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Coronavirus: music festivals, big gigs, sports events and big gatherings - going ahead and cancelled

I was in town in Leeds on Friday and it was heaving - shoppers, revellers, festival goers, sports fans, loads of people dressed up as if they were going to Ascot - pubs full, even outside areas thronged with people yelling at each other, singing and laughing. and that was mid afternoon, before the working day was over. I was glad to escape it all.
Shambino has been easier to socially distance at than We Out Here was. The dancing spaces are bigger and there are fewer people trying to get into them, so you can dance with more space around you. All open air ofc. I haven't danced so much this time though. I've been 'indoors' a couple of times (Chai Wallahs and Sankofas), but CW has big open sides, and Sankofas was sparsely filled and one long open side. I masked up once, but again wasn't as diligent as I'd planned to be, cos I really wasn't that near anyone else.

I'm sure there'll be cases from this, inevitably, but I hope not too many. The demographic is older, not teenagers much, and lots of families, who seem to be being quite careful on the whole.

Negative LTF yesterday.
Bloody hell. Some discussion now of a new strain of the Delta variant coming out of Boardmasters.

This kind of article annoys me. Sure, at a detailed genetic level a group of cases can be traced to the original spreader. This is not the same as a new strain that people need to be concerned about. It could be implied from this article that the new strain is worse than existing and that isn’t the case - probably ;)

As an example, here is the delta family tree for the UK. You can see the multitude of minor changes as time moves from left to right. Rather cool genetics stuff :)

Bloody hell. Some discussion now of a new strain of the Delta variant coming out of Boardmasters.
There are now a large number of variants which are just very small tweaks on delta/B.1.617.2 - as of this moment 28 of them have been classified (at least 9 of those have been found numerous times in the UK). They feature one or two mutations largely in reading frames or non-structural proteins and, so far, haven't demonstrated any significant infectious or pathological function. They are however quite useful for helping understand the dynamics of regional or event spread.
Going is the risk.
I guess it's a matter of degree; I'll risk going, but probably not risk spending too long in crowded tents.

To be honest, I'll not sweat it too much, being a double-vaccinated person with no known health issues and not in the age group most likely to suffer serious consequences (I'll keep away from others until I'm sure I'm all clear, after I get back).

Not least of all because it looks like covid is here to stay (like flu), and unless I'm saying I'm going to give up on much of what makes life worth living - gigs, football, pubs, etc. - I'm going to have to accept some risk sooner or later (albeit there's things I can do to reduce the risk that are short of simply not going).
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Being confined to hospital prevented me going to Beautiful Days, weekend of Saturday 21st August.
That pissed me off at the time. Possibly a bit less pissed off now that I'm hearing concerning stories about infected people.

festivaldeb went (with her friend Yvonne using my ticket!) but they both seem to be fine. I guess a fair proportion of people at festivals won't get infected anyway. That doesn't mean it's worth the risk, but I bet a lot of people who do go, will simply gamble .....

I'll still be going with my mate to The Specials in Coventry, Saturday 11th September -- it's an outdoor gig at the Ricoh Arena though. Will mask up and be careful etc.

That's my only 2021 event though**, by the look of things :(

**Now that Gail Something Else's late-September event in Devon has been cancelled, as has the Sunset on the West (Fuelled by Cider) Festival that was going to be at Pontins, Weston-super-Mare, over the first weekend of October. Just as well maybe that the latter was cancelled, given it was an indoor event!
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Just remembered though that I'm planning to go to Dreadzone in Swansea as soon as tomorrow! (Friday 3/9) -- I missed them at Beautiful Days, and decided on Tuesday that I'd mask-up and go and see them .....

Plus three Cardiff gigs planned for late November and December, including Madness, which I really don't want to miss .....
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