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So tomorrow masses of people will be stomping round the pavements, a mix of people going to work and those who now think they can spend all day outside twatting about. As well as lots of cars back out. Oh yes, social distancing will be no problem at all :facepalm:
Researchers at Los Alamos, Sheffield and Duke report identification of a more contagious strain (D614G) of SARS-CoV-2 across Europe and the US East coast that modifies the spike protein. "We see a mutated form of the virus very rapidly emerging, and over the month of March becoming the dominant pandemic form", wrote the lead author.

Spike mutation pipeline reveals the emergence of a more transmissible form of SARS-CoV-2
DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.29.069054
Slightly overly dramatic LA Times article:

I found another paper that mentions the D614G/D614S mutations, but this paper is not especially focussed on this one and related claims about it.

I also found a virologist who wrote an article about why there is only one strain, and problems with being able to tell the difference between founder effect as opposed to selection pressure-related stuff. I cannot say whether they are 100% spot on with all aspects, but it is this sort of thing that makes me critical and wary of language regarding strains, and claims about transmissibility and particular mutations.

The moment a preprint emerges describing a new patient isolate of SARS-CoV-2, with a change in the genome sequence, the world seems to explode with concern about a new viral ‘strain’. I want to explain why such angst is misguided and in the process explain exactly what is a virus strain and a virus isolate.

I would also caution that making claims that SARS-CoV-2 is becoming more transmissible ignores the fact that the virus is already exceedingly transmissible among humans. For an amino acid change such as D614S to be positively selected, as opposed to being maintained as a consequence of the founder effect, requires selective pressure. For such an already highly transmissible virus, the nature of such selection pressure is difficult to discern.
Spain had 123 deaths yesterday, the lowest since it started.

Weekend numbers usually involve an artificial drop, but all the same Spains numbers have certainly been moving slowly in the right direction. For example deaths per day in Madrid peaked around well over 300, towards the end of April the deaths it was more like 60-70 per day, and more recently its been around 40 something.
South Korea

from 11/05/2020 South Korea struggles to contain new outbreak amid anti-gay backlash
Authorities in South Korea are struggling to contain a new coronavirus outbreak linked to the capital’s nightclub district as a backlash against the country’s gay community increases, prompting fears LGBT people will fail to get tested out of fear of being outed.
Of 35 new cases, 29 were found to be linked to Itaewon, the capital’s gay district, according to officials from the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), bringing the total number of cases related to the clubs to 86.
The media frenzy reached a new level when another infected man was found to have been to an LGBT sauna in Gangnam, prompting a slew of homophobic content in newspapers and online.

The article explains how victimised many gays in South Korea feel, that they may lose their jobs etc if tested and identified, and how their credit card spending is being shared with authorities in their bid to identify people at risk of infection.
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from 10/05/2020 Infection rate rises in Germany as lockdown eases
Coronavirus infections are rising in Germany, official data shows, just days after the country eased its lockdown restrictions.
Chancellor Angela Merkel announced a broad relaxation of national restrictions on Wednesday after talks with the leaders of Germany's 16 states.
All shops are allowed to reopen, pupils will gradually return to class and the Bundesliga - Germany's top football league - will restart as soon as next weekend.
But some have criticised Mrs Merkel's decision to relax those measures after speaking with the heads of the 16 states on Wednesday.
The chancellor imposed an "emergency brake", requiring local authorities to reimpose restrictions if cases rise above a threshold of 50 per 100,000 people.
And one district in the state of Thuringia reportedly recorded more than 80 infections per 100,000 people, thought to be due to outbreaks at care facilities.
:( :(

Was just watching the BBC reporting on that. People required to give a name and contact (+ wear a mask) to get in to clubs, but some (we're told) leaving false details in fear of homophobic reprisals.

Many and varied are the ways in which this virus is showing up all the shit in ways people (who usually wouldn't) now have to care about. (That's not good; but it is stark.)
South Korea

from 11/05/2020 South Korea struggles to contain new outbreak amid anti-gay backlash

The article explains how victimised many gays in South Korea feel, that they may lose their jobs etc if tested and identified, and how their credit card spending is being shared with authorities in their bid to identify people at risk of infection.

Yes SK has a serious homophobia problem if my ex's experience is anything to go by. She was seriously fucked up over it.
A new White House policy was distributed to West Wing staff Monday directing them to wear masks at all times while working in the West Wing, according to sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

Secret Service agents close to the president and in the vicinity of the Oval Office will also begin wearing masks, one senior administration official said.

During the president’s trip to a Honeywell plant in Phoenix, Arizona, last week, agents who were already on the ground (not traveling with the president) were seen wearing masks. The Secret Services declined to comment for this story.

As you may remember....


from 11/05/2020 After weeks of relaxation, Germany sees some worrying COVID figures
The reproduction or "R" rate — the rate at which a virus is believed to be spreading — appears to have accelerated for two consecutive days, the Robert Koch Institute said. Over the weekend, Germany's R rate went back over 1, deemed a critical tipping point by many epidemiologists and government leaders.
At the beginning of May, the number was between .7 and .8 for several days. On Wednesday last week, as Merkel declared success in the first phase of Germany's battle with the virus and significantly eased lockdown measures, the R rate stood at .65.
sis, scientists likely won't link the higher numbers seen over the weekend to the latest, and most significant relaxations of the lockdown, which were announced by the federal and state governments last Wednesday. Measures began to ease weeks before that, however, and the experts will be watching very closely for any continuation of the trend over the R rate of 1, and worrying even more if it goes up higher.

Per FT, it looks like Russia and Brazil are rapidly overtaking the UK.
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