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Which part of the world should we be looking at now? where can we learn lessons?

Asia is way in front of us and coming out of lockdowns or never having been in them in the case of South Korea. Lots to learn from Asia but we have had plenty of articles on this.

Europe is still a mess, Germany are tentatively emerging from lockdown while Sweden hasn't had one, Spain and Italy seem perhaps past peak deaths and France? In terms of deaths, Germany has avoided mass deaths compared to Spain and Italy and UK looks set to perhaps soon have the greatest number of deaths in Europe.

Not so much news from Eastern Europe.

North America is facing protests somewhat cheer-led by Trump, and still has relatively high levels of deaths. NY is now past the peak and other locations still have problems, Chicago, New Orleans etc.

South and Central America, don't often see so much about this region in the English speaking media. We had some articles.

Africa's story seems to lag Europe and Asia, but there are infections and growing concerns. South Africa deployed the Army to police their lockdown.

Middle East?

Australia and New Zealand have more happy stories with NZ moving to eliminate the virus on top of a strong lockdown and a ban on incoming travel.
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North America is facing protests somewhat cheer-led my Trump, and still has relatively high levels of deaths. NY is now past the peak and other locations still have problems, Chicago, New Orleans etc.

No, the United States are facing the protests.
Up here,in Canada, we are all doing our stay-home thing. And, may I add, we are doing a really good job of it.
No, the United States are facing the protests.
Up here,in Canada, we are all doing our stay-home thing. And, may I add, we are doing a really good job of it.
My mistake, apologies. Also don't know much about Mexico .. Which part of the world are you currently interested in spring-peeper?
Which part of the world should we be looking at now? where can we learn lessons?

Asia is way in front of us and coming out of lockdowns or never having been in them in the case of South Korea. Lots to learn from Asia but we have had plenty of articles on this.

Europe is still a mess, Germany are tentatively emerging from lockdown while Sweden hasn't had one, Spain and Italy seem perhaps past peak deaths and France? In terms of deaths, Germany has avoided mass deaths compared to Spain and Italy and UK looks set to perhaps soon have the greatest number of deaths in Europe.

Not so much news from Eastern Europe.

North America is facing protests somewhat cheer-led my Trump, and still has relatively high levels of deaths. NY is now past the peak and other locations still have problems, Chicago, New Orleans etc.

South and Central America, don't often see so much about this region in the English speaking media. We had some articles.

Africa's story seems to lag Europe and Asia, but there are infections and growing concerns. South Africa deployed the Army to police their lockdown.

Middle East?

Australia and New Zealand have more happy stories with NZ moving to eliminate the virus on top of a strong lockdown and a ban on incoming travel.
Iran is worth noting. One of the first places to be hit, and if its official figures are to be believed, doing much better than most.

Reopening major shopping centres this week. We'll see how that goes.

NPR Choice page

Volunteers are disinfecting public spaces every day in Tehran.

Iran battles COVID-19: Thousands of volunteers disinfect cities
My mistake, apologies. Also don't know much about Mexico .. Which part of the world are you currently interested in spring-peeper?

Actually, I'm concerned about the train wreck happening to the South of me.
I've very concerned about the US-Canada border being opened. We have at least three weeks before that happens.

Just when I think that they have reached the peak of stupidity, I get up in the morning to read that we have reached higher....

Other than that, I worry about you Brits and the rest of Europe.
Which part of the world should we be looking at now? where can we learn lessons?

I dont know, I am tempted to try and take as much of the next week off from the subject as possible, make the most of the going being rather slow. And then I should really try to catch up with certain aspects of the science, I have no idea at all how much I have missed on that front.

There might be something to be learnt from the next week, but I have no clue what, so hopefully it will rise up and be noticed if there is.
Middle East?

Some updates from Brian Whitaker:
Saskatchewan has released its 5 phase reopening.


Phase One

May 4:
Dentists, optometrists, physical and occupational therapists, and chiropractors to be allowed to resume services.

May 4: Boat launches in provincial parks to reopen. Passengers in boats all have to be from the same household. Shoreline anglers to maintain two-metre physical distancing. Fishing off public docks to remain banned.

May 4: Online reservations for provincial parks to go ahead.

May 15: Golf courses to open. Driving ranges, practice putting areas and clubhouses to stay closed. Golf club rentals not allowed. Tee times at least 20 minutes apart. Only one person to be allowed in a golf cart at a time, unless golfers are from the same household. Carts to be fully sanitized between uses.

June 1: Parks and campgrounds to reopen if precautionary measures such as disinfecting common areas and physical distancing are practised.

Phase Two

May 19:
Retail businesses such as clothing stores, flower shops, sporting-good stores, jewelry stores, pawn shops, travel agencies and toy stores to reopen. Stores to minimize customers touching merchandise, to prohibit trying on clothing and to limit the number of shoppers inside. Exchanges or returns not to be allowed.

May 19: Salons and barber shops to reopen. Massage therapists and acupuncturists to be allowed to practise again. Physical distancing expected and, when that’s not possible, client screening, gloves and face masks required.

Phase Three

No date for implementation of this phase.

Size of public and private gatherings to increase to 15 people from the current 10.

Restaurants and coffee shops to reopen with a limit of 50 per cent capacity. Buffets not allowed.

Bars to open at half capacity. Dance floors, VLTs or pool tables not allowed.

Estheticians, tattoo studios, cosmetologists, piercers and tanning salons to reopen.

Gyms and fitness facilities may resume but must follow strict cleaning protocols.

Child-care facilities to open doors. Any located in long-term care homes to have a private entrance for children.

Phase Four

No date for implementation.

Size of public and private gatherings to be increased to 30 people.

Casinos, bingo halls, arenas, swimming pools, galleries, theatres, museums and curling rinks to reopen.

Public to be allowed to use municipal parks and playgrounds.

Seasonal programming, summer camps, and recreational and athletic activities to go ahead.

Phase Five

No date for implementation.

The province to consider lifting restrictions on the size of public gatherings, non-essential travel and on visits to long-term care facilities and personal care homes.
Iran is worth noting. One of the first places to be hit, and if its official figures are to be believed, doing much better than most.

Reopening major shopping centres this week. We'll see how that goes.

NPR Choice page

Volunteers are disinfecting public spaces every day in Tehran.

Iran battles COVID-19: Thousands of volunteers disinfect cities
How much do you think littlebabyjesus we should trust the numbers coming out of Iran? I wonder if the numbers might be a lie but the trends perhaps be based on something more factual?
How much do you think littlebabyjesus we should trust the numbers coming out of Iran? I wonder if the numbers might be a lie but the trends perhaps be based on something more factual?
I don't know. I don't have a particular reason to doubt them aside from the fact that they are harder to verify than those of many other places. And I have read of doubts coming from within Iran itself. But then there are doubts about the UK's figures from within the UK. But I agree that the shape and trends are likely to reflect the truth, or else they would not be opening up again.
We don't need to worry about Covid-19 mutating, says this upbeat article in 'Nature'.

Hmm. IIt's not been in humans for very long at all and there are many more of us out there still to infect. There's plenty of opportunity for it to change. Leaving aside lethality, is it correct to assume that Covid-19 will likely become more efficient at infecting people?
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Trump goes off script again...

“We should look at whether injecting disinfectant can do a powerful number on the lungs”...

What a world class idiot!

He's right though, I'm sure it would do a powerful number on the lungs. :)

I presume he's suggesting it gets tried on other people rather than himself though.
Actually, I'm concerned about the train wreck happening to the South of me.
I've very concerned about the US-Canada border being opened. We have at least three weeks before that happens.
Is it planned to open the border come what may? or are there criteria that must be met?
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He's right though, I'm sure it would do a powerful number on the lungs. :)

I presume he's suggesting it gets tried on other people rather than himself though.

I wonder if his public service mandate might be extended into becoming no. 1 test subject for some of the wacky theories he postulates. I don’t think they’d have trouble finding volunteers to carry out the injection.
It already happens when intravenous drug users clean with bleach and don't rinse. Even trace amounts can make people seriously ill when injected directly. If anyone's stupid enough to fill a syringe they'd probably die.
Yes, horrendous deaths too. But thanks to the intellectual brilliance of Trump, these people won’t die from Covid-19.
I don't know. I don't have a particular reason to doubt them aside from the fact that they are harder to verify than those of many other places. And I have read of doubts coming from within Iran itself. But then there are doubts about the UK's figures from within the UK. But I agree that the shape and trends are likely to reflect the truth, or else they would not be opening up again.

There are many, many reasons to doubt anything coming from the Iranian organs of state.
I'm sure we've all been there. I've sat in meetings before in astonishment at what my boss is promising to a client. Before he fucks off to the pub and tells us to get on with it.

God yes! And that moment you realise the level of promotion within a big company is inversely proportional to the level of competence! The less they know, the more often they say yes to stupid requests and the further they advance.
God yes! And that moment you realise the level of promotion within a big company is inversely proportional to the level of competence! The less they know, the more often they say yes to stupid requests and the further they advance.

Yes. That probably explains why I'm redundant and that fuckwad is probably sitting in his garden 'working from home' on full salary. Sorry, slight derail.

Trump's probably off to the golf course though while his 'medical doctors' explore injecting cleaning fluid into immigrants.
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