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In about August if the Uk government is to be believed. It looks, sadly that we all get to be a part of this story.
You really think this disease will stay the single dominant news story every day for 6 months? That seems unlikely, don't think anything ever has in my lifetime.
This first person report out of China indicates that it will be very unlikely the Chinese state will not take advantage of the virus to advance their total surveillance agenda......

This is worth a watch.

As in, do our job? This is a priority every day of the year, as demand outstrips beds in every hospital.

More ruthlessly I meant. Not my area though... although I'd love to institute proper triage at ED... "That's what you're here with? Fuck off home there's nowt wrong with you."
More ruthlessly I meant. Not my area though... although I'd love to institute proper triage at ED... "That's what you're here with? Fuck off home there's nowt wrong with you."

The biggest problem in freeing up beds is all the people with nowhere to go, be it those needing social care that doesn't exist or acute mental health care that doesn't exist. It's not that they're admitting too many malingerers in the first place.

Any drastic action to kick people out of hospital beds could cost more lives, and among similarly vulnerable groups, than the coronavirus itself.

Among many other things, it might be helpful if NHS hospitals hadn't been so relentlessly prodded into selling off 'excess' buildings which could potentially be repurposed for overflow/isolation wards in a crisis like this. If this gets really bad I would like to see the people responsible for demented policies like that hauled into court on charges of criminal negligence.
The biggest problem in freeing up beds is all the people with nowhere to go, be it those needing social care that doesn't exist or acute mental health care that doesn't exist. It's not that they're admitting too many malingerers in the first place.

That's true but only part of the issue. There are plenty of people in beds that could be treated as day cases or have treatment deferred in a crisis with no real negative impact on their health, and ED is full of people that didn't need an ambulance and don't need to be there. I think the clearing and prioritizing of treatment is maybe better started sooner rather than later if this thing is going to hit, which now seems to be inevitable from what the authorities are saying.

Anyway, like I've said, working all that out isn't my job, but I do hope it's someone's and that they're competent.

Of course all the other stuff you said about funding, selling off property is totally true. I hope they seize the Premier Inn near to the hospital I work in to accommodate healthcare stuff, rather than having then go to and from home when/if if hits badly.
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This is wrong. The Czech Republic and Greece were before.
Italy on 23 January suspended direct flights from Wuhan and but direct flights from the rest of China on 30 January. Indirect entries into Italy were not stopped.

You could be right, but I've read several sources saying Italy was first to ban travel from China, which was indeed at the end if Jan., but THIS REPORT says - the Czech government announced the ban on direct flights between the Czech Republic and China due to the new coronavirus outbreak on February 3rd. , and I can't find anything about Greece doing the same, although THIS REPORT mentions - Air China will cancel flights to Athens, Greece, from Feb. 17, so clearly they weren't banned before that. So, it appears Italy was first.

For instance one of the cases is a professor who went to central Italy had no symptoms but did not self-isolate as per guidelines so has infected several students in King's College London.

Google isn't bringing-up anything about a 'professor... infected several students in King's College London', there's just reports of one student testing positive. :hmm:

But, whatever, my main point remains, it's pointless to keep banging on about closing schools etc. at this time, when the various Chief Medical & Scientific Officers across the four nations of the UK disagree, based on, err, science.
There are many issues around freeing up beds the discharge process is often drawn out for one with patients waiting on a bed for hours until medications are ready to take home. There are some people intentionally and unintentionally holding up their discharge with unrealistic social care demands.
I'd hold off talking down the NHS when nothings actually happened yet in relation to covid, its still functioning 24 hrs a day.
You really think this disease will stay the single dominant news story every day for 6 months? That seems unlikely, don't think anything ever has in my lifetime.
The sad truth is no one will ever have seen anything like this in our lifetimes. That said the government and news organisations may pivot to ensuring a good mix of positive stories and stop the blow by blow accounts that are currently running as the disease progresses.
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Couple of useful bits here, simple explanatory video of how it kills and an article covering some of the healthcare treatments.

The video was interesting, thanks for posting it. Informative without getting lost in jargon or too much detail. So from what I understood it’s not exactly pneumonia but rather an inflammation of the lungs which causes the life threatening hypoxia in severe cases. Does anyone know what causes the inflammation? I mean is it a direct and unavoidable consequence of what the virus is doing to the lungs, or is it a secondary effect from uncontrolled coughing (for example)?
Primarily, your immune system attacking the virus.

Thanks. Sounds grim. I hope someone can come up with a treatment to reduce the inflammation without hindering the immune system’s effectiveness against the virus. Guess that’s the holy grail.
Interesting, I get prednisone for asthma emergencies. I'm reluctant to take it because it suppresses the immune system. Which I realize now means it reduces inflammation. I'm to take it with antibiotics - so presumably they take over fighting the infection with prednisone reducing inflammation.

Antibiotics no use fighting viruses so not relevant to the thread but something I'd not understood before.
It's a necessary part of recovery (cut your hand, get infected and it becomes inflamed - your immune system at work). The real problems are those cases where the immune system overreacts, particularly in the elderly and people with certain pre-existing conditions, illnesses.

Cytokine storm.
I'm not really in the mood for looking much into the future, but this paper seems quite interesting so I'm posting it now in case I forget all about it later.

Why are some articles talking about SARS-CoV-2, rather than coronavirus or COVID19?

COVID-19 is the name of the disease, not the virus.

There was some argument over the name of the virus but SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus used by plenty of scientists regardless of whatever the disputes were. There are other coronaviruses, including ones that affect us seasonally, so just calling it coronavirus is not an option.
COVID-19 is the name of the disease, not the virus.

There was some argument over the name of the virus but SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus used by plenty of scientists regardless of whatever the disputes were. There are other coronaviruses, including ones that affect us seasonally, so just calling it coronavirus is not an option.

BIB, yet it's still is the most common name used by the media.
Just got a text from boyfriend saying his dentist (north London) has the virus. No further info just he got an email telling him so. dont think he’s been there all that recently but :hmm:
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