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Coronavirus: Profiteering scumbags, scams, c*nts and more

Have we had this yet?
Basically fast fashion retailers screwing the Bangladeshi factory workers.

This is a good idea tho (fuck off the shops and buy the clothes)
Bit harsh comment there calling his wife a twat for crashing his £200k Lamborghini into a hedge. Should be given some sort of award.
I have a mate who works on the Scillonian (takes passengers by sea to the Isles of Scilly and back) and numerous passengers have refused to hand sanitise. He has been told more than once that they've come on holiday to get away from that bullshit.
I have a mate who works on the Scillonian (takes passengers by sea to the Isles of Scilly and back) and numerous passengers have refused to hand sanitise. He has been told more than once that they've come on holiday to get away from that bullshit.
Cunts. They should have a stirrup pump full of icy cold hand sanitiser for twats like that.
I posted this on the 'Profiteering Scumbags' thread, but I am upgrading him from 'scumbag' to 'crisis cunt'.

How about this scumbag cunt, just how fucking low can you get? :mad:

I hope he's sent down for a long time.

He got away with 10 months jail suspended for two years & 170 hours unpaid work, although he did spend 3 months inside awaiting trail, and he still faces prosecution in the US, so not a bad result.

I heard this morning there have been 5 cases in Bodmin from holidaymakers coming down. Not sure whether that's true but inevitable I suppose. It's the second home owners who should be stopped and told to fuck off back to their first home though.
Some people on Urban75 have mentioned buying/taking Vitamin K in capsule form to improve outcomes should they become infected with Covid-19.

I found this sceptical article which alleges that two of the co-authors of a research paper bigging up the anti-Covid potential of Vitamin K are themselves in the business of selling . . . Vitamin K supplements!


The article goes on to claim that the research paper's claims were regurgitated uncritically by The Guardian. Also, that Vitamin K plays a role in enabling blood clotting, so it's the last thing you want for a disease which causes tiny bloody clots in your lungs and elsewhere. Haven't a clue on the latter point, maybe something to find expert opinion on, probably of the "It depends. . ." variety.
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Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli has said he felt "humiliated and offended" by lockdown measures imposed in the country due to coronavirus.

"I could not leave the house even though I had committed no crime," Bocelli said.

He also admitted to disobeying lockdown rules and believing the severity of the pandemic had been overblown.

His comments will surprise many as he had become a symbol of national unity at the height of the lockdown.

This is a good idea tho (fuck off the shops and buy the clothes)
That's a good idea - a bit lucky dip but it's a good cause.
There's other drugs like dexamethasone that are very cheap and actually proved to reduce the risk of death tho.

Good point. It's also a drug from the mid-1950s too.

Maybe it's because no one is using it in hospitals, so they can make ridiculous inflated claims.
The basis of this is a $765m government loan to Kodak under the Defense Production Act so that it can start a pharmaceutical manufacturing business in the US. Kodak's biggest shareholder is a Republican donor called George Karfunkel. Kodak are promising to create jobs in swing states. Still, I'm sure it is totally above board. Nothing to see here.

I've ordered a box so will report back in 6-8 weeks whether the clothes are OK. For age group - don't you know how old you are? :hmm:
I'm 57 but dress younger (more casual) not that that seems to make any difference around here. It was the difference in the age groups you have to choose from that I don't get. :confused:
I am under the impression that in recent months there has been a marked increase in minor celebrities talking absolute ignorant bollocks about the pandemic.

I have done my best to utterly avoid this shit on twitter etc, so I dont have a list of people or quotes. All the same, despite attempting to avoid this stuff I became aware that Matt Le Tissier and Carol McGiffin are examples.

I'm sure well established cunt Piers Morgan is still a cunt, but he is generally on the right side of reality in this pandemic and so its sometimes been he who has ended up clashing with these dangerous idiots.

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