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Spent today in bed.
Freaking out a bit over this stuff.
I am literally terrified...because of the immunosuppression.
It's not logical at all. I know. I realise only a small % died. But I am still panicked. 🙁
Not just you. Lots of the villages round here are on lockdown. I'm going to have to do a bit of an epic detour tomorrow to meet a man to buy organic veg outside the cordon :D
Spent today in bed.
Freaking out a bit over this stuff.
I am literally terrified...because of the immunosuppression.
It's not logical at all. I know. I realise only a small % died. But I am still panicked. 🙁

if it’s any help it looks like flu is still more of a threat and it’s one you are already used to living with.
My concern with this is that although the case fatality rate is clearly very low relative to more dangerous viruses, the absolute number of deaths and severe morbidity I'm expecting is very large. The high R0 (number of people infected by a case) means that if it gets beyond containment it could cause greater penetratiom of the population than influenza, and therefore more deaths.
My concern with this is that although the case fatality rate is clearly very low relative to more dangerous viruses, the absolute number of deaths and severe morbidity I'm expecting is very large. The high R0 (number of people infected by a case) means that if it gets beyond containment it could cause greater penetratiom of the population than influenza, and therefore more deaths.
Hmm, it seems more people have been infected by this than were by SARS, while this is killing fewer people as a total and as a proportion of those infected. Small comfort though to the 213 people this has already killed.
An article trying to explain how many of the people of Wuhan are getting food delivered without the need to meet the delivery person face to face. Also that a lot of firms are asking their people to work from home.

It must be harder and harder to get food now.

China is in trouble. A lot of people travelled to their family homes for the Chinese new year and now because of travel bans, they are unable to get back to work.

The disease is still virulent, and spreading, so I can't see China removing their travel restrictions. So far I believe they have just extended the Chinese new year holiday but it is unlikely that will be enough to restrict the virus.

For how long can they keep internal travel locked down? While they do it will restrict the virus but while they do, their companies can't get back to work. But if they remove the travel restrictions the virus will spread with the people.
Incidentally, dissent is starting to overflow on Weibo. Everyone staying at home and pissed off at the same time seems to be too much for the censors to keep a lid on.

This is without a doubt the biggest existential threat to the Communist Party of China since 1989.
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More bad news this morning.

Authorities said 45 more deaths were recorded in Hubei province by the end of Saturday, bringing the death toll in the country to 304.

Nationally, there were 2,590 new confirmed infections. The total number of infections in China is now 14,380, state TV quoted the National Health Commission as saying.

Estimates by the University of Hong Kong suggest the total number of cases could be far higher than the official figures. More than 75,000 people may have been infected in the city of Wuhan, which is at the epicentre of the outbreak, experts say.

Also, first death outside of China, bringing the total to 305.

If anyone is interested here is an email from the coach company used in transporting those repatriated last week & why the drivers were not wearing masks.

An email I have received from Horseman Coaches please read.
Dear Parents,
During the past 24 hours you may have seen Horseman Coaches mentioned within the media helping to safely transport British citizens who have returned from China.
I wanted to personally write to you to let you know that without doubt there is no risk to any of our staff or customers by helping individuals returning from China. I also wanted to assure you there will be no disruption or change to the usual service you receive from Horseman Coaches.
Background Information:
On Thursday afternoon, Horseman Coaches was contacted on behalf of the British Government to assist with the repatriation of British citizens from China. 83 Britons returned to RAF Brize Norton on Friday 31st January 2020. Five of our coaches from a fleet of 62 were dispatched to transport the individuals to Arrowe Park Hospital in Wirral.
Safety Comes First:
Public Health England (PHE) has formally confirmed that all vehicles used will remain locked in a secure lock up facility for a minimum of 10 working days and will be subject to a military-grade cleansing process.
The team at Public Health England (PHE) has also confirmed that there will be no risk to any future passengers travelling or using these coaches in future.
As an additional measure all drivers will be released from Arrowe Park Hospital in the next few days to return, and remain at home for a further 10 working days under quarantine conditions which will be overseen by the Department for Health and Public Health England as an additional precautionary measure.
Due to a number of misleading media reports surrounding the safety of our drivers and passengers, I wanted to share with you the following insight:
Horseman Coaches had provided PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) equipment for all drivers involved in the successful repatriation of 83 Britons. Regrettably this was not accurately reported by the media.
Military personnel medics and government officials told our drivers that PPE equipment was not necessary due to the precautions already taken by the Department for Health and Public Health England.
Government officials confirmed that drivers wearing PPE equipment while driving posed a greater risk to the safety of passengers. This was a governmental decision based on a risk assessment conducted by the Department for Health and Public Health England.
Public Health England have confirmed that the virus can only be contracted from someone displaying symptoms. Public Health England have confirmed that none of the 83 Britons displayed any symptoms throughout their repatriation.
The photographed individual wearing a PPE suit seen in the media was in direct contact with each of the 83 Britons, hence the need to wear protective clothing
The individuals repatriated have not had direct contact with any of our Drivers, who were kept at the correct distance required during transportation. Officials from PHE (Public Health England) have been present to supervise and manage the situation at all times.
PHE has confirmed all drivers may return to work immediately, however Horseman Coaches has asked all drivers to remain at home on full pay and benefits for the next 10 working days under quarantine conditions as an additional precautionary measure.
As a respected and valuable customer, I wanted to personally reassure you that my team and I have implemented every single recommendation made by the Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Public Health England and that each recommendation has been correctly followed.
We have proudly served you, our customers for some time. Throughout this time the health and safety of our passengers and staff has always been and will always remain our number one priority.
My team and I are proud to have played a small role in the safe repatriation of British nationals and I hope you will join me in thanking our drivers for their hard work and efforts.
If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me personally.
Yours sincerely,
James Horseman
Company Director
Horseman Coaches Ltd


I don't believe that state media continuing to claim, as it is doing here, that the economy is still great thanks to the brilliant new shiny digital economy and wonders of 5G is really going to go down a storm when food prices are skyrocketing and many people are now struggling with basic essentials. People are already starting to tire of claims that the economy was booming when for the last year it clearly was not - anecdotally, cuts to bonuses and downsizing and failing businesses were everywhere, and despite the claim of a 6% growth rate, both imports and exports were in a decline (imports down 8.5%, exports down 3.2% on 2018) and it was being felt on the ground. Funny how every indicator external to China is showing a struggling economy, but their statistics continue to claim 6% growth. A booming economy does not have declining imports, exports and sales, a stagnant stock market with barely a third the value it had 3 years ago and rapidly mushrooming debt. Continuing to insist that everything is great and continuing to spread "positive energy" at this stage is going to start pissing people off.

I don't believe that state media continuing to claim, as it is doing here, that the economy is still great thanks to the brilliant new shiny digital economy and wonders of 5G is really going to go down a storm when food prices are skyrocketing and many people are now struggling with basic essentials. People are already starting to tire of claims that the economy was booming when for the last year it clearly was not - anecdotally, cuts to bonuses and downsizing and failing businesses were everywhere, and despite the claim of a 6% growth rate, both imports and exports were in a decline (imports down 8.5%, exports down 3.2% on 2018) and it was being felt on the ground. Funny how every indicator external to China is showing a struggling economy, but their statistics continue to claim 6% growth. A booming economy does not have declining imports, exports and sales, a stagnant stock market with barely a third the value it had 3 years ago and rapidly mushrooming debt. Continuing to insist that everything is great and continuing to spread "positive energy" at this stage is going to start pissing people off.

Seems like the Chinese government is not, when you get right down to it, all that different from ours. The basic plan is still 'piss on their heads and tell them its raining'.
This is without a doubt the biggest existential threat to the Communist Party of China since 1989.
I'm interested why you say this is the biggest existential threat to the communist party. Because it seems to me a democracy would have had severe problems restricting travel and closing cities which the Chinese communist party seems to have done with ease.

And the other thing is I can't see how rebellion against the communist party could take shape? Sure there might be dissent and muttering amongst the population but what mechanism is there for anyone to threaten the communist party?
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I'm interested why you say this is the biggest existential threat to the communist party. Because it seems to me a democracy would have had severe problems restricting travel and closing cities which the Chinese communist party seems to have done with ease.
My understanding is that the government here has sweeping emergency powers they can activate if necessary. The question would be resources available to manage quarantined zones, etc.
Out of curiosity had a look on Amazon and a few other places for masks. Seem quite thin on the ground. Appear to be loads of sellers on ebay mind you.

There’s loads under if you search under air pollution mask.

Wouldn’t get a black mask tho as you’d look like Antifa.
My understanding is that the government here has sweeping emergency powers they can activate if necessary. The question would be resources available to manage quarantined zones, etc.
Yes I'm sure the UK government could take the necessary steps if there was outbreak of a new virus here. And that is partly the point, surely the Chinese government have taken reasonable steps to prevent the spread of the virus?

I don't know if we would have the resources in Britain to respond properly. But the Chinese seemed to have them which is why I don't see that this is cause for rebellion against the communist party.

Has it been advantageous for the communist party to have this issue during the Chinese new year? I think on balance it's probably much worse for them because of the mass travel that takes place in this holiday period. If it had happened at a normal point in the year the quarantines would have likely been less problematic for the people.
All the cool kids wear black pollution/virus masks here in China and South Korea. I like to mix it up. Today I wore black, but sometimes a white one feels right. I wish they did the proper kind in more colors, the way they do with the fabric masks.
All the cool kids wear black pollution/virus masks here in China and South Korea. I like to mix it up. Today I wore black, but sometimes a white one feels right. I wish they did the proper kind in more colors, the way they do with the fabric masks.

Ive seen some cool orange camo ones - very fash.
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