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Coronavirus: Profiteering scumbags, scams, c*nts and more

I think it was a Labour thing but I might be wrong. It was around the turn of the century that I worked on them and the company at the time was Patientline. They went bust but the systems seem to survive. Last big hospital network I did was at the James Cook in Teeside. I said to one of their guys, won't the people who get the revenue from the screens be annoyed if we offer free WiFi to all the patients. The response was 'Fuck them' as the hospital got nothing in revenue from the screens, just aggro when they didn't work or people were complaining about the cost.
I think it was a Labour thing but I might be wrong. It was around the turn of the century that I worked on them and the company at the time was Patientline. They went bust but the systems seem to survive. Last big hospital network I did was at the James Cook in Teeside. I said to one of their guys, won't the people who get the revenue from the screens be annoyed if we offer free WiFi to all the patients. The response was 'Fuck them' as the hospital got nothing in revenue from the screens, just aggro when they didn't work or people were complaining about the cost.

yeah, it was patientline we had in Leeds. I think they did end up giving a bit more telly for free, or you could buy a weekly card for something like £5 or £10 that I think gave you a couple of hours TV a day. Internet was rubbish, but that was pretty normal for the time.

The sad thing is that losing the old communal telly made things less sociable, you’d often end up chatting a lot to people in the communal rooms/areas and that sort of thing would be good for morale and outcomes, rather than lots of people sat in bed listening to TV or radio on headphones.
Please do read the whole article and once again see how the Tories pull the wool over your eyes presenting anything they do as good for the NHS and take advantage of a health crisis while what they are really doing is helping its demise. Extract (my bold).

The government’s recent deal with private hospitals, who will provide their beds and staff to help the NHS cope with coronavirus, has been framed as a significant boost for the NHS.
Whilst the NHS will benefit from an 8% (7,956) increase in available beds (although only 160 of these are for intensive care) and 10,000 more nursing staff, the arguably larger benefits are for the private hospitals themselves and their lenders and landlords, who in effect have received a bailout from the government at a time of crisis.


This deal with the NHS represents a double win for private hospitals. Firstly it secures their businesses against the damage caused by coronavirus. Secondly, to be seen to help the NHS during this crisis will certainly bolster their reputation and brand power, which aids their long-term goal to expand in the space left by a constrained and diminished NHS.
Furthermore, private hospitals expect another win in the immediate aftermath of the virus. While NHS hospitals recover and adjust they will be able to work on the rising backlog of patients whose elective (i.e. non-emergency) operations have been delayed. As Spire Healthcare Plc, told investors following the deal:
“The agreement allows for sufficient notice to prepare for the resumption of private and NHS elective care in the normal manner once the COVID-19 peak has passed. Spire Healthcare should then be in a strong position to meet the demand arising from the period of elective suspension.”


Whilst the NHS will receive some immediate benefits from this arrangement, the private hospitals, their shareholders, landlords, and lenders stand to gain substantially from this deal, which effectively bails them out in the midst of a global recession.

There were of course other options that the NHS could have pursued in striking such a deal: it could have requisitioned the assets and facilities of the private hospital sector for the period of the crisis or it could have stated that it would pay “reasonable” costs relating to overheads, debt repayment, or rent to landlords. The more generous nature of the deal reflects the NHS’s increasing reliance on private hospitals to provide essential capacity and services, because of the sustained lack of sufficient investment in the NHS by successive governments.Who benefits from the NHS’s bailout of private hospitals? — CHPI
Posted on Guardian Cif, very revealing.
I get trading standards bulletins at work and there's loads of scams - social media fake ads of supermarkets offering vouchers for struggling families, malicious Covid-19 apps that install ransomware, fake bank texts offering mortgage and cc payment breaks and inviting the victim to enter their personal details after clicking on a link, fake offers from ISPs offering faster services, bogus callers offering Covid-19 vaccines, or testing kits, or PPE, phishing emails with malicious links or attachments, asking for NHS donations, or offering medical advice, job scams offering key worker opportunites but asking for an upfront vetting fee, fake holiday refund sites, miracle cure scams, doorstep callers claiming to be from charities doing shopping for people and asking for their card details, even doorstop callers offering to disinfect gardens for older people ffs
It's a despicable pageant of cuntery
I've been receiving phishing e-mails purportedly from Tesco, many seemingly originating in US universities judging by the IP address. Reported them to Tesco.

Just checked and have received another one, this time with an IP associated with Newcastle university.

Dеаr Сuѕtоmеr,

ТESС0 іѕ gіvіng уоu а сhаnсе tо ѕhор fоr frее thіѕ СОVІD-19 ѕеаѕоn аt аnу оf оur оutlеtѕ оr оnlіnе bу gіvіng оut frее vоuсhеrѕ.

Тhіѕ оffеr іѕ fоr Аll uѕеrѕ аnd іt wіll bе оn untіl thе еnd оf Арrіl 2020.

То Quаlіfу, fоllоw thе lіnk bеlоw аnd іnрut аll thе dеtаіlѕ rеquіrеd

Сlісk hеrе tо Rеgіѕtеr <link removed>

Аftеr vаlіdаtіоn, іf ѕеlесtеd уоur vоuсhеr wіll bе ѕеnt vіа tехt mеѕѕаgе оr роѕtеd tо уоur Mаіlbох.

Тhаnkѕ fоr tаkіng раrt, Тhе Теѕс0 tеаm

'NHS Frontline Immune Support' is a coalition of woo-merchants trying to blag donations for supplements and homeopathic 'remedies' to give to NHS workers. You'd think they could just donate the stuff themselves if they were that bothered. Or just fuck off.

Sadly Crowdfunder won't allow you to donate 0.0000000001 pence, which is scientifically proven to be the most effective amount of money.

e2a: Looking at their policy statement they say they're not charging for their time, and all monies will go to paying suppliers. But they are the suppliers :hmm:
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How's this for a fucking tacky cash-in - a map letting know property investors "how many existing and new cases of COVID-19 there in a given area."


There used to be a video of Jazzz here.
Dr Jazz at the Southbank

Sadly, it's gorn, gobbled up by the Lizards of Liz. He was our Captain Kirk.

DP World, owner of P&O Ferries wants £150m from the government. This week they will pay their shareholders a dividend of £270m.

We'll see, Sunak is taking a hard line with Beardy Branson, hopefully he will with this bunch, If as a last resort the UK govt does have to bail out some companies (and it almost certainly will) then it needs to be form of taking a stake. Something along the lines of the company is worth £1bn, the govt forks out £100m then it owns 10%.
And no dividends any company paying out dividends anywhere is just plain out of luck.
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. . . Something along the lines of the company is worth £1bn, the govt forks out £100m then it owns 25%.
And no dividends any company paying out dividends anywhere is just plain out of luck.

FIFY - I prefer my maths - and isn't it how capitalism works, the strong take over the weak
Big Clive is having a binge on cheap disco lights re-badged as UV.

This one is at least genuine - but very low-powered - and it has a safety timer so you can vacate the area when it's operating - but 79 fucking quid for something you could probably have got on EBay for under a tenner before ...

Big Clive is having a binge on cheap disco lights re-badged as UV.

This one is at least genuine - but very low-powered - and it has a safety timer so you can vacate the area when it's operating - but 79 fucking quid for something you could probably have got on EBay for under a tenner before ...

View attachment 212114
View attachment 212115
It's going to be a tight fit, but I think it'll just about squeeze in, for that internal cleansing.
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