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Coronavirus meme/panic/fear mongering general thread

figures unverified. But FFS!

From a very active conspiracy posting ex school friend on facebook:

We will be blamed. We being, those that said from the beginning that life will never return to normal, will be blamed for keeping the country / the world in lockdown. New varients will be named, more lockdowns will follow. The push on the jabs will continue. Digital IDs will be required for you to exist in society that will entitle you to the few freedoms they allow.
Those that weren't aware of the huge list of agenda's will blame us. The time taken, the complexity and the design is so incomprehensible / unbelievable, is why most will never grasp what's happening and what's to come. What's occurring is truly prophetic.
The indoctrinated are lost. They have been distracted in so many ways; by TV, sports, politics, religion, wars, race, discrimination of the sexes and money. The social and political elite are to blame for EVERYTHING, but they will create a narrative to protect themselves everytime!!!!
When it all goes wrong, when they've collapsed the economy, when they've destroyed the social fabric of our society, when they've finished taking apart our lives, when there's nothing left, THEY will STILL be in control and will introduce their utopia (our dystopia). The beast system will finally be put in place. The cashless society. The NWO. The one world religion. The one world Government. Equality will be their key phrase... But in reality it won't even come close.
The time frame for this? Cashless by 2025 is the banks target. A financial reset will occur.
"The Great Reset" , the World Economic Forum's ideology "you will own nothing and be happy" for 2030.
Then there's the eugenics side of the plan. Population reduction / depopulation. People need to start to ask "how will this be achieved?" There are many views on this including Bill Gates quote "using vaccines we can reduce the population by 1.3 billion".... You work it out!
The end date for these agendas is 2050. I don't want to leave this world knowing I didn't fight for my childrens future. I will lay down my life to stop this. Tens of millions have already fought and died to protect those they love, in the belief that their sacrifice will enable freedom to continue. This freedom is being stolen.
From a very active conspiracy posting ex school friend on facebook:

We will be blamed. We being, those that said from the beginning that life will never return to normal, will be blamed for keeping the country / the world in lockdown. New varients will be named, more lockdowns will follow. The push on the jabs will continue. Digital IDs will be required for you to exist in society that will entitle you to the few freedoms they allow.
Those that weren't aware of the huge list of agenda's will blame us. The time taken, the complexity and the design is so incomprehensible / unbelievable, is why most will never grasp what's happening and what's to come. What's occurring is truly prophetic.
The indoctrinated are lost. They have been distracted in so many ways; by TV, sports, politics, religion, wars, race, discrimination of the sexes and money. The social and political elite are to blame for EVERYTHING, but they will create a narrative to protect themselves everytime!!!!
When it all goes wrong, when they've collapsed the economy, when they've destroyed the social fabric of our society, when they've finished taking apart our lives, when there's nothing left, THEY will STILL be in control and will introduce their utopia (our dystopia). The beast system will finally be put in place. The cashless society. The NWO. The one world religion. The one world Government. Equality will be their key phrase... But in reality it won't even come close.
The time frame for this? Cashless by 2025 is the banks target. A financial reset will occur.
"The Great Reset" , the World Economic Forum's ideology "you will own nothing and be happy" for 2030.
Then there's the eugenics side of the plan. Population reduction / depopulation. People need to start to ask "how will this be achieved?" There are many views on this including Bill Gates quote "using vaccines we can reduce the population by 1.3 billion".... You work it out!
The end date for these agendas is 2050. I don't want to leave this world knowing I didn't fight for my childrens future. I will lay down my life to stop this. Tens of millions have already fought and died to protect those they love, in the belief that their sacrifice will enable freedom to continue. This freedom is being stolen.
Let us know when he gets to the "laying down his life" bit :rolleyes:
From a very active conspiracy posting ex school friend on facebook:

We will be blamed. We being, those that said from the beginning that life will never return to normal, will be blamed for keeping the country / the world in lockdown. New varients will be named, more lockdowns will follow. The push on the jabs will continue. Digital IDs will be required for you to exist in society that will entitle you to the few freedoms they allow.
Those that weren't aware of the huge list of agenda's will blame us. The time taken, the complexity and the design is so incomprehensible / unbelievable, is why most will never grasp what's happening and what's to come. What's occurring is truly prophetic.
The indoctrinated are lost. They have been distracted in so many ways; by TV, sports, politics, religion, wars, race, discrimination of the sexes and money. The social and political elite are to blame for EVERYTHING, but they will create a narrative to protect themselves everytime!!!!
When it all goes wrong, when they've collapsed the economy, when they've destroyed the social fabric of our society, when they've finished taking apart our lives, when there's nothing left, THEY will STILL be in control and will introduce their utopia (our dystopia). The beast system will finally be put in place. The cashless society. The NWO. The one world religion. The one world Government. Equality will be their key phrase... But in reality it won't even come close.
The time frame for this? Cashless by 2025 is the banks target. A financial reset will occur.
"The Great Reset" , the World Economic Forum's ideology "you will own nothing and be happy" for 2030.
Then there's the eugenics side of the plan. Population reduction / depopulation. People need to start to ask "how will this be achieved?" There are many views on this including Bill Gates quote "using vaccines we can reduce the population by 1.3 billion".... You work it out!
The end date for these agendas is 2050. I don't want to leave this world knowing I didn't fight for my childrens future. I will lay down my life to stop this. Tens of millions have already fought and died to protect those they love, in the belief that their sacrifice will enable freedom to continue. This freedom is being stolen.
I presume they will only get his keyboard when they prise it from his cold dead hands?
People don't tell you this but small pox actually makes you live longer and healthier. That's why big pharma killed it. They claim that it kills people but if you look at the numbers you can see it was actually due to people trying to become more reliant on westernised medicine. That's why only now that we have embraced alternative lifestyles are we starting to see the benefits. Thats why the world government had to invent this hoax to bring people back undercontrol.
Don't you see, no other explanation makes sense.
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