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Coronavirus meme/panic/fear mongering general thread

so it the latest batshit rambling from my brother in law..

its not a good idea to get vaccinated even if it appears that it inevitable we wil get a new wave of infections with the upcoming unlocking of restrictions
as any mutation of the covid virus will reconise the antibodies present in the body and latch up

basically you will be more likely to die if you been vaccinated :facepalm:

also the second wave of spanish flu death were caused by people wearing masks and getting bacteria pneumonia as prove by Fauci :facepalm:

just glad i know better than to argue with the fella anymore
Who actually is it that says “you have to respect other people’s opinions”, regardless of that opinion?
Think they usually only say the bit you've put in quotes.
Then why do these memes beloved of liberals always also imply the latter bit too? It’s like the liberal version of “the Muslims banned Christmas, you know”
Then why do these memes beloved of liberals always also imply the latter bit too? It’s like the liberal version of “the Muslims banned Christmas, you know”
People tend to say "ygtropo" in the context of an opinion that the agree with or don't wish to see argued over for some other reason. I think the piano jpeg is just pointing out that it doesn't actually make sense as an attitude to life.
People tend to say "ygtropo" in the context of an opinion that the agree with or don't wish to see argued over for some other reason. I think the piano jpeg is just pointing out that it doesn't actually make sense as an attitude to life.
No, the piano pic is a strawman at best. Nobody is saying that opinions are a replacement for everything. Saying “you have to respect their opinion” is a reference to things that are opinion-based in the first place.

Honestly, I’d rather we try to raise the standard of debate across the board than just see the left being an even shittier version of the right when it comes to misrepresentation and idiocy.
Isn't it more "respect the right for people to have an opinion" on something - rather than being shut down by the gatekeepers of whatever it is you're talking about?

"You can have a say, and you're welcome to be massively wrong, but you're going to get called out on it"
typical consumer society bias!

Ah god Jeremy Vine show this morning (not my choice of TV) going on about how going to nightclubs without face masks or social distancing is all about individual choice and no-one is forced to do it.

(OH's pre-COVID regular job, which he used to love, is in a nightclub and he is NOT looking forward to going back to work as things stand)
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The really depressing thing about this is that people in government do routinely lie, scheme, manipulate and rake in the cash in all sorts of ways, and are frequently exposed in doing so. But conspiraloons don't seem to be bothered about things like cronyism or massive tax avoidance/ hedge fund schemes, presumably because they're not glamorous or dramatic enough.
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