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How the fuck are these clowns still in tenure? Professor Hayward is also known for being a denialist of the Assad regimes's use of chemical weapons.

How the fuck are these clowns still in tenure? Professor Hayward is also known for being a denialist of the Assad regimes's use of chemical weapons.

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I was going to say academics working in very specific areas of scientific research do sometimes have something of a blind spot in other areas. But the man seems to be a professor in environmental politics, fuck him off pronto.
No, I think that we did such a poor and shambolic effort leading in to lockdown, and in many ways almost seemed to arrive in lockdown by chance or accident, that it is exactly now that the government need to start telling us their plan for getting everyone back out. We absolutely failed at contact testing on the way into this mess, and I want to know how that's going to be addressed and improved on. The UK is going to need a shitload of tests, and infrastructure for testing, and a proper plan, none of which are things they've shown evidence of being capable of arranging so far. I think now is exactly the time we should be placing pressure on them to produce a coherent way out of this.
I think they know what conditions are required to end lockdown, no new cases - for a period, and if the general public and media are honest we already know that. Government in their press conferences want to maintain people's focus on the current instructions and not permit us to get distracted. I think it was a mistake of Johnson's saying they would review lockdown in 3 weeks. It gave false hope. There was never any chance lockdown would be lifted in 3 weeks. With nearly 1,000 daily deaths our epidemic is still rampant.

On testing, yes they were shambolic, Hancock has now spoken at length about how he plans to expand testing to 100,000 per day by the end of the month. They are also going to need a small army of people to conduct contact tracing once lockdown is lifted, My feeling is that this is still a month or two off.
weltweit you can't stay in lockdown until you have zero new cases. :eek: :D That's why I'm talking about having lots and lots of tests available. You absolutely have to get that number manageably low so that you can start tracking and dealing with every single case, but zero is an unrealistic number.
weltweit you can't stay in lockdown until you have zero new cases. :eek: :D That's why I'm talking about having lots and lots of tests available. You absolutely have to get that number manageably low so that you can start tracking and dealing with every single case, but zero is an unrealistic number.
But Yu_Gi_Oh isn't that what Wuhan has done, they now have no community transmission cases and are now slowly lifting the shutdown, but it isn't yet opened for everyone unless I am mistaken?
But Yu_Gi_Oh isn't that what Wuhan has done, they now have no community transmission cases and are now slowly lifting the shutdown, but it isn't yet opened for everyone unless I am mistaken?

Well a) we have no idea whether it will be effective once they lift lockdown. And b) China is an authoritarian state built on a society which still has extensive adherence to Confucian ideals of respect for seniority. And its administration lends itself very well to closing down specific districts and restricting travel.
But Yu_Gi_Oh isn't that what Wuhan has done, they now have no community transmission cases and are now slowly lifting the shutdown, but it isn't yet opened for everyone unless I am mistaken?

Are you trying to liken the entirety of the UK to Wuhan? Anyway, the last big push for Wuhan involved a shit load of testing to get them out of lockdown. They didn't just sit there until no one said they felt sick any more. Wuhan still has the occasional new case anyway. China still has new cases. South Korea has cases. You don't need to be in a full lockdown if your cases are below are certain threshold and you have a good idea about the history of those cases.
Well a) we have no idea whether it will be effective once they lift lockdown. And b) China is an authoritarian state built on a society which still has extensive adherence to Confucian ideals of respect for seniority. And its administration lends itself very well to closing down specific districts and restricting travel.

But they're not just lifting the lockdown and crossing their fingers. China has moved into a mode closer to South Korea's now. This is what I want for the UK. We're not going to get there without a lot of tests and a good system.
Well a) we have no idea whether it will be effective once they lift lockdown. And b) China is an authoritarian state built on a society which still has extensive adherence to Confucian ideals of respect for seniority. And its administration lends itself very well to closing down specific districts and restricting travel.
Yes, UK is different, but the virus is the same .. I just think that when nearly 1,000 people are dying each day is not the right time to be discussing when and or how the lockdown could be lifted..
Are you trying to liken the entirety of the UK to Wuhan? Anyway, the last big push for Wuhan involved a shit load of testing to get them out of lockdown. They didn't just sit there until no one said they felt sick any more. Wuhan still has the occasional new case anyway. China still has new cases. South Korea has cases. You don't need to be in a full lockdown if your cases are below are certain threshold and you have a good idea about the history of those cases.
I would compare greater London to Wuhan, similar large conurbations, similar populations and extensive infections. According to reports I have read the majority of new cases in China are now incoming travelers.
But they're not just lifting the lockdown and crossing their fingers. China has moved into a mode closer to South Korea's now. This is what I want for the UK. We're not going to get there without a lot of tests and a good system.
I agree with that, we wait to see if Hancock's 100,000 daily test materialise by the end of the month and will need probably much more than that to test trace isolate after lockdown is lifted. Anyhow I expect it will be lifted gradually. Where will the contact tracing army come from I wonder?
Right. So, out of respect for the people dying, we shouldn't discuss this? Is that really what you're saying? Fine. :thumbs:
No I didn't mean out of respect for those dying though that could be an issue. I just meant that when we are at the stage where more than 900 people died yesterday and the day before, we are actually quite a long way from realistically considering lifting the lockdown. Discuss it by all means!
But they're not just lifting the lockdown and crossing their fingers. China has moved into a mode closer to South Korea's now. This is what I want for the UK. We're not going to get there without a lot of tests and a good system.

Good to hear... I need to have a proper chat with friends there sometime. I know my best friend is back to teaching (uni) soon, but that’s Nanjing which never had a high case load iirc. Also she’s quite... traditional in some odd ways. So I’m not quite sure how her adherence to policy reflects actual policy.
No I didn't mean out of respect for those dying though that could be an issue. I just meant that when we are at the stage where more than 900 people died yesterday and the day before, we are actually quite a long way from realistically considering lifting the lockdown. Discuss it by all means!

Yeah, I think I get what you mean - there’s a lot of talk in the press about lockdown being lifted, discussing how long it will be etc. But not much saying it might be a practical reality for the next year, to varying levels.
Right. So, out of respect for the people dying, we shouldn't discuss this? Is that really what you're saying? Fine. :thumbs:
You might be interested to see this: Covid19 UK News, science and policy from 16/03/2020 advice referred to by UK SAGE (scientific advisary group for emergencies) which say that lockdown could be being switched on and off repeatedly for as much as a year in order to subdue infections.

I don't know if events have caused them to revise their statements since then, but at that point the prognosis seemed particularly bleak.
From next Thursday (a month after lock down) masks and face coverings will be mandatory when walking around in public.

I think the government are hoping to ease the measures soon with this being the final push.

It's Easter, but church congregation restrictions are still in place (no more than 5 per congregation) family gatherings are still banned. We will see how many stick to the rules. With Poland being very Catholic, and Easter being the most important day in the church Calender, we will see what will happen.

Everyone is pretty sick of it. It's been 4 weeks so far.

I miss my friends.
Yes, UK is different, but the virus is the same .. I just think that when nearly 1,000 people are dying each day is not the right time to be discussing when and or how the lockdown could be lifted..

I would compare greater London to Wuhan, similar large conurbations, similar populations and extensive infections. According to reports I have read the majority of new cases in China are now incoming travelers.

I think population size is about where the similarities end - Wuhan was fully locked down, with travel in and out halted, at a time when the whole of China had less than 1% as many confirmed coronavirus cases as the UK does now. Contacts were extensively traced and the lockdown was enforced by an authoritarian state with world-leading facial recognition technology, etc. and zero respect for human rights.

In London, there are thousands upon thousands of cases and trains out are leaving every few minutes.

You'll have to stick it in Google translate...

Honestly I have no idea why the UK are not doing the same, and I'm surprised that the general public aren't fucking fuming with their government

Poland still don't have nearly enough tests, but at least they are getting to a point where the day on day increases are in single digit percentages rather than double.

Restrictive measures now means easier testing and tracing later. Especially now that masks and face coverings are going to be mandatory.

I do urge people to Google translate the link to see the difference between UK restrictions and Poland restrictions.

I'm honestly baffled.
I think population size is about where the similarities end - Wuhan was fully locked down, with travel in and out halted, at a time when the whole of China had less than 1% as many confirmed coronavirus cases as the UK does now.
I can remember calling for Greater London to be isolated inside the M25 early on but the cases spread across the UK such that other hot spots appeared equally as dangerous and such a suggestion then just seemed silly.

Contacts were extensively traced and the lockdown was enforced by an authoritarian state with world-leading facial recognition technology, etc. and zero respect for human rights.

Yes they have a very different regime and here government seemed very loath to institute a lockdown despite that it was patently necessary. We will need mass testing contact tracing and compulsory isolation if we are to lift the lockdown at some point and yes as Yu_Gi_Oh says, a system more like South Korea is desireable.

In London, there are thousands upon thousands of cases and trains out are leaving every few minutes.
Hopefully without too many passengers on them though!
Coronavirus hits remote Amazon tribe in Brazil as 15-year-old boy dies with COVID-19
Alvanei Xirixan died in intensive care in the main hospital of Boa Vista, capital of Roraima state, where he was being treated for COVID-19, according to local indigenous health service Dsei.
Coronavirus could have a devastating impact on Brazil's 850,000 indigenous people, who are vulnerable to external diseases and do not have quick access to proper medical care, health experts and anthropologists have warned.
Four members of the Kokama tribe, close to Colombia and Peru, have also been infected after a doctor who worked with them tested positive for coronavirus.
Brazil's right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro has ignored social distancing advice
from 11/04/2020 Coronavirus hits remote Amazon tribe in Brazil as 15-year-old boy dies with COVID-19
I can fully understand why ratcheting measures up and down could work.
But is it even possible, policy wise, to insist on up to a year in total of full-on lockdown?
The "on and off" application of it would probably end up provoking greater levels of dissent and disobedience, I'd have thought.
I suppose I'm just querying the practicalities there.

Maybe the questions to ask before deciding on the above policy should be :
How close are we ever going to get in the UK to effective, easily available antibody testing?
And how close (and soon) are we going to get to widespread, general, diagnostic testing?

Once we have some idea of the answers to the latter two questions, and the likely outcomes, we can more easily (?) compare and contrast the merits/demerits of widespread testing compared to the idea of continued on/off lockdown for up to two years ....

Maybe we'd need to combine elements of both together ....... :hmm:

No country is going to consider a years full lockdown to be viable. The only way that would change is if all other options are shown to be a disaster, in the same way that even short but draconian lockdowns were not considered to be compatible with some nations until they were left with little choice but to do them anyway.

A mixed solution is the most likely for the medium term. And probably plenty of fiddling around with the details and boundaries of lockdown measures, for both psychological and economic reasons. eg Italy has extended its lockdown again, but found a few areas they were prepared to relax. Thats probably partly what the new debate about the public wearing masks is largely about - tradeoffs. Its a battle to keep the rate of infection below a certain level, so its quite likely they are trying to balance the increase in infections that come from specific relaxations, with the decrease that might be expected from making people wear masks.

The UK's epidemic is a bit behind some others, so we have the luxury of learning at least a few weeks worth of reality from some other countries before we make policy decisions. The questions you pose are part of it, even though some of them may need to be modified to take into account actual UK capacity for tests, along with things like contact tracing systems. And when it comes to antibody stuff, its not just a question of mass testing availability, but also the surveys that will be used to get a better sense of what propportion of the population have already had the disease. Again, there will be clues from other countries and we have now seen a few more of these recently, although I would not yet say that picture has been firmed up, and I would expect regional variation.
Coronavirus: Brazil's president rejects COVID-19 as a 'little flu' and ignores distancing rules
The 65-year-old right-wing leader has compared COVID-19 to a "little flu" and publicly attacked state governors in his country who have introduced quarantine measures.

On Friday, a national holiday in Brazil, Mr Bolsonaro ignored social distancing guidelines as he went to a military hospital, before stopping at a pharmacy and then visiting one of his sons in a residential building.
from 11/04/2020 Coronavirus: Brazil's president rejects COVID-19 as a 'little flu' and ignores distancing rules
Hard to think of a worse national leader at the moment than Bolsonaro. Even Kim Jong-un seems preferable.
This is well worth a read

What is about to be unleashed on American society will be the greatest campaign ever created to get you to feel normal again. It will come from brands, it will come from government, it will even come from each other, and it will come from the left and from the right. We will do anything, spend anything, believe anything, just so we can take away how horribly uncomfortable all of this feels. And on top of that, just to turn the screw that much more, will be the only effort even greater: the all-out blitz to make you believe you never saw what you saw. The air wasn’t really cleaner; those images were fake. The hospitals weren’t really a war zone; those stories were hyperbole. The numbers were not that high; the press is lying. You didn’t see people in masks standing in the rain risking their lives to vote. Not in America. You didn’t see the leader of the free world push an unproven miracle drug like a late-night infomercial salesman. That was a crisis update. You didn’t see homeless people dead on the street. You didn’t see inequality. You didn’t see indifference. You didn’t see utter failure of leadership and systems. But you did. And so we are about to be gaslit in a truly unprecedented way. It starts with a check for $1,200 — don’t say I never gave you anything — and then it will be so big that it will be bigly. And it will be a one-two punch from both big business and the big white house — inextricably intertwined now more than ever and being led by, as our luck would have it, a Marketer-in-Chief. Business and government are about to band together to knock us unconscious again. It will be funded like no other operation in our lifetimes. It will be fast. It will be furious. And it will be overwhelming. The Great American Return to Normal is coming.

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