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Anyone wanting to know more about what South Korea is doing?

zahir has posted a very informative interview with a senior Korean medic on the sensible information thread, it is here:
Singapores move to a full on sort of lockdown continues to take shape. Much to the dismay of those who were hoping to use it as proof that our lockdowns were excessive and that a more nuanced approach was sustainable throughout every possible phase a country that handled the start well could face later.

SINGAPORE (Kyodo) -- Singapore on Friday tightened its measures to curb the coronavirus spread that effectively amounts to a monthlong partial lockdown, with people told to stay at home and most workplaces ordered to close, after an alarming increase in unlinked local cases.

"We will close most workplaces except for essential services and key economic sectors," Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on national television, adding that all schools and universities will switch to home-based learning.

"We have kept the outbreak under control, but looking at the trend, I am worried that unless we take further steps, things will get worse," he said.

Depressing reading. The headline isn't the only example.

"Valérie Pécresse, the influential president of the Île-de-France region, which includes Paris, described the race to get masks as a “treasure hunt”.

“I found a stock of masks that was available and Americans – I’m not talking about the American government – but Americans, outbid us,” Pécresse said. “They offered three times the price and they proposed to pay upfront. I can’t do that. I’m spending taxpayers’ money and I can only pay on delivery having checked the quality,” she told BFMTV. “So we were caught out.” Pécresse said she had finally obtained a consignment of 1.5m masks thanks to the help of Franco-Chinese residents in the Paris area."

There's other stuff people sending their own planes. It's fucked up.

US accused of 'modern piracy' after diversion of masks meant for Europe https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/03/mask-wars-coronavirus-outbidding-demand?
News from Poland.

The source of the infections seem to be the hospitals themselves.

20% of all postitve test results are from hospital staff. Several wards in hospitals all over the country have had to be closed.

Seems like for all countries on lockdown containing viral spread begins and ends at getting hospitals in shape, and medical personel adequately protected.

Needless to say, lockdown feels useless. We are starting to feel like while we are doing our "bit" the government aren't doing theirs and are happy to further restrict our movement while hospitals are in chaos and causing outbreaks amongst those already seriously ill.

Fucking useless, they all are, honestly.
That first day at work, Buckalew said, she was told to take off her mask.

When she asked hospital administrators why, the reasons kept changing. First, Buckalew said she was told it was against hospital policy for health care workers to bring their own gear. Then, she said, administrators told her if she wore her own N95 mask, others would want to wear the masks as well and the hospital didn't have enough. Finally, Buckalew said, it was that CDC guidelines don't require the mask at all times.

"I said if I can't wear it, then we have a problem," she said.

Refusing to take off her mask, she said, got her terminated. Then, she said, after complaining she was reinstated and then terminated again — all within three days.

Doctors Say Hospitals Are Stopping Them From Wearing Masks
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My cousin hurt his hand a few weeks ago and went to A&E. He had his own mask and wore it just because he was wary of potentially picking up a bug.
When he arrived he was asked to remove the mask. He was surprised by this...and asked why. He was told it would scare other patients waiting in A&E.
Roll on to last Thursday when he had to go back to hospital. He didnt wear his mask because of the ticking off he had received before. As he sat in A&E he started to cough...he has a cold. A nurse came over and handed him a mask and directed him to wear it.

My brother who works in a hospital, has his own PPE but has been told not to wear a mask. That masks are reserved only for staff working directly with covid19.
He is now working in A&E and patients are to be streamed to a different section for covid19 but he is still acutely aware that a covid19 case could turn up in A&E. He has decided to wear his own PPE gear and mask. He was asked where he got them by other drs. He told them. They are now getting their own online and hoping they can get them soon.

Ireland ordered loads of PPE from China. The first batch arrived on Sunday last. The arms are too short. The material is not easy to wear. And the masks dont fit many staff.
The government has requested the Chinese company to make adjustment on the next shipment.
It's a fucking race against time and its not ok that frontline workers are getting infected. It's crazy. I cannot understand why governments were not on this in January. It was obvious that it would spread.
Parks chat - I take it you are not in London.
I am in London. Some parks have been closed. Those nearest to me haven't been closed. They're not packed out, and it would take some kind of * magic * mechanism for them to be hotbeds of transmission at the moment.

Sadly the hotbeds of transmission right now are almost certainly the hospitals. New infections caught in hospital are probably dwarfing other sources at the moment. The lack of testing of NHS staff and lack of PPE is the real story here. How many people are still taking a daily walk in the park is a distraction from that, imo.
Anyone noticed an uptick in dodgy spam? I haven't seen save for a TV lisencing scam but there again I'm using Gmail whose spam filters are pretty good.

I am not saying that parks are the biggest contributor of infections, but both parks in my area are heaving with people. It wouldn't surprise me if, like Italy, the UK govt will go for further tightening up of the lockdown.

If I had any say in any of this, I would straight up test everyone.
Anyone noticed an uptick in dodgy spam? I haven't seen save for a TV lisencing scam but there again I'm using Gmail whose spam filters are pretty good.

No just loads of naff 'reaching out' emails from pretty much every firm I've ever bought something from. "In this difficult time, we just wanted you to know we haven't forgotten about you" - that's nice seeing as they sold me some spreader clamps and a shitty mitre saw three years ago.
More idiots misunderstanding things. I get the sensitivity but the guy clearly stated that trials would be in parallel. If it becomes too controversial and doesn't happen it will mean that rather than having the facilities and staff to kick start vaccinations already in place if a vaccine is found Africa will be the last to benefit. Fuckwits have gone from annoying to dangerous.
'Not guinea pigs': Africa vaccine trial suggestion sparks uproar
Latest on India coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, followed by details on states, union territories and cities.
India has recorded 2,547confirmed cases, 62 deaths and 163 cured cases, according to the latest update released by the Union Ministry for Health and Family Welfare on Friday evening.

PM Modi urges citizens to dispel the darkness spread by Covid-19 by lighting a candle on 5 April.

217 Indians evacuated from Italy and accommodated at ITBP quarantine centre test negative.
PM Narendra Modi holds telephonic conversation with Isreal PM Benjamin Netanyahu discuss Covid-19 pandemic.
Armed forces have dedicated 19 hospitals for Covid-19 treatment.
from Covid-19 pandemic in India updates: Coronavirus status by city and state
Hi @D I am actually a bit shocked to hear that 1) public transport is still running and 2) that people are still going to work. Is there a plan to reduce infections in NY?

Essential workers need to get to work and unsurprisingly, there is no system for getting people to and from their jobs via taxi or other organized non public transit service. In fact, the MTA has substantially reduced service, which makes the trains even more crowded. Everyone who can drive or walk is driving or walking. But also meters are still in effect, which means if you commute to Manhattan by car from another part of the city, you are likely to be screwed unless you have someone driving that car back home and then picking you up later.

There are tons of plans that I can't go into right now (plenty of info available on line) and those plans are working to some extent within the limitations of our national, state, and local systems. And, you know, capitalism. And our shitty hospital/health care infrastructure. And our incompetent and destructive president. And on and on.
Hi @D I am actually a bit shocked to hear that 1) public transport is still running and 2) that people are still going to work. Is there a plan to reduce infections in NY?
If you read the link I linked to, you'll understand some of this more.
Hi @D I am actually a bit shocked to hear that 1) public transport is still running and 2) that people are still going to work. Is there a plan to reduce infections in NY?
also, without rent cancellation and utilities bills cancellations, it's unreasonable to expect that paycheck to paycheck laborers whose industries or workplaces are still functioning in some way and whose jobs are not protected will stop working.
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