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Coronavirus: music festivals, big gigs, sports events and big gatherings - going ahead and cancelled

One thing that makes Reading festival quite different to most other festivals is it's urban setting. Most festivals are held in a field in the middle of nowhere, Reading is right in the town.

I lived in Reading for quite a few years and would be amazed at how many festival goers would pop into town to go clothes shopping or go to the cinema or eat at restaurants. That sort of interaction combined with the age of festival goer at Reading will make for interesting time in the town in the next few weeks.
One thing that makes Reading festival quite different to most other festivals is it's urban setting. Most festivals are held in a field in the middle of nowhere, Reading is right in the town.

I lived in Reading for quite a few years and would be amazed at how many festival goers would pop into town to go clothes shopping or go to the cinema or eat at restaurants. That sort of interaction combined with the age of festival goer at Reading will make for interesting time in the town in the next few weeks.
Lots of people from the town go to the festival too, maybe just for a day, maybe just to see a couple of headliners, not camping necessarily, but still mingling with the festival crowd.
I think so, but I only went once in over 20 years of living in Reading. But used to run along the river in non-festival times. You’d definitely walk past that hotel assuming the main entrance hasn’t changed.
Ah right, that rings bells. You walk past it to get to the site? Donkeys years since I've been like.

Depends which route you came in from but generally walking from the station you'd walk that way. I think most of the journos use the Penta Hotel now or at least did before it got turned into a government travel quarantine hotel.
Used to be a hotbed of vice and iniquity on festival weekend, or so the Melody Maker/NME gossip columns of the time would have it.

Young people are quite sensible compared to us though so maybe it's not like that at all any more. :D

You wouldn't catch me anywhere near somewhere like that just now anyhow. I'm staying in a Premier Inn in Plymouth tonight, nowhere near a festival site, and I'm slightly iffy about that tbh. :D
The age of those who attend Reading and presumably Leeds was always going to be a massive factor. Basically its just teenagers and very early 20's. Prime plague spreader age. They simply don't give a fuck about covid and I don't blame them, I'd likely be the same if I was that age.

When I went to to beautiful days a few weeks back it was really easy to see how the different age groups behaved and pretty easy to keep yourself safe. Just stay away from anyone under the age of 25. A bit harder at Reading when that's 95% of the attendees.
Miss Direct - Did you not enjoy it?
I did a couple of years stewarding it with Oxfam when it was down in Devonshire Green and then a year between it being split between there and The Ponderosa. Had some good laughs with the drunks and festival goers.
No, I didn't. Made me realise I really dont like crowds. Used to go clubbing and to concerts and never felt that way but I can't see it changing again.
I know what you mean, more so having moved away from the south east. I’m having a few misgivings about going to rugby internationals in the future and doubt I will be going to any concerts.
There are so many upcoming gigs I keep seeing that I'd like to go to, but it's all indoor venues, smallish ones (the only outstanding tickets I have from the before-times are for a gig at The Waiting Room in London, which I believe's quite an 'intimate' venue). I can't see me going to anything indoors for the forseeable. And yet I'm torn cos I'd like to help keep these small local venues afloat, and worry they'll not survive. My one gig last summer when things re-opened was at a small local venue, and the bands set up on the pavement outside, instead of inside as normal. It was really nice, plenty of space to dance (quiet street, big and open pavement and seating area), and only a handful of people. Not very lucrative for the venue I don't expect. There were more people sat in the park opposite listening with their own cans, than buying drinks from the bar. It wasn't ticketed, probably just local bands playing for free drinks maybe?
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