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i think it might be saying that, If there's a place where not much covid has happened at all yet, then that place is a great spreading ground for any new version because people's immune systems will be.. naive?
So back in Summer 2020, lots of cities would have been not much use at generating new variants, which same places, now, would be (?)
Nope i have no idea. Still confused.
I'm not sure; I think it might be saying something slightly different which is that a new variant will have a harder time establishing itself if there's still a reasonable amount of 'old' version circulating, because it will be competing with it for hosts. The implication of that would be that a UK with very low covid prevalence this summer would be more at risk of seeing a new variant take hold, than a UK with quite high prevalence would be.
I'm not sure; I think it might be saying something slightly different which is that a new variant will have a harder time establishing itself if there's still a reasonable amount of 'old' version circulating, because it will be competing with it for hosts. The implication of that would be that a UK with very low covid prevalence this summer would be more at risk of seeing a new variant take hold, than a UK with quite high prevalence would be.
If thats true then why are people saying that UK opening up now, with high & rising cases, is the perfect conditions for generating a new variant?
COVID strikes men and women unequally – from exposure risk, to healthcare access, to mortality, and even rare adverse vaccine effects – but clinical trials are lagging on analyzing their data by sex.

Thread from Prof Sabine Oertelt-Prigione:

Identification of a blood biomarker (IFI27, an interferon response gene) that could potentially be used to identify pre-symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection (though differentiation from a co-circulating influenza will require further work). In a first wave study of healthcare workers it identified SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals with 84% sensitivity and 95% specificity, correlating with viral load and independent of prevailing symptoms. A subset of individuals were IFI27 positive up to a week before their first positive PCR test.
DOI: 10.1016/S2666-5247(21)00146-4.
The premiere of the Canadian province of Quebec has a novel way of using vaccination card.

He will start issuing them to his fully vaccinated citizens in late September/early October.

The cards will be used in the event of another lockdown.
Fully vacinated people will not have to be in lockdown.
They will be able to go to work and all the other perks that lockdown prevents.
Delta/B.1.617.2 modelled to become the dominate variant in Japan before the opening of the Olympic Games (95%CI indicates no later than 22 July). Some sequencing data might suggest this has already happened, but sequence data over the last ~5 weeks has been sparse.
Estimated temporal changes in SARS-CoV-2 variant relative frequencies of R.1, Alpha and Delta VOC and other strains circulating, Japan, 1 December 2020 to 11 September 2021.
Japan sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes up to 01 July 2021.
DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.27.2100570.
The premiere of the Canadian province of Quebec has a novel way of using vaccination card.

He will start issuing them to his fully vaccinated citizens in late September/early October.

The cards will be used in the event of another lockdown.
Fully vacinated people will not have to be in lockdown.
They will be able to go to work and all the other perks that lockdown prevents.
Love it
The Netherlands. When you plot on a log scale and it still looks like you need to plot on a log scale, then alarm bells should be ringing.
Perhaps opening nightclubs, bars, etc unrestricted is not such a good idea.
Well to be fair it is a base-2 log scale rather than a base-10 log scale. But yeah, thats still an insanely short doubling time in their recent data! And those base-2 log scales sure are handy for easily seeing the doubling time.
I just got some news that’s brought home to me the absolute devastation that’s going on there. Old man who with his family has run a guesthouse in Delhi forever, that I’ve stayed at a few times over the years. He (goes by the Major) is in hospital with covid, and so is his daughter, and his wife died with it last week. Just unimaginable despair must be going on there, if one family can be hit like this. He’s very old.
the Major is dead, his wife (some 20+ years younger than him) is also dead, the daughter is still in hospital. their guesthouse in delhi is shuttered along with a load of other neighbouring concerns.
And all the hippies i know here who LOVE india so much because they went there once & got stoned are refusing the vaccine.
Very gloomy tweets from Devi Sridhar: "Delta is a game-changer even for those countries which found a good path in 2020. All countries struggling now in how to cope. Prolonged restrictions carry major harms. Associated economic hit across the world being just as destructive as COVID itself. It’s becoming an impossible political situation- too dangerous a virus to let spread uncontrolled, more & more transmissible, & lockdown not a solution."
World's first SARS-CoV-2 human challenge trials, to better understand minimally infective viral loads, shedding and transmission.

By the way the latest pubished SAGE minutes have this:

Initial results from human challenge studies in unvaccinated young adults were reported verbally and will be reviewed in detail at NERVTAG before being discussed at SAGE.


Will be interesting to see how this goes down with the French. Doesn't take much to throw the toys out the pram. Although not much point blocking the ports with a few burning cows right now.
Some bits of India where there's serious issues with vaccine hesitancy have been running prize draws for those who do come forward & get jabbed, where you can win things like a fridge or an electric fan. It's not a bad idea obvs but is slightly reminiscent of the days when they used to hand out transistor radios to villagers who agreed to get a vasectomy.
only for and a bit months though, what could go wrong?

Understandably furious...
Nightclub owners are reacting angrily to news that Covid passports will be made mandatory in their venues from the end of September.

Michael Kill, CEO of the Night Time Industries Association, says so-called "freedom day" for night clubs "lasted around 17 hours" and the situation is "an absolute shambles".

He said only a week ago Health Secretary Sajid Javid said vaccine passports would not be compulsory.

It is a shit fest and the governcunts are trying to please businesses while ruining them.

Just nightclubs or music venues? Pubs? Restaurants?
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