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Coronavirus: music festivals, big gigs, sports events and big gatherings - going ahead and cancelled

BB1 and Frau Bahn are off to see Mr Ben and the Bens tonight at the Boileroom in Guildford, it’s a very small venue, a proper plague pit of a place. Will report back on infections…

So, Boiler Room asked to see Frau Bahn's vaccination status and BB1 needed to upload a negative rapid test to the NHS site, she did not need to actually take the test though, so it seems it was all fairly sloppy, as others have reported elsewhere. Only around 25 people there though, doors and windows open plus an outside space (smoking area) that has been tarted up over the lockdowns. At £7 a ticket split between three bands, not much for Mr Ben to cover the costs of coming down from Lancaster, everyone did buy some merch to try and help out. It's a start and they both reported the headline band was excellent.
So, Boiler Room asked to see Frau Bahn's vaccination status and BB1 needed to upload a negative rapid test to the NHS site, she did not need to actually take the test though, so it seems it was all fairly sloppy, as others have reported elsewhere. Only around 25 people there though, doors and windows open plus an outside space (smoking area) that has been tarted up over the lockdowns. At £7 a ticket split between three bands, not much for Mr Ben to cover the costs of coming down from Lancaster, everyone did buy some merch to try and help out. It's a start and they both reported the headline band was excellent.
I've been to the boiler room and 25 people (on the inside bit) makes it sounds packed :D
Got an email saying the Feb 2022 Shopping gig that I had a ticket for has now been cancelled, kind of curious about what they're basing that decision on? Can't find anything about it online, but then it doesn't help that they're called fucking Shopping and so they have one of the most ungoogleable names possible.
Got an email saying the Feb 2022 Shopping gig that I had a ticket for has now been cancelled, kind of curious about what they're basing that decision on? Can't find anything about it online, but then it doesn't help that they're called fucking Shopping and so they have one of the most ungoogleable names possible.
looks like they’re going on tour with Idles
Got an email saying the Feb 2022 Shopping gig that I had a ticket for has now been cancelled, kind of curious about what they're basing that decision on? Can't find anything about it online, but then it doesn't help that they're called fucking Shopping and so they have one of the most ungoogleable names possible.
They need to release an album called Search :D
Has anyone been clubbing yet? I’m going down to that London for a World Unknown at the end of this month. Looking forward to it but also a bit trepidatious
went to a night at Earth. Didn't feel particularly covid safe, the beer was expensive and the sound was crap and too quiet. Also bumped into someone I didn't want to bump into. Other than that it was marvellous. hth
"Still, mustn't grumble" 😁
It occurred to me the other day that with so many festival tickets rolled over again to next year and expected big demand getting hold of a festival ticket for next summer might be hard work. Unless its for a shit festival of course.
Not clubbing but went to see Bicep at the Brixton Academy and it felt very dangerous. But I didn't get covid and had a marvellous time.
I think I’ll be ok cos I don’t have the imagination to fear a virus (cos I can’t see it), even though I should. I’m glad though, as otherwise I’d be housebound.
I’m just worried I might get a bit anxious being surrounded by many people. I can get like that if I feel there’s no easy escape.
One of the reasons I stopped going to squat parties was the lack of fire regulations :facepalm:
It occurred to me the other day that with so many festival tickets rolled over again to next year and expected big demand getting hold of a festival ticket for next summer might be hard work. Unless its for a shit festival of course.
The proportion of people who hold roll-overed** Glastonbury tickets (now valid for G2022) must be enormous -- any release of returned tickets will be even more miniscule than usual .....

(**word?? :oops: )

We also hold tickets now valid for Bearded Theory next May (one which was cancelled three times!), and ones for at least two or three other fests (musy check! :eek:

What people have said amongst our festival circle suggests we're quite representative! We are all festival-obsessives though ;)
I think I’ll be ok cos I don’t have the imagination to fear a virus (cos I can’t see it), even though I should. I’m glad though, as otherwise I’d be housebound.
I’m just worried I might get a bit anxious being surrounded by many people. I can get like that if I feel there’s no easy escape.
One of the reasons I stopped going to squat parties was the lack of fire regulations :facepalm:
I went to a club last weekend. It was massively helpful to my mental health to dance some of the stress of the the past 18 months away, but I did deliberately spend most of the night dancing by the doors to the smoking area. As people were going in and out constantly, and it was immediately off the dancefloor, there was continual fresh air coming in.

There was also more space. I wasn't even vaguely tempted to go near the front, where it was rammed. Seeing how much Chris Liberator enjoys playing is usually bonus medicine on top of the music itself, but that will have to wait. Probably till there's something outdoors.
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The proportion of people who hold roll-overed** Glastonbury tickets (now valid for G2022) must be enormous -- any release of returned tickets will be even more miniscule than usual .....
Yes, this is my fear, as we were unlucky on the last ticket day. I'm not holding out much hope for resales. I'm increasingly thinking working it would be my preferred option, if we can both find something to do that accommodates having 2 kids to vaguely suprervise (they're old enough now to not need us all the time). The last time I worked Glastonbury was 2004, basically before we had the kids, we've been on tickets ever since then. I've got rolled over tickets for Bearded too, I think that's the only one though. mr csj has one for Boomtown, but I always work that one, and will do next year.
But work has picked up a bit?
It’s picked up a lot, in the corporate world (conferences, live events etc) especially. The demand for hybrid style things using platforms like Zoom, Vmix, OnAir etc means good video/streaming techs can pretty much write their own cheques at the moment. It all feels like it’s still on a knife edge though.
Am amazed this is going on :hmm:

It is a massive show (approx 100k) and attended by people from all over the country. I have run co-located events and the hotels are rammed. Last one I had 12 people in one (not very big) hotel room (with no ventilation) next to mine. People from other rooms coming and going all night and into the early (4pm iirc) hours to party.

It is not my sort of thing but a really fun event and the punters go for it 117%. Good times but the timing is really shit.
Tried to recreate the success of the other month's night out last week; a last chance saloon of dancing before what I imagine will be ages and more of nope.

Regretted it as soon as I got there, as the venue was poorly ventilated, or not enough to make me feel it was sufficiently ventilated, anyway, but I stupidly didn't turn around and go home.

Sort of got away with it. I've been ill this week (in the past couple of days), but have had several negative lateral flows, and a negative PCR (plus two more, earlier PCRs, for which I've not had results yet, but are presumably negative).

I won't be doing it again. There's a party I'd otherwise love to go to around Christmas, but nope.

How's things, event- and cancellation-wise with you all?
As I’ve said elsewhere I spent the last two days dealing with multiple event cancellations. Next week was originally incredibly busy with a large number of Xmas themed events on the uni campus, as well as various concerts. There’s now only 3 going ahead, and I’m entirely expecting at least one of those to be canned by the time I get to my desk on Monday morning.

Everything I’m looking after for January and February has plans in place to go fully virtual if needed. I’m expecting a lot of them to do so even if the government doesn’t force the issue, as it seems people are now either a lot more cautious or simply panicking.
Towards the end of last month I got an invite to go see a theatre show with some friends, decided yes because I’d had the booster vaccine early November; so it’s booked for December 18th; big theatre on the south bank.

I hadn’t done any indoor gigs theatre or pubs since March 2020…

Having checked out what’s happening with omicron etc, I’m now hoping the venue will cancel so I’ll at least get a refund / rollover ticket cos no way does this seem like a sensible option.

I think even if I went, wearing an ffp3 mask, being surrounded by ppl packed in with no masks on would stress me out & wouldn’t be worth it.

Bloody painful tho those tickets were relatively expensive!
Towards the end of last month I got an invite to go see a theatre show with some friends, decided yes because I’d had the booster vaccine early November; so it’s booked for December 18th; big theatre on the south bank.

I hadn’t done any indoor gigs theatre or pubs since March 2020…

Having checked out what’s happening with omicron etc, I’m now hoping the venue will cancel so I’ll at least get a refund / rollover ticket cos no way does this seem like a sensible option.

I think even if I went, wearing an ffp3 mask, being surrounded by ppl packed in with no masks on would stress me out & wouldn’t be worth it.

Bloody painful tho those tickets were relatively expensive!
pretty sure masks are mandatory in theatres now
pretty sure masks are mandatory in theatres now
That’s encouraging to hear.

I wonder what it means in practice?

They’re mandatory on public transport and in shops but I’ve not been seeing much adherence to that no matter where I’ve been since summer 2020 tbh. But maybe there’s higher cooperation in theatres.
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