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Coronavirus meme/panic/fear mongering general thread

I think the idea is more to protect the cashier from you, tbh - been many cases of checkout workers etc. getting infected at work but no cases of anybody getting infected from touching their shopping, not sure if there's even been a confirmed case of transmission through touching anything.

The plastic screens are next to useless TBH, they came about from the early thinking that transmission occurred mainly from [large] droplets, projected from coughs and sneezes, which can clearly still happen if you cough or sneeze right in front of someone, but it's not the main risk. It was also thought there was a high risk of droplets landing on surfaces, resulting in transmission via hands & the touching of faces, but that has been found to be almost impossible/low risk.

In fact the main route of transmission is now considered to be via aerosols, which everyone breaths out, that are so small that buoyant forces overcome gravity, allowing them to stay suspended in the air for long periods, and so drift around and over screens, hence screens & face shields worn without a mask are somewhat pointless, and good ventilation has become more important in recent months.
Wouldn't be surprised if plexiglass/ perspex manufacturers had some cushy deal with HMG because they made a mint over these sales and the prices skyrocketed
from tweeter - published in germany

It feels like an opportunity is being missed for some kind of Harry Hill Gareth Southgate badger 'but whose going to get the badgers ready for the freedom day parade?' type joke.
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