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Coronavirus: Profiteering scumbags, scams, c*nts and more

Well yes, but the reality is that this is not likely to usher in a new age of social equality. Once house prices and incomes fall through the floor people will soon forget about the needs of cleaners, shop assistants and their other new found heroes.

Do you sense any great surge in revolutionary fervour, beyond a rather superficial want that those in the frontline services get thrown a few extra crumbs in the future mate?

No, I don't. But it's the best opportunity for change we've had for a long time.
Jack Evans is silly. That's not analogous at all.

If I get severe anthrax poisoning and just before I die I catch the flu, does that go down as a 'flu death' or an anthrax death?

What we know at the moment is that so far, the vast majority of people with confirmed C19 have made a full recovery. So of the people who died with the infection, how many had mild cases or infections that weren't a contributory factor in their deaths? Have those deaths been included in the 1200 odd "Coronavirus deaths"?
Well we don't know. But I'll take a punt and say 'very, very few'. It's a non-argument. UK total deaths figure is currently 1,408. Maybe you're right and this is the wrong figure. It really should be 1,402. Person with coronavirus falls off a ladder and breaks their neck - not a c19 death. Person with coronavirus turns up at hospital wheezing and then dies - a c19 death, whatever the comorbidities. Thing about comorbidities is that lots of people have them - pretty much 100% of the over-80s have underlying health conditions of one kind or another, normally several of them.
Well we don't know. But I'll take a punt and say 'very, very few'. It's a non-argument. UK total deaths figure is currently 1,408. Maybe you're right and this is the wrong figure. It really should be 1,402.
Completely disagree. You've just pulled that out of the air and it's no more or less accurate than me saying it's 50%.
Thing about comorbidities is that lots of people have them - pretty much 100% of the over-80s have underlying health conditions of one kind or another, normally several of them.
Sure. And if you want to exempt the over 80s from scrutinization of comorbidities when examining C19 deaths, that's fine by me. In fact I'd suggest doing so. Chances are those people would die from catching any other illness. There are likely many others though who are dying from other illnesses where C19 has played little or no part at all but still being logged as Coronavirus deaths. Giving that idea some space really shouldn't be controversial at all.
There are likely many others though who are dying from other illnesses where C19 has played little or no part at all but still being logged as Coronavirus deaths. Giving that idea some space really shouldn't be controversial at all.
Hang on, you accuse me of pulling a figure out of the air, then you say this!!! No, there aren't likely many others. In reality the only people who are likely to die from something else with no contribution from c19 are those who present as entirely unsymptomatic. Such people aren't currently even being tested in the UK. Anyone with symptoms at the very least has been weakened and had their system compromised by c19.

As I said, it's really a non-argument. But we can know a lot more than you're making out. You do know that there has been a massive surge in people turning up at hospital in the past week, don't you? Presenting with c19-like symptoms. And some of these are going into intensive care. And some of these are dying. And these make up the bulk of the 1400-odd figure at the moment. Kinell.
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Hang on, you accuse me of pulling a figure out of the air, then you say this!!! No, there aren't likely many others. In reality the only people who are likely to die from something else with no contribution from c19 are those who present as entirely unsymptomatic. Such people aren't currently even being tested in the UK. Anyone with symptoms at the very least has been weakened and had their system compromised by c19.
No chance! We know for certain that in the enormous majority of confirmed cases the virus is non fatal. In many cases it seems to be barely troublesome. There is absolutely no way that you can extrapolate from the above that C19 was a contributory factor in all, or even most, of those deaths without proper research.

Of course the virus has killed people. Nobody disputes that, but once again we need to decide why we are producing these 'death toll' figures. If it's just to keep track of 'the number of people who have died with the infection regardless of whether or not it contributed to their deaths', then fine. It's a pretty useless stat though. What people really want to know is "how many people like me have died?", "how many people similar to my kids or family have died?", "how many healthy people has this killed?" ... etc, etc ...

If we agree that some people infected with C19 have died wholly or mainly from other causes (and been counted as "coronavirus deaths") then the rest of your post is moot. That alone becomes worthy of closer inspection.
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NFU VP Tom Bradshaw was calling for an end to national minimum wage on radio this morning. He says UK workers won't be skilled or efficient enough to meet expected fruit and veg picking quotas, so an exception should be made.
Exploiting and potentially exposing your gullible followers to serious risk for profit. Ain't religion GREAT?

It is by faith that you can be saved from the Coronavirus pandemic by covering yourself with the Divine Plague Protection Oil and wearing the Scarlet Yarn on your body. That is why I want to encourage you, if you haven’t done so already, to get your Divine Plague Protection Kit today!

As you use this oil, along with a special scarlet yarn, every coronavirus and any other deadly thing will pass over you

That honestly reminds me of the spoof adverts in Viz.
More of these are going about


No chance! We know for certain that in the enormous majority of confirmed cases the virus is non fatal. In many cases it seems to be barely troublesome. There is absolutely no way that you can extrapolate from the above that C19 was a contributory factor in all, or even most, of those deaths without proper research.

Of course the virus has killed people. Nobody disputes that. But once again we need to decide why we are producing these 'death toll' figures. If it's just to keep track of 'the number of people who have died with the infection regardless of whether or not it contributed to their deaths', then fine. It's a pretty useless stat though.

What people really want to know is "how many people like me have died?", "how many people similar to my kids or family have died?", "how many healthy people has this killed?" ... etc, etc ...

If we agree that some people infected with C19 have died wholly or mainly from other causes (and been counted as "coronavirus deaths") then the rest of your post is moot. That alone becomes worthy of closer inspection.

I'm never one to gloat, but ...


At last! Some perspective.
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Dana White of the UFC is another well known existing shithead who has cemented his shitty status with things he has said and done in this pandemic. His shit plans are being thwarted as more US states lockdown, and more fighters refuse to appear.

This version of the story is already out of date, but it will have to do for now.

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