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Coronavirus: Profiteering scumbags, scams, c*nts and more

I believe Purell recently came into conflict with the FDA for making slightly-too-specific claims that nudged them into medicine territory ...

Good reply from the Sweary Headteacher I note :D

Currently working on an economics quiz book called ‘Exploiting Desperate People during a Crisis’. I’m thinking of employing social media marketing people who have no shame to publicise it. Any takers?
The company I work for is involved in the manufacture and distribution (non retail) of hand sanitizer and it's been phone calls all day every day for weeks now. Had some scumbag phone up three times today wanting to buy so he could sell on, was told to fuck off by three different people. Our company owner, to his credit, isn't interested in putting prices up to take advantage, although he might have to in a couple of months as we've been told some of the ingredients are getting harder to come by.

If we'd told all our regular customers that we're out of stock then just sold what we have on eBay we could be making 10/20/fuck knows times as much margin per unit. But we're not profiteering scumbags :thumbs:
This bent shitdroplet is being nicely slapped down

Missouri Sues Televangelist Jim Bakker For Selling Fake Coronavirus Cure

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For years, and I do mean years, supermarkets have been selling those Uncle Bens microwaveable rice packet thingys for a quid, or at least 2 for 2 quid.. for years, I actually can’t remember the last time it cost more, in any supermarket.

My local Morrison’s now have single packets for £1.79
Thats disgusting, something should happen there, peaceful like though

tesco's online only have the poshed sanitisers, pasta, etc.

Surely that'd only count as profiteering if they'd put the price up? Otherwise it's just them happening to sell a product that benefits from the current crisis. It's not like they made it purely in order to profit from coronavirus. Most of the school students being taught at home during widespread school closures won't be "desperate people," just bored.
Subhuman filth

Millionaire hedge fund bosses Sir Paul Marshall and Ian Wace have made more than £50million from the collapse of leisure stocks as the coronavirus outbreak grips London markets.

Their Knightsbridge-based firm Marshall Wace placed huge bets on falling share prices, its disclosures reveal.

And if that wasn't bad enough: "Marshall’s son is in popular rock band, Mumford and Sons "
Because washing your hands is important for your health. Unlike, say, drinking water which is just faddish, decadent lifestyle nonsense.
Well, obvs, it's socialism - almost communism. You don't give people water for their OWN good, like drinking it. But if you deny them water to wash their hands with, who are you going to blame when THEY give YOU the nasty coronacooties because they hadn't washed their mitts?

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