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From Skwawkbox but sounds promising, anybody confirm?

According to the World Health Organisation, there is no evidence of re-infection with SARS-CoV-2 after recovery”
GP and former deputy chair of the British Medical Association Dr Kailash Chand writes:
From Skwawkbox but sounds promising, anybody confirm?

There's been a few reports of re-infection, but the suggestion is that they were given false negative results from tests, and then tested positive again.

Another suggestion is that a very few number of people could indeed get reinfected, just like some people do very rarely with chicken pox.

The guy's a dangerous fucking idiot.

According to Sherman, when New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, said that the state would need 30,000 ventilators at the apex of the coronavirus outbreak, Kushner decided that Cuomo was being alarmist. “I have all this data about I.C.U. capacity,” Kushner reportedly said. “I’m doing my own projections, and I’ve gotten a lot smarter about this. New York doesn’t need all the ventilators.” (Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top expert on infectious diseases, has said he trusts Cuomo’s estimate.)

Even now, it’s hard to believe that someone with as little expertise as Kushner could be so arrogant, but he said something similar on Thursday, when he made his debut at the White House’s daily coronavirus briefing: “People who have requests for different products and supplies, a lot of them are doing it based on projections which are not the realistic projections.”

Kushner has succeeded at exactly three things in his life. He was born to the right parents, married well and learned how to influence his father-in-law. Most of his other endeavors — his biggest real estate deal, his foray into newspaper ownership, his attempt to broker a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians — have been failures.

I went to see what that 38% claim actually was. From that site:

7:59 P.M. HMO chief's claim that 38% of city's residents probably infected was likely based on calculation error

The CEO of the Maccabi HMO, Ran Sa'ar, said Thursday that he thought about 38 percent of Bnei Brak's residents were likely infected with the virus, but this may be based on a miscalculation. While the Health Ministry found that 35 percent of the coronavirus tests provided by Maccabi in the city did come out positive, most of those tested showed early symptoms of the virus. This means that the proportion of people infected with the virus in Bnei Brak is likely unusually higher than the national average, it is still far from 38 percent. The true number may be only about 10 percent of that assessment. (Amos Harel)
BBC USA Update

US set to recommend wearing of masks
The White House is expected to advise Americans in coronavirus hotspots to wear cloth masks or scarves in public to help stop the virus spread.

President Donald Trump said such an advisory would not be mandatory.

Residents of New York, the epicentre of the US outbreak, have already been urged to cover their faces in public.

Top health official Dr Anthony Fauci has said he believed all states should issue stay-at-home orders, as the US death toll passed 6,000.
"I don't understand why that's not happening," Dr Fauci told CNN late on Thursday. "If you look at what's going on in this country, I just don't understand why we're not doing that."
from New York to redistribute ventilators amid shortage

The young doctors being asked to play god
When the tannoy blasts out a "Team 700" alert at Elmhurst hospital in Queens in New York City it is because a "crash" team is needed immediately. Someone is going into cardiac arrest.

In normal times that would happen maybe once a week. Yesterday, during the course of one 12-hour shift, there was a Team 700 announcement nine times. Not one of the patients survived, according to the young doctor I spoke to.
And she says it is not just the old who are falling prey to this. "There are patients in their 30s and 40s with no pre-existing conditions. Equally, we had a 90-year old man the other day who was brought to the ER after he had fallen at home. He had a broken leg - but he also tested positive for coronavirus - even though he was exhibiting no symptoms."

It is a confounding virus, is Covid-19.

The hospital has been given double the number of ventilators that it originally had - but they are already being fully utilised and they need more. All are being used - and the peak of the curve is still weeks away. And she talks rather quietly when she describes a situation where not all of the people who need a ventilator are getting one.
from The young doctors being asked to play god

The US governor who saw it coming early
At the podium for Tuesday's daily coronavirus press briefing, Republican Ohio Governor Mike DeWine provides the latest on the virus's march through his state - 2,199 cases, 55 deaths, 585 hospitalisations.
But while the lesser known Mr DeWine, 73, may lack the media attention of Mr Cuomo, he is drawing praise for his early moves against the virus, at a time when much of the US was still playing catch-up.

On 5 March, after resistance from organisers, Mr DeWine got a court order to shut down much of the Arnold Sports Festival - an annual event featuring 20,000 athletes from 80 countries, around 60,000 spectators each day, and an expected $53m for Columbus, the state's largest city.
The state had yet to report a single case
At the time, critics dismissed Mr DeWine's strict regulations as overblown, largely out of step with Ohio's neighbouring states. And in terms of policy, the governor's approach put him at odds with fellow Republican Donald Trump, who until later in March downplayed the threat of the virus, saying it would "go away".

"On the front end of a pandemic you look a little bit alarmist, you look a little bit like a Chicken Little, the sky is falling," said Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton at a briefing this month. "At the end of a pandemic, you didn't do enough." ..
from The US governor who saw it coming early
Slammed By Trump, 3M Says N95 Mask Exports From U.S. Should Continue

"There are, however, significant humanitarian implications of ceasing respirator supplies to healthcare workers in Canada and Latin America, where we are a critical supplier of respirators," 3M said.

Stopping the export of respirators, the company added, would also likely cause retaliation.

"If that were to occur, the net number of respirators being made available to the United States would actually decrease," 3M said. "That is the opposite of what we and the Administration, on behalf of the American people, both seek."

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Wuhan residents told to stay inside and stay vigilant as China begins to lift virus lockdown
The top official in Wuhan, the epicentre of the coronavirus epidemic in China, warned residents to stay vigilant and avoid going out, even as the latest data showed a decline in new cases in the mainland and zero new infections in the city.

The country where the virus emerged late last year will hold three minutes of silence nationwide on Saturday to mourn the thousands of "martyrs" who died in the fight against the epidemic, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
Beijing has pushed the country's industries to go back to work as the epidemic eases, hoping for a quick recovery from what many analysts expect to have been a deep contraction for China's economy in the first quarter.

Top officials however remain concerned about the risk of a second wave of infections.

Wuhan Communist Party chief Wang Zhonglin said the threat of a rebound in the central city's coronavirus epidemic remained high and ordered residents to avoid leaving their homes unless it was necessary to do so.
from Wuhan residents told to stay inside and stay vigilant as China begins to lift virus lockdown
Over 1300 died in France yesterday and nearly the same number today....thats a very high body count ratio...maybe the testing is a bit off
Over 1300 died in France yesterday and nearly the same number today....thats a very high body count ratio...maybe the testing is a bit off
They changed their way of counting deaths to capture a much wider score than they had previously been doing (and which other countries do)
They changed their way of counting deaths to capture a much wider score than they had previously been doing (and which other countries do)
Yep. The UK's real figure is probably closer to France's than to the UK's self-declared figure. :( Just deaths in hospital atm in the UK, I believe.
It is actually impossible to keep up with all that is happening, but I just wanted to share this bit of news I got from my brother, who is doing is medical residency at a major NYC hospital. Two residents (in their early 30s) have died today due to lack of adequate PPE. I'm hoping to hear more about who they were.

It's nonstop sirens over here. And the subways are still jammed with people who have no other way to get to and from work. I'd like to share this article that my friend is extensively quoted in (she works for the Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development) that illustrates the totally unsurprising reality of the disparate impact on low income communities and communities of color in NYC. There's so many articles I could share

New Map Shows COVID-19 Is Hitting People of Color Hardest

In some positive news, one landlord in Brooklyn who owns 18 buildings canceled April rent for all his tenants. And my friend who is a chef prepped a bunch of meals, which we arranged to have retrieved and delivered to some neighbors in need.

Also, one of the hospitals closest to me (a very large public teaching hospital) has just been designated COVID only. Like my partner just read that just now.
Hi @D I am actually a bit shocked to hear that 1) public transport is still running and 2) that people are still going to work. Is there a plan to reduce infections in NY?
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