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Coronavirus: Profiteering scumbags, scams, c*nts and more

Graeme Jenkins:

That's a tough one - some garden centres (like our local one, not a Dobbies) do sell a lot of fresh local food, including essentials like milk. They're a lot closer than the supermarkets, and as long as they're being responsible about enforcing social distancing I don't think they're being all that evil for staying open and continuing to provide a way for people to access essentials. At least they're not stripped bare like our local Tesco has been.
That's a tough one - some garden centres (like our local one, not a Dobbies) do sell a lot of fresh local food, including essentials like milk. They're a lot closer than the supermarkets, and as long as they're being responsible about enforcing social distancing I don't think they're being all that evil for staying open and continuing to provide a way for people to access essentials. At least they're not stripped bare like our local Tesco has been.

The guidance is perfectly clear. It's a garden centre not a food shop. There is no exemption for retailers who happen to sell a bit of food on the side. On that twitter thread people even allege it has started selling fresh veg recently solely for the purpose of remaining open, as it continues to flog garden furniture and plants.
The guidance is perfectly clear. It's a garden centre not a food shop. There is no exemption for retailers who happen to sell a bit of food on the side. On that twitter thread people even allege it has started selling fresh veg recently solely for the purpose of remaining open, as it continues to flog garden furniture and plants.
Our local one is explicit that they're only staying open to sell food and nothing else.
my mate got the last flight back from Thialand and landed this this morning , this is verified and not fake news:

She had this to say

' There was NOTHING at the airport that even assessed you for Corvid19! There was hand sanitiser and some leaflets!!! I got my temperature taken at other airports...even when going into some shops and restaurants in Thailand...but here..just leaflets!!! Wow... '

so Heathrow airport can be put on the list.
my mate got the last flight back from Thialand and landed this this morning , this is verified and not fake news:

She had this to say

' There was NOTHING at the airport that even assessed you for Corvid19! There was hand sanitiser and some leaflets!!! I got my temperature taken at other airports...even when going into some shops and restaurants in Thailand...but here..just leaflets!!! Wow... '

so Heathrow airport can be put on the list.

Is the infection rate much higher in Thailand? If not, why should there by any assessments at Heathrow any more than there is at my local bus station?
Is the infection rate much higher in Thailand? If not, why should there by any assessments at Heathrow any more than there is at my local bus station?
safety first , its not only people flying in from Thailand using Heathrow , are there many people at your local bus station flying in from all over the world ?
safety first , its not only people flying in from Thailand using Heathrow , are there many people at your local bus station flying in from all over the world ?

It's irrelevant where they've traveled from unless that place has a much higher infection rate and taking measures against those travelers would reduce the infection rate here.

Given that the world on average probably has a lower infection rate than the UK at the moment, taking temperatures at Heathrow would be less effective than taking temperatures on any UK high street.
It's irrelevant where they've traveled from unless that place has a much higher infection rate and taking measures against those travelers would reduce the infection rate here.

Given that the world on average probably has a lower infection rate than the UK at the moment, taking temperatures at Heathrow would be less effective than taking temperatures on any UK high street.
I disagree , Heathrow is essentially 4 airports in one, it's akin to a small city, with the added bonus of people flying in from everywhere , not only that , thousands of staff there who could be possible carriers , its not good enough
I disagree , Heathrow is essentially 4 airports in one, it's akin to a small city, with the added bonus of people flying in from everywhere , not only that , thousands of staff there who could be possible carriers , its not good enough

Plus being crowded together on aircraft with ventilation systems (I presume) circulating the air.
I used to work for a dobbies garden centre in bookham ( although im not sure its the same people ) I can confirm the owner is / was a complete cunt

It is owned by Tesco.

As you were. Tesco sold it to On 17 June 2016, Tesco sold the company on to a group of investors led by Midlothian Capital Partners and Hattington Capital for £217m
Apologies for the language, but the alliteration pleases me. Anyway as it says, no previous form allowed to count, just their behaviour and/or attitude over this crisis.

For a starter I'll nominate....

Mike Ashley, boss of Sports Direct.

Total and utter cunt.
Apology not accepted. Do NOT use words like 'cunt' in the title as it may well result in the site being blocked for some users. But you knew that anyway. Please try and think of others.
Plus being crowded together on aircraft with ventilation systems (I presume) circulating the air.

If the air was the problem flight crews going down with it would have been an early spike its predominantly touching things. Border could have put in thermal imaging cameras , wouldn't have been perfect but would have provided some screening at what were bottlenecks. Station terminus too
Surely the prize must go to all the cocks panic buying food so that NHS workers, the elderly and people with food allergies or restricted diets have none? I'm ashamed of my country. What a bunch of fucking arseholes.
This ^^^^

I'd also like to add the shits that have burnt out 2 Iceland delivery vans, the cunts vandalising ambulances and the morons who stole 8 oxygen and nitrous oxide cylinders from a hospital in Manchester. :mad:
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