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Deffo looks like Wednesday midnight for confinement . Formal announcement expected Wed tea time. Initially for 15 days and then reviewed as according to the constitution. Supermarkets etc will be open but no news on takeaways from cafes and restaurants. There isn’t a huge amount of home delivery services and there are very few places that are normally takeaway only so not like the U.K. . We’ve just started the Presidential election voting so be interesting to see if the left pick up anything on campaigning for better lay off pay .

E2a: Just saw the post 3 above this one!

Unfortunately it seems that the predictions that some African countries had escaped the pandemic due to greater immunity etc might not be true :(

Zimbabwe has had a rise in Covid infections and some people have tried to flee to South Africa to escape the lockdown, unfortunately this has led to a lot of economic hardship, and with this plus people being deported back over the border, Covid is just spreading even more :(

Unfortunately it seems that the predictions that some African countries had escaped the pandemic due to greater immunity etc might not be true :(

Zimbabwe has had a rise in Covid infections and some people have tried to flee to South Africa to escape the lockdown, unfortunately this has led to a lot of economic hardship, and with this plus people being deported back over the border, Covid is just spreading even more :(
Yep, there was something about Lesotho the other day as well, :/
South Africa is having a hard time especially with their own variant.

‘South Africa is going to get a third wave of coronavirus, even a fourth’ | South Africa | The Guardian
‘South Africa is going to get a third wave of coronavirus, even a fourth’
Covid fatigue, super-spreader events and a virulent local variant of the virus put economy and healthcare in crisis

South Africa is struggling to contain a second wave of Covid-19 infections, fuelled by a virulent new local variant of the virus, “Covid fatigue” and a series of “super-spreader” events.
On Thursday health officials announced 844 deaths and 21,832 new cases in a 24-hour period, the worst toll yet. Experts believe the second wave has yet to reach its peak in the country of 60 million, and fear healthcare services in the country’s main economic and cultural hub may struggle to cope with the influx of patients.
Have we had this excerpt from Johnson's address to the One Planet Summit yesterday? (just noticed on the Graun newsfeed for Patel's appearance)

Like the original plague which struck the Greeks I seem to remember in book one of the Iliad, it is a zoonotic disease. It originates from bats or pangolins, from the demented belief that if you grind up the scales of a pangolin you will somehow become more potent or whatever it is people believe, it originates from this collision between mankind and the natural world and we’ve got to stop it.

Yes, it has caused a minor diplomatic incident.
Preprint - saliva viral load appears to be a better predictor of COVID-19 disease progression. A durable, high viral load in saliva appears to correlate with severe disease and was also found not remain high throughout fatal cases. This is probably because saliva may better reflect viral loads in both the upper and lower respiratory tracts due to mucociliary clearance (in contrast to a nasopharyngeal swab which only samples the upper respiratory tract).
DOI: 10.1101/2021.01.04.21249236
Obvious implications for disease management and wider testing.
Have we had this excerpt from Johnson's address to the One Planet Summit yesterday? (just noticed on the Graun newsfeed for Patel's appearance)

Yes, it has caused a minor diplomatic incident.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
Have we had this excerpt from Johnson's address to the One Planet Summit yesterday? (just noticed on the Graun newsfeed for Patel's appearance)

Yes, it has caused a minor diplomatic incident.

Speechwriter: "I've included something about the pandemic being a product of humanity's imbalance with the natural world."

Johnson: "Jolly good, I'll add a personal touch by saying something about the ancient Greeks and also making it racist."
A coronavirus vaccine developed by China's Sinovac has been found to be 50.4% effective in Brazilian clinical trials, according to the latest results released by researchers.
It shows the vaccine is significantly less effective than previous data suggested - barely over the 50% needed for regulatory approval.
The Chinese vaccine is one of two that the Brazilian government has lined up.
Brazil has been one of the countries worst affected by Covid-19.
Sinovac, a Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company, is behind CoronaVac, an inactivated vaccine. It works by using killed viral particles to expose the body's immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response.
Several countries, including Indonesia, Turkey and Singapore, have placed orders for the vaccine.
"50.4 % effective. Not great not terrible"
Just needs some feed water into the reactor.
A new study, published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, underlines how ACE2 expression in the brain (in/around neurons) can lead to SARS-CoV-2 infections causing vascular damage, disrupting oxygen supply to surrounding tissue. This was demonstrated in both mice and on human brain tissue. Additionally, autopsies of COVID victims revealed microinfarcts, localised tissue damage and cell death in their brain tissue.
DOI: 10.1084/jem.20202135
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I've seen elsewhere a while ago that it could be better described as a vascular illness rather than respiratory.

E2a I heard it once ages ago and wondered why I hadnt seen anything else about it. Not that I'd been actively looking but was a bit surprised not to hear more
Please get a grip people, Yes Boris is a twat amongst twats, but that statement re abuse of animals for ridiculous reasons is completely valid and has fuck alll to do with Racism.........It sometimes feels like this is a holding pen for the terminally offended and the 'anything a Tory does must be wrong' crew...very narrow minded
Please get a grip people, Yes Boris is a twat amongst twats, but that statement re abuse of animals for ridiculous reasons is completely valid and has fuck alll to do with Racism.........It sometimes feels like this is a holding pen for the terminally offended and the 'anything a Tory does must be wrong' crew...very narrow minded

An honest and fair discussion of animal-human issues in the sense of diseases crossing over to humans would involve the leaders of nations focussing on their own countries and cultures risky animal industries, rather than falling back on tired old shit that points a crooked finger at other cultures and which hasnt even been proven in terms of the SARS-CoV-2 origin story.
A bit more on that, here (from a couple of days ago):

(But it's only just occurred to me that my friend probably meant consent form, rather than waiver.)

My experience of France through friends is it can be mind-blowingly bureaucratic. I had a day traipsing from office to office with reams of paperwork for some minor things a few years ago, something that we could have done here online in like 5 minutes.
My experience of France through friends is it can be mind-blowingly bureaucratic. I had a day traipsing from office to office with reams of paperwork for some minor things a few years ago, something that we could have done here online in like 5 minutes.
Portugal is a bit like that , some stuff is online but others not . There was a sharp move to get more online when covid first broke out but the Portuguese do like a bit of paperwork. Booking an appointment at many doctors has to be a phone call ( if they answer the phone ) or in person as they like or require to see your health number if card. No online consultations either where I am so has to be in person . My local state health centre does have online appointments but it’s based on using the citizen card numbers which only being a resident I don’t have .

This is what makes me so angry.
Had they pursued a zero COVID strategy really aggressively at the start we might not have had the 2nd lockdown.
Now we’re all locked into our houses for months awaiting a high tech technological solution to a problem that had a simple solution.
The situation in Mexico is dire. No space in public or private hospitals, people having to drive around looking for beds, hiring ambulances and nurses. And the huge cost of care even if you do find somewhere to get treatment, which is beyond the reach of most Mexicans.
Friends of mine in city I usually visit each year in central Mexico have just started a fundraiser to supply oxygen to the fire brigade who are in charge of refilling people's oxygen tanks. ☹️
Take a look how that nasty bunch of commie bastards just off the coast of Merrika are doing

...thank fuck we live in a democracy eh?
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