An example - I book crew and generally look after a 120 capacity “indie” venue.
So, woohoo, assuming B’ham drops to tier 2 we can open at 50 capacity. For half the bands who play there that will be a record crowd.
The gig room is accessed via a narrow staircase and then down a small corridor. The toilets are accessed off that corridor. It’s a bottle neck when quiet, even with just 50 punters it will be impossible to have any sort of distancing.
So, what to do? Open up and knowingly put people at risk? Or stay closed and risk financial ruin for the venue and the crew?
Answers on a postcard...
Surely the gig room has another access route - fire escape? You could have a one way system and with only 50 people you could set up toilet queue upstairs.
50 people isn't a lot to manage. Is the ventilation good? That's the main thing.