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Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has laughed off the suggestion that his country should try to stem the spread of the coronavirus, because he can't see the virus "flying around".

Speaking to a TV reporter at an indoor ice hockey match, he also claimed that crowds at the match were fine because the coldness of the stadium would prevent the virus from spreading.

There is no evidence that this could be the case and the coronavirus cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Unlike most of Europe, Belarus has not placed any restrictions on sports events.

"There are no viruses here," Mr Lukashenko said. "You haven't seen them flying around, have you? I don't see them either! This is a fridge. Sport, particularly the ice, this fridge here, that's the best antiviral cure!"

from the 20:51 entry of BBC live updates page https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-52081389
Jack Evans is silly. That's not analogous at all.

If I get severe anthrax poisoning and just before I die I catch the flu, does that go down as a 'flu death' or an anthrax death?

What we know at the moment is that so far, the vast majority of people with confirmed C19 have made a full recovery. So of the people who died with the infection, how many had mild cases or infections that weren't a contributory factor in their deaths? Have those deaths been included in the 1200 odd "Coronavirus deaths"?
Well they may have died anyway but without Covid-19 they probably would have lived a bit longer.
Probably, but we don't know that for sure and it almost certainly won't be true of all cases. The thing is that Neil made a valid point. Let's see how these deaths are being recorded because at the moment we don't know.
Well they may have died anyway but without Covid-19 they probably would have lived a bit longer.
Its perfectly reasonable to ask the question though. it seems highly likely that some of the deaths would have occurred anyway, be it within days, weeks or months.

At some point people are going to start dying of poverty and the isolation is taking a heavy toll on mental health too. It’s not just the virus that kills, it’s the fallout, and a balance needs to be struck between preventing the spread of the disease and sleepwalking into a total economic collapse that could take decades to recover from and make the numbers killed by C19 pale into insignificance.

i would agree that at the moment the priority should be the virus, but people are going to get restless if those (the young and those who’ve recovered and have immunity) who are not in any real danger are forced to be unproductive.
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Probably, but we don't know that for sure and it almost certainly won't be true of all cases. The thing is that Neil made a valid point. Let's see how these deaths are being recorded because at the moment we don't know.

There's plenty of reports saying the official figures are only of cases that have been tested prior to death, so mainly those in hospital, whereas deaths of people out in community, that were showing symptoms, are not included.

I guess after this shit is over, comparing total UK deaths during the outbreak, or maybe the total for the whole year, with what is normal in the same period in other years, will give us the best estimate of total deaths caused directly or indirectly by C19.
There's plenty of reports saying the official figures are only of cases that have been tested prior to death, so mainly those in hospital, whereas deaths of people out in community, that were showing symptoms, are not included.
Well that goes without saying. Nobody could reasonably include untested deaths in the "Coronavirus deaths" column. It's important to understand what the reason for reporting deaths is. Either they're looking to give an accurate picture of the morbidity of C19 (in which case Andrew Neil is right to make that point), or they're trying to scare people into better habits or simply being sensationalist (in which case just make the numbers up to suit whatever agenda you're into).
Jack Evans is silly. That's not analogous at all.

If I get severe anthrax poisoning and just before I die I catch the flu, does that go down as a 'flu death' or an anthrax death?
Depends whether anthrax causes you to die of a specifically identifiable respiratory failure, doesn't it?

Well that goes without saying. Nobody could reasonably include untested deaths in the "Coronavirus deaths" column. It's important to understand what the reason for reporting deaths is. Either they're looking to give an accurate picture of the morbidity of C19 (in which case Andrew Neil is right to make that point), or they're trying to scare people into better habits or simply being sensationalist (in which case just make the numbers up to suit whatever agenda you're into).
It doesn't really matter what the morbidity rate is, as long as it's consistently measured. If it did include people who would have died of flu, so be it. What the death count really tells us is how far through this we might be, whether measures are working, and what capacity we might need.

The implication that people like Neil are making is, I think, 'maybe these people would have died anyway, shrug, perhaps the rest of us should go back to normal'.
Depends whether anthrax causes you to die of a specifically identifiable respiratory failure, doesn't it?
Absolutely. What if it doesn't? Are you saying that everyone on the 'Corona death list' has died specifically of respiratory failure attributable to C19? I'll call nonsense if you do and ask for proof.

The implication that people like Neil are making is, I think, 'maybe these people would have died anyway, shrug, perhaps the rest of us should go back to normal'.

Only if you choose to read it like that which unsurprisngly many here do. I think that's bollocks personally. The implication to me is 'this is serious shit but let's not scaremonger any more than is absolutely necessary and let's do our best to keep a degree of perpective on things', which I think is perfectly reasonable and actually quite sensible. If Jeremy Corbyn had said it Urban would be declaring it most insightful, but ... it's Andrew Neil. Hey ho!
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Red Bull motorsport boss Helmut Marko said he advised his drivers to become infected with coronavirus while the season is in hiatus.

The 76-year-old said he had the idea to bring his Formula 1 drivers and juniors together in a camp, which "would be the ideal time for the infection to come".

"They are all strong young men in good health. That way they would be prepared whenever the action starts," he said.

The rest of Red Bull management were against the idea, which was abandoned.

Well that goes without saying. Nobody could reasonably include untested deaths in the "Coronavirus deaths" column...

Well, of course not, but the point is they haven't been testing those that die in the community, which they should have been, in order to produce more accurate figures.

However, BBC News is reporting they are now going to start testing those that die at home, and in care & nursing homes, and include them in the national figures.
I guess after this shit is over, comparing total UK deaths during the outbreak, or maybe the total for the whole year, with what is normal in the same period in other years, will give us the best estimate of total deaths caused directly or indirectly by C19.

The totals will balance an increase due to the virus against a likely decrease because of everything grinding to a halt.

Most recent figures

There's enough money to prevent anyone dying of poverty; that it won't be is a political choice...
Well yes, but the reality is that this is not likely to usher in a new age of social equality. Once house prices and incomes fall through the floor people will soon forget about the needs of cleaners, shop assistants and their other new found heroes.

Do you sense any great surge in revolutionary fervour, beyond a rather superficial want that those in the frontline services get thrown a few extra crumbs in the future mate?
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