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Coronavirus: Profiteering scumbags, scams, c*nts and more

BBC 'health correspondent' Nick Triggle pushing loon/tory talking points. I expect he has a track record of cuntistry.

I certainly documented two previous occasions on this forum in recent weeks, not in this thread though. A search for Triggle will probably reveal them.
Not sure who's coming out worse at the moment; overpaid footballers refusing to give up a penny to the cause or that nice Mr Mogg, tips forelock, who is hoping to make a 500% profit on his investments out of others misfortune and death.
nb. I see that Wild Zaha has offered 50 of his property's free of rent to NHS workers.
Not sure who's coming out worse at the moment; overpaid footballers refusing to give up a penny to the cause or that nice Mr Mogg, tips forelock, who is hoping to make a 500% profit on his investments out of others misfortune and death.
Any source for that ? interested
Not sure who's coming out worse at the moment; overpaid footballers refusing to give up a penny to the cause or that nice Mr Mogg, tips forelock, who is hoping to make a 500% profit on his investments out of others misfortune and death.
nb. I see that Wild Zaha has offered 50 of his property's free of rent to NHS workers.
Any source for that ? interested
Mirror yesterday.
Can I nominate Peter Jolley. Not entirely sure who he is but certainly covered himself in shit on radio 4's reunion this morning.
Since I had to self isolate two or so weeks ago, I've not had access to a radio. My quality of life has improved immeasurably by not having to listen to Radio 4 any more

Last time I listened to radio 4 (apart from recordings of the archers of course :) ) was oooo 8 or 9 years ago. There was a power cut and I had a shit wind-up radio that you had to wind up for 2 minutes and gave you 30 seconds radio listening. That 30 seconds of radio 4 annoyed me so much that I've never listened again. As you say ... improved quality of life :)
Another long-term cunt, in this case someone whose been on that scene for so long that Frank Zappa sung about him in 1988.

When the lie's so big
As in Robertson's case, (That sinister face
Behind all the Jesus hurrah)Could result in the end
To a worrisome trend
In which every American
Not 'born again'Could be punished in cruel and unusual ways
By this treacherous cretin
Who tells everyone
That he's Jesus' best friend


More scum

We have received 41 reports of a scam email purporting to be from HM Government asking for donations to the NHS during the COVID-19 outbreak.

This is a fake email and your money will only end up in the hands of a criminal.

I've always thought bedside phones and TVs in hospitals were a massive scam and the providers were sketchy as fuck but Hospedia really are a bunch of cunts

Hospital phone company refuses to remove fees

I look forward to getting back to work putting WiFi in hospitals asap so patients can fuck these wankers off and use their own kit.
We need to start hoarding pitchforks, tar and rope, there may be a run on them after the lockdown gets lifted.
What fucking piece of shit gave this bunch of shitehawks the contract for this scam?

probably Blair, as an NHS frequent flier all this stuff started on his watch.

You used to have a crap old big telly (donated by ‘Friends of the Jubilee Ward’ or whatever’) in a communal area on the ward, with the occasional argument about what to watch (I once took a Nintendo in and played with that :) ). That and a crappy pay phone, but at least your relatives could ring in for no extra cost (as long as you didn’t hog it for too long).

They put in all these private enterprise screens on cantilevered arms above each bed and sold it as an improvement, even though you only got half an hour free telly in the morning (after registering for a card) and it cost relatives a pound a minute to call you (but you have a ‘phone at your bedside, your own number!‘ it would state excitedly. Receive emails!). They then got rid of the communal telly and pay phone to help the profits of the provider, only the one in Leeds went bust pretty rapidly as it wasn’t cheap kit and nobody would bother with the expensive calls. Then mobiles happened and places got relaxed about you using them.
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