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Or men frequent wet markets more? Women stay at home more?
No, the mobidity figures are similar but the mortality figures are quite different. I just would have thought a flu-like disease would kill the same number of each sex so I'm surprised.
On mortality rates, given that they are also overwhelmingly elderly, it may reflect that elderly men of a similar cohort are more likely to have health problems. Diseases associated with work, smoking, drinking etc.
It's like they're experts in the field and are gathering data to make their assessment.

And they are not immune to pressure from numerous nations. I must find out more about the 2009 pressure they had to deal with from the likes of the UK.

But yes thats only one factor, they also have to make really sure first. If they declared a pandemic and then one was somehow avoided, it would be a disaster for them.
This seems like a decent article on the subject (haven't read it all yet)

Yep, this is a respiratory illness so I think smoking explains most of the disparity between sexes - something like two-thirds of men in China smoke but less than 5% of women, among the men over 60 who are dying in the largest numbers, almost everybody is probably either a smoker or an ex-smoker.
I remember reading some weeks ago that a vaccine for this virus will be 12-18 months away, because that’s always how long it takes to develop and test one. Well I’ve worked in construction for a long time and can tell you that building a large hospital takes at least two years, but the Chinese did it in 10 days last month.

So my question, asked more in hope than expectation - what chance a vaccine can be fast tracked using different methods than are normally applied, as called for by the urgency of this situation?
I remember reading some weeks ago that a vaccine for this virus will be 12-18 months away, because that’s always how long it takes to develop and test one. Well I’ve worked in construction for a long time and can tell you that building a large hospital takes at least two years, but the Chinese did it in 10 days last month.

So my question, asked more in hope than expectation - what chance a vaccine can be fast tracked using different methods than are normally applied, as called for by the urgency of this situation?

Clinical trials take up the longest amount of time in vaccine development, so China will probably be able to shave at least a few months of the usual development time by experimenting on people in gulags.
The reports from Iran and Italy are not good. I understand in Italy they still haven't discovered the way the virus entered, so haven't found case no 1.

I wonder what healthcare is like in Iran?
The reports from Iran and Italy are not good. I understand in Italy they still haven't discovered the way the virus entered, so haven't found case no 1.

I wonder what healthcare is like in Iran?

Iran has a far more advanced healthcare system than most Westerners would believe, and despite crippling sanctions from USA. Life expectancy is 75-77, there are 1 million medical students in 51 schools and it has a comprehensive and developed pharmaceutical industry.
And they are not immune to pressure from numerous nations. I must find out more about the 2009 pressure they had to deal with from the likes of the UK.

But yes thats only one factor, they also have to make really sure first. If they declared a pandemic and then one was somehow avoided, it would be a disaster for them.

Ive been hearing that China is likely deliberately fudging the data to downplay the level of new infections for economic reasons ie they don’t want their economy to crater any further than it already has - and other nations may be complicit in doing the same.
Yep, this is a respiratory illness so I think smoking explains most of the disparity between sexes - something like two-thirds of men in China smoke but less than 5% of women, among the men over 60 who are dying in the largest numbers, almost everybody is probably either a smoker or an ex-smoker.
In China even non smoking men get pressured into having a fag once in a while and at least until a decade ago the fags were stronger and had a higher tar content than anything usually available over here. Don't discount air pollution though.

Speedy recovery from respiratory infections has been the biggest revelation about stopping smoking for me. If it turned out to kill smokers in large numbers that might finish off smoking as a pastime for good.
The reports from Iran and Italy are not good. I understand in Italy they still haven't discovered the way the virus entered, so haven't found case no 1.

Past a certain point you generally give up on trying to find original source case. And finding a big cluster only when some of the cases have reached the point of death is an indicator of being past that certain point.
The enormous political, economic and other issues that can factor into these events, and how governments respond to them, is one of the main reasons I found it necessary to pay very close attention to potential pandemics and nuclear accidents in the first place.

And it is not just the 'usual suspects' who may indulge in downplaying and distorting the picture. We expect it from countries like China and Iran, because of existing framing. But other countries may easily do it too. eg Japan had its own flavour of bullshit that was on display during the Fukishuma disaster and again with this coronavirus. But the differences in approach between different nations is one of the things I exploit in order to get a better picture overall. These may be big differences, or small ones. For example in 2009 it seems like the UK governments approach to swine flu was not identical to Scotlands devolved health authorities approach, and these differences might even be part of the story as to how come wider community spread of H1N1 was detected and announced in Scotland before England.

Even though I am not at all glad to see the stage that things have started to reach with Covid-19 in various countries, I am at least glad that I am no longer reliant only on info from China to tell the story. It is impossible for me to judge the extent to which recent numbers from China tell the whole story. eg I cannot tell to what extent the numbers have been deliberately influenced to show a trend they wanted to show, or whether the data actually provides an accurate sense of how much draconian restrictions can affect the outbreaks.

Not that the numbers from any other country likely tell the whole story in those places at this stage either. We know that even where governments want to find the full picture, cases will be missed. And in countries that dont want to discover an alarming reality, there are ways to avoid looking in all the right places, at least at the earlier stages. Combine that with unavoidable lag in discovering the picture due to technical and practical reasons, and my desire to get a true sense of what is going on cannot hope to be met yet, even without the layers of political slipperiness.
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