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One SIL in Barcelona has just missed the 'going out' time because she slept in (she always sleeps in). Apparently it's older people this morning and children later. Maybe dessiato or JuanTwoThree can confirm this.
Its fucking stupid to put dates on each stage. Its quite unlikely there will be a continual and steady improvement. Ffs.
The dates aren't set in stone. The govt have said they will only move onto each phase, if the virus isn't spreading due to ease of restrictions. It looks as though the time period between phase 1 and 2 for example is long enough to show any effect possibly?
02/05/2020 US authorises Ebola drug for coronavirus treatment
The US's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorised emergency use of the Ebola drug remdesivir for treating the coronavirus.

The authorisation means the anti-viral drug can now be used on people who are hospitalised with severe Covid-19.

A recent clinical trial showed the drug helped shorten the recovery time for people who were seriously ill.

However, it did not significantly improve survival rates.

from 01/05/2020 Coronavirus surge in Brazil brings coffin shortage, morgue chaos
In Brazil's bustling Amazon city of Manaus, so many people have died within days in the coronavirus pandemic that coffins had to be stacked on top of each other in long, hastily dug trenches in a city cemetery. Some despairing relatives reluctantly chose cremation for loved ones to avoid burying them in those common graves.
There also are signs in the much larger cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo that suggest authorities may not be able to handle a huge increase in the death toll. A field of fresh graves that was dismissed in April by far-right President Jair Bolsonaro as excessive has since been filled.

Latin America's grimmest scenes occurred last month in Ecuador's city of Guayaquil, where residents said they had to leave bodies on the street after morgues, cemeteries and funeral homes were overwhelmed.
Many in Brazil fear the rising deaths will hit hardest in the favelas, the vast neighbourhoods of the poor that are well-known in Rio and Sao Paulo but that also exist in most big Brazilian cities and even in smaller ones.

"There is a great fear that uncontrolled contamination will happen there," said Panhozzi, whose group represents Brazil's 13,400 private funeral companies.
Oh and I see in Brazil they like to bury people in walls, like the Spanish, rather than in the ground as we do.
It will be interesting to see if extreme public hostility can unseat a fascist during a pandemic.
He's still running with about 30% approval rating. So far there doesn't seem to be much appetite for impeachment. What will be interesting will be his ongoing relationship with the military and, more importantly, the Centrão, the political block/corruption machine, that will do anything to be close to power. Currently he seems to have lost any chance of getting anything through congress as his allies are embarrassed. It could all change though, and we might have him for a second term :(
His current attempt to put an ally in charge of the Federal Police seem to have dented his "anti-corruption" credentials, as it looks like it's to influence investigations into his sons.
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this is the UK vs Brazil, deaths per million, since the date of the first reported death on a log/linear scale

This is completely by the by, but besides the revelation that almost every politician has read Mandela's book, prominently displayed behind them during interviews, is the utterly shit MS Office skills on display everywhere. The daily briefing slides are a visual disaster. And look at the state of that! ^^
and the UK isn't? In the UK the truth will probably out eventually. Here, I suspect not.
Here, the public heath service has very limited capacity. The really weird thing is, 3 weeks ago, they were encouraging all the old folks to line up and cram into the health centres for flu jabs :confused:

The uk is probably underreporting to a degree, though there is the recent change to help correct that. But generally there is probably a lot less space for things to slip through the gaps, and in the final analysis there will likely be decent records for academics to sort through.
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