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Coronavirus: Profiteering scumbags, scams, c*nts and more

BOC advise that the cylinder should be inverted three times before use if stored below 10C. It was Berlin, in Winter and the treatment room window had been open, so the room was cold.

As I say, Google BOC and Entonox.
Just vile

Hedge funds have made more than £1bn in just two weeks by betting on the downfall of major airlines.

Billions of pounds have been wiped off the value of the likes of British Airways owner IAG, easyJet and Ryanair – despite airlines recouping some lost ground on Friday.

Around £100m has been made by investors placing short trades against IAG alone, according to analysis of figures compiled by IHS Markit.

Two investors from across the Atlantic have led the attack against easyJet – Citadel, founded by billionaire Ken Griffin, and secretive computer-driven fund AQR Management.

The two investment firms have also prospered by placing big bets against Air France-KLM and Europe’s biggest airline, Lufthansa.
Our local chemist was getting shit for charging a fiver for 50ml hand san. I told him to put a sign up stating what the wholesaler was charging him (£4.50) The shit has now stopped.
Stephen Glover uses his column in the Mail to question the price the young will have to pay once the UK is through the pandemic.

He says the government's wage assurances will mean "years of austerity" that will make the last decade look like a "minor irritant".

He asks: "Is it right that in order to save the lives of mostly elderly people the future lives of millions should be devastated?"

Well, Thatcher got what she wanted - there really IS no such thing as society, according to quite a few people :(

But in some ways, who cares about the scum who peddle such lies? The point about this moment is that their shit has been demonstrated to be false, eg the army of volunteers that has quickly been raised.

In this sense the response to this pandemic represents the death of several more lies that underpinned the politics of Thatcher & Co.
But in some ways, who cares about the scum who peddle such lies? The point about this moment is that their shit has been demonstrated to be false, eg the army of volunteers that has quickly been raised.

In this sense the response to this pandemic represents the death of several more lies that underpinned the politics of Thatcher & Co.
No, that is true. I suspect there will be increasingly strident "no society" type calls as those for whom it's the core belief watch society coalescing itself and becoming something they might have very good reason to be afraid of.
Theres a future bailout & austerity issue too, although not the one Glover evokes. But its too early for me to feel like getting into that much yet, though I will be surprised if thats not where much of the action is once we've dealt with the virus itself. I suspect that to get through that without hideous, regressive outcomes, some of the lessons people learn about society and each other, the bonds they have forged, the collaborative systems they have created, the priorities, the possibilities, in a time of acute crisis will need to be maintained and applied to other contexts.
Well, Thatcher got what she wanted - there really IS no such thing as society, according to quite a few people :(

That is not all she said though, is it? This selective quote has been peddled to the gullible for decades.

Without Googling, can you tell me where the interview was printed?
Everyone saw through her policies and her extensive collection of appalling rhetoric what she stood for, and you are one of the very last people I would ask to volunteer to man the radars of gullibility detection.
It should be quite clear to everyone now that the response to the virus will kill many more than the virus itself, in this case the remedy will prove far more deadly than the poison. It doesn't have to be but capitalism being what it is it most certainly will.

But fucking hell, that's not really the point. When faced with the numbers that are being projected only a psychopath could honestly argue that doing nothing is the best option.
Everyone saw through her policies and her extensive collection of appalling rhetoric what she stood for, and you are one of the very last people I would ask to volunteer to man the radars of gullibility detection.

So, you don't know where the interview was printed, and haven't read it in full? About what I expect from the left really, much rumour and speculation, fuck all in the way of substance.

When I initially read the truncated quote, I went to the source and read the full interview. Frankly, the left have been deliberately lying about this for years.
It looks like out of control capitalism is the common denominator here, creaming profit, shirking any responsibility for consequence. I've not seen a better advert for higher taxation and better regulation for larger business than this.
It should be quite clear to everyone now that the response to the virus will kill many more than the virus itself, in this case the remedy will prove far more deadly than the poison. It doesn't have to be but capitalism being what it is it most certainly will.

But fucking hell, that's not really the point. When faced with the numbers that are being projected only a psychopath could honestly argue that doing nothing is the best option.
Ever heard the expression 'The operation was successful, but the patient died'?

The government are having to balance protecting and supporting the populace, whilst trying to stop the economy from dying. I don't know what the eventual outcome will be, but I would imagine that a goodly number of businesses that close will never reopen. Hard times ahead.
It looks like out of control capitalism is the common denominator here, creaming profit, shirking any responsibility for consequence. I've not seen a better advert for higher taxation and better regulation for larger business than this.

Back in the days of Callaghan, that was possible. Not now. Business is much more agile.

I completely agree that more than one business has behaved appallingly at the moment.
That is not all she said though, is it? This selective quote has been peddled to the gullible for decades.

Without Googling, can you tell me where the interview was printed?

Woman's Own or similar. I've read the whole interview numerous times.

What we are seeing from Boris now is exactly the legacy of the neiberal ideology that that quote epitomises.

The transfer of risk to "rationally acting" individuals, along with the responsibility for the consequences of their "free choice".

So when Boris gives out vague advice he's washing his, and the Government"s hands of responsibility for the spread of c19 and placing it squarely in the hands of members of the public who have "chosen" not follow the advice correctly.

A man suspected of planning to attack a hospital treating coronavirus cases in the US state of Missouri died after a shootout with the FBI, officials say.

The confrontation happened as agents tried to arrest the 36-year-old in the city of Belton as part of a domestic terrorism investigation, the FBI said.

Officials said the man was motivated by racist and anti-government beliefs.

He had allegedly considered a range of targets before settling on the hospital because of the current outbreak.

The suspect, identified by authorities as Timothy R Wilson, had been under surveillance for months, which revealed him to be a "potentially violent extremist" who had expressed racial and religious hatred, the FBI said in a statement.

Wilson had previously considered attacking a school with a large number of black students, a mosque and a synagogue, according to the FBI.

He reportedly decided to target the unidentified hospital after
Woman's Own or similar. I've read the whole interview numerous times.

What we are seeing from Boris now is exactly the legacy of the neiberal ideology that that quote epitomises.

The transfer of risk to "rationally acting" individuals, along with the responsibility for the consequences of their "free choice".

So when Boris gives out vague advice he's washing his, and the Government"s hands of responsibility for the spread of c19 and placing it squarely in the hands of members of the public who have "chosen" not follow the advice correctly.

The behaviour of the public has at times been positively criminal. The crowds last weekend at various places will undoubtedly have created more cases.
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