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Coronavirus meme/panic/fear mongering general thread

On another note

Why doesn't the social anarchy revolution conspiracy get more of a mention online these days?

I was told in late 1992 and again in early 2002 that covid19 virus outbreak was planned by anarchists to help led to the collapse of all forms of government. And a system of society based on social anarchy would replace the government.

The hardcore leftist anarchists believe the whole covid19 virus pandemic is the perfect storm to destabilise the ruling classes.

Things will get bad real bad, millions will die but for the greater good.

The vaccines aren't as good as the ruling elite make out. The population will keep getting sick and the frail will die on a unprecedented scale. rioting will be widespread and looting eventually becoming the new norm as the banking system grinds to a halt. ATMs will stop spitting out cash. The lights will go out. The sharemarket will become worthless.

Essential services will fail, law enforcement will lose control and the masses will riot. the collapse is unavoidable.

However rising from the smouldering ashes will be the young, who will embrace this new opportunity and gallantly face the challenges of creating a new society free of a ruling elite blah blah blah. You know a world based on social anarchy principles.

The anarchists will rebuild everything necessary , hospitals schools universities powerplants retail outlets the whole kit and Ka poodle, But everyone will be equal. The new world will be fair, the poor no longer going without.

A member of Anonymous hacktivist group told me that pretty much 20 years ago.

The revolution will happen. Viva the revolution, Viva Covid19.

How that will actually happen is a mystery to me

Pretty f#@ken out there LOL

Any updates?
Police should at least be given proper FFP2 masks when deployed to such protests. It's a dangerous crowd.
I have realised in recent years that a key reason I could never have been a policeman is that a lot of it is "clean-up on aisle three" ...
What could it possibly mean when the Queen cancels her xmas at Sandringham? Could it mean that maybe the Queen has cancelled her xmas at Sandringham? Thank god Richard Kay is around to explain because I have no idea what it could possibly mean when the Queen cancels her xmas at Sandringham.
What could it possibly mean when the Queen cancels her xmas at Sandringham? Could it mean that maybe the Queen has cancelled her xmas at Sandringham? Thank god Richard Kay is around to explain because I have no idea what it could possibly mean when the Queen cancels her xmas at Sandringham.
I thought it was something to do with hoovering. Or space travel.
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