adults (18+) in Ontario are fully vaccinated

Too lazy to find Quebec numbers....

Here's hoping numbers do not go up too much, and they don't ever have to enforce it.
Let me say this as an African: our world as we know it is on the brink; we face massive death tolls, and the collapse of economies and nations. What is the real meaning of humanity? For all lives to be given the same value, irrespective of geography or economy.

In the aftermath of the Second World War, the United States developed the Marshall Plan to enable devastated countries in Western Europe to recover. It was an inspiring moment in human history. The current human calamity must be stopped with a new Marshall Plan, whereby prosperous nations freely share vaccines, manufacturing capacity and resources — if not for the sake of their consciences, then for health security.

Regions where COVID-19 cases are allowed to soar are the places where the next variant will emerge. That could undo all the advances made with the vaccine roll-out in developed countries.
Sounding grim in Africa.
Animal reservoirs again. More recent SARS-CoV-2 variants (eg beta and gamma) have improved affinity to not only human, but also mouse and rat ACE2 expressing cells. Described here via wastewater sampling a strong indication of, not unsurprisingly, rodents being extensively infected.
Portugal now in the first phase of removing all restrictions. Cafes can open till 2 in the morning , bars can now open, increased capacity in restaurants but still retain the digital vaccine eating indoors at weekends, festivals at limited capacity and entry with digital certificates. Mask still obligatory untill first week September, review of supermarkets in September. Home working recommended but no longer obligatory.

A Cape Cod COVID Outbreak Shows The Delta Variant May Be Even More Infectious Than We Thought, The CDC Says

The outbreak overwhelmingly led to mild cases of COVID-19 among vaccinated people, demonstrating that the vaccines were still doing their main jobs of preventing severe disease and death, even against the highly contagious Delta variant.

Until now, the vaccines have also largely prevented fully vaccinated people from transmitting the virus to others. But the new findings released by the CDC found that vaccinated individuals who get infected with the Delta strain of the coronavirus — so-called breakthrough infections — can carry high levels of the virus that might make them as contagious as people who have not been vaccinated.

It’s unclear exactly how often breakthrough infections occur, but they are thought to be relatively rare. Still, the new findings suggest that even vaccinated people in areas with high levels of infections should take more precautions.
So there's delta in South East Queensland and they don't know where some of it is :hmm: Queensland are really good at tracking so they'll find it. Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young – the woman behind the role

So hard, snapish lock down. People given 6 hours notice. The message is "don't move, stay where you are until we find it'

There are long queues at testing stations, and the lists of exposure sites are precise.


I live just the perfect distance north for some people in restricted areas ( mostly the sunny coast or north Brisbane, approx a 3 hour drive) to decide to get away for a nice break over that weekend. As has happened previously when lock down happens there. I imagined the highway heading north being packed, but maybe all the cops are sitting out there too, or hopefully people will do the right thing.🚓 :alert:

Our annual whale festival was supposed to kick off tonight, with the blessing of the fleet and fireworks. So lots of people would have planned to be here or on their way already.


But our council cancelled tonight, and apparently it was broadcast at 1am this morning ( sat) to go home if you're travelling in a restricted area. . But who knows, time will tell. People will still come without the festival, our high tourist season has only just begun.


If you have been in a restricted area in the last 14 days you're to wear a mask. I was at the sunny coast last week so have been wearing a mask..I was visiting one of my son's and grandmothering.

so anyway. Thats covid in south east qld atm :) other parts of Australia it's totally different scenarios. COVID live updates: Queensland puts 11 LGAs into lockdown from 4:00pm as authorities look to get on top of Delta outbreak - ABC News
I do find it strange that people crowded into cities when going on holiday crowd onto motorways to sit in queues to get to beaches that are crowded when they get there and crowd into motorway queues on the way back.
I do find it strange that people crowded into cities when going on holiday crowd onto motorways to sit in queues to get to beaches that are crowded when they get there and crowd into motorway queues on the way back.

It's an odd one yes. But the point of that photo was to show that the snap lock down in the city wasn't snap enough. It gave people 6 hours to get out of dodge for the weekend, rather than be locked down. They're not going on holiday, they're avoiding the rules. Possibly carrying their delta 9 into more areas that aren't locked down. I don't know what the alternative is but this keeps happening and the town I live in is sick of it. At least this is a town where for the most part we live outside, so that helps with transmission.

This is my living room lol
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