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Coronavirus: music festivals, big gigs, sports events and big gatherings - going ahead and cancelled

not to piss on anyones chips , but worth being aware, Kenwood is surrounded by multimillionaire mansions and some arsehole complained about the noise from outdoor gigs and Kenwood now has one of the harshest noise limits, strictly imposed by the council. New speaker technology is better at stopping sound leak but a friend i know who has worked a lot of gigs at Kenwood says a lot of people complain about how quiet things are there

Thanks for the heads up, I did not know that.
I went to a small festival in a pub briefly on Sunday and it felt quite super-spreadery so we left quite quickly, and the promoter has just posted on facebook that he's tested positive on a lateral flow. Seems to me the evidence is in and we definitely shouldn't be going to gigs...

Yeah in these and some other settings common sense was a perfectly good substitute for formal evidence in this pandemic since the start, even though some were hoping otherwise.

Given my general stance in the pandemic I think I've done quite well not to spend large amounts of time these last two summers moaning at other peoples choices and wishful thinking, and I have sympathy for the need to 'recharge batteries' when it comes to pandemic mental health and summers. Plus I still have some vague sense of what its like to be young. But its not always been easy, and Delta seems to magnify the sense that superspreading is a major element in this pandemic.
The two festivals I've been to while volunteering have both had protocols in place for entry and testing while at the festival. So far I've stayed clear of any symptoms and still do LFT's as an additional check.
The weird thing about Beautiful Days was that artists and crew HAD to do either a lat flow onsite before getting the pass, or show your Covid pass. Punters were asked to lat flow but I don't believe were asked to prove anything. Which makes no fucking sense at all.

The 2 people I know who are now positive, btw, had both spent at least an hour in the Bimble Inn. I'd looked in there and thought No Fucking Way - it's a long tent, with one small opening at the opposite end to the stage, and it was rammed. The tent I was performing in had a whole open side to it, and I didn't go into any 'closed' areas.

Another neg lat flow this morning for me anyway. Am off to Solfest at the weekend. Their Covid requirements might as well not exist, they're so loose. Luckily, you can dance outside for pretty much the entire festival, so I'll be doing that.
Yeah, I didn't go inside anything at WOH. I'm thinking I might mask up in a crowd, even outside, at Shambles sojourner. Been LFTesting like mad, before, during and after theses 2 festies. I'm medical grade masked while I'm working.

Thanks for your balanced and generous view elbows It's very hard to reconcile all this and make the right choice in line with one's own acceptable levels of risk. And of course the knock on effect on others you come into contact with.
The 2 people I know who are now positive, btw, had both spent at least an hour in the Bimble Inn. I'd looked in there and thought No Fucking Way - it's a long tent, with one small opening at the opposite end to the stage, and it was rammed. The tent I was performing in had a whole open side to it, and I didn't go into any 'closed' areas.

Ha ha. I just wrote exactly the same thing on the BD thread before seeing your post. That place was a heaving sweaty ming pit full of plague rats.

Me and my friends spent the whole time outdoors apart from occasional visits to the beer tents which were normally not too crowded. All our lateral flow tests have come back negative so far.
Ha ha. I just wrote exactly the same thing on the BD thread before seeing your post. That place was a heaving sweaty ming pit full of plague rats.

Me and my friends spent the whole time outdoors apart from occasional visits to the beer tents which were normally not too crowded. All our lateral flow tests have come back negative so far.
My mate's band were performing in there on the Saturday, which I was meant to be going to, but by the time I got there, then getting all the stuff sorted/lift to Rebel tent etc meant I missed them. Bloody glad I did now, would have felt right awkward going and then not going IN! Scary wasn't it?!

I mostly pissed in my bottle in the tent too, which I tend to do anyway, so avoided the worst of the toilet situation. I actually don't think people were flushing them either. I did flush one when I had to, needing a shit on the Sunday morning like, and the bogs all heaped with other people's faeces.
My mate's band were performing in there on the Saturday, which I was meant to be going to, but by the time I got there, then getting all the stuff sorted/lift to Rebel tent etc meant I missed them. Bloody glad I did now, would have felt right awkward going and then not going IN! Scary wasn't it?!

I mostly pissed in my bottle in the tent too, which I tend to do anyway, so avoided the worst of the toilet situation. I actually don't think people were flushing them either. I did flush one when I had to, needing a shit on the Sunday morning like, and the bogs all heaped with other people's faeces.
The toilets is a good example of areas people constantly seem to be overlooking when it comes to getting events going again. All you get is talk of open areas, reduced numbers, distancing etc But anyone whose ever run an event knows it’s not the big things that fuck you up, but the small details.

Back when various proposals for getting things going again were doing the rounds I had to point out to people higher up the management chain than me that their plans for re-opening the concert hall at my work simply wouldn’t happen. They’d only looked at the seating plan, diligently worked out the separation requirements and come up with a reduced capacity/layout. What they hadn’t done was pay any thought to how you actually got those people in and out the building, where/how they’d queue, and what would happen if someone in the middle of a row needed to go to the loo mid performance.
My friends put on a mini festival/rave/party last week and there has been some positive tests since. They did the whole LFT/vaxxed thing beforehand so everyone * should * have been as fine as it is possible to be.

There seems to be an acknowledgement that they knew it was a risk but it was worth it. I hope it was. I didn't go as I can't risk it.

Luckily seems to have been very few cases after this party. A handful at most. Older crowd but they're quite messy and the main night was in a squash court so would have been very enclosed. Reckon they got lucky.

However, having read the various reports coming through from other events and also realising (like bees) where the pinch points are that I will not be able to avoid I'm binning off going to see IDLES at Brockwell Park next week and the all day rave in Surrey we have tickets for on the next day.

Sucks but I've been in plenty of fields over the years so the risk/benefit analysis isn't working for me. :(
I’ve listed my EOTR tickets for sale on Twickets. I’m CEV and got an email this morning about my booster so it’s made me worry.
I’m also starting a new job and really don’t want to start it with Covid.
I think I could do it with low risk but I’m already anxious so it just won’t work for us.
I’m fucking gutted. 😞
I’ve listed my EOTR tickets for sale on Twickets. I’m CEV and got an email this morning about my booster so it’s made me worry.
I’m also starting a new job and really don’t want to start it with Covid.
I think I could do it with low risk but I’m already anxious so it just won’t work for us.
I’m fucking gutted. 😞
That was my end conclusion about The Specials Looby. If I'd spent the evening worrying it wouldn't have been any fun.

There'll be another time for all this. I'm happy to wait another year.
That was my end conclusion about The Specials Looby. If I'd spent the evening worrying it wouldn't have been any fun.

There'll be another time for all this. I'm happy to wait another year.
Thanks. I know it’s the right thing to do but I really wanted a bit of normality and a break.
I really hope we can get our money back then at least we could go camping or something instead.
The weird thing about Beautiful Days was that artists and crew HAD to do either a lat flow onsite before getting the pass, or show your Covid pass. Punters were asked to lat flow but I don't believe were asked to prove anything. Which makes no fucking sense at all.

As a punter, I just waved a piece of paper at someone who was chatting on the phone. Then she tossed a green wristband through the car window. That was the COVID check
I've jacked in the idea of a mini "camping with music" festival this weekend, and won't be going to Going Feral either now. I've come through three festivals unscathed so far this year - it feels like I'm pushing my luck.

I'm still holding out for a late September festival in Devon though.
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