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Coronavirus meme/panic/fear mongering general thread

Aah, Penny Rimbaud, the COVID conspiraloon. As punk as Brewdog

1978 was 43 years ago. It is possible to have been sound at one time, and have fallen down rabbit holes since then. As much as I don't like it, PR is hardly alone in that.
Edit - Also fwiw, Penny Rimbaud isn't doing the vocals on that song, it's Steve Ignorant.
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The Clash were on TotP

and even Legs & Co did a routine for Bank Robber

1978, same year as the Clash did ^Tommy Gun^, Crass released The Feeding of the 5000 that contains the song Punk is Dead

Yes that's right, punk is dead
It's just another cheap product for the consumers' head
Bubblegum rock on plastic transistors
Schoolboy sedition backed by big-time promoters
CBS promote the Clash
Ain't for revolution, it's just for cash
Punk became a fashion just like hippy used to be
Ain't got a thing to do with you or me
Movements are systems and systems kill
Movements are expressions of the public will
Punk became a movement cos we all felt lost
Leaders sold out and now we all pay the cost
Punk narcissism was a social napalm
Steve Jones started doing real harm
Preaching revolution, anarchy and change
Sucked from the system that had given him his name
Well I'm tired of staring through shit-stained glass
Tired of staring up a superstar's arse
I've got an arse and crap and a name
I'm just waiting for my fifteen minutes fame
Steven Jones, you're napalm
If you're so pretty vacant, why do you smarm?
Patti Smith, you're napalm, you write with your hand
But it's Rimbaud's arm
And me, yes, I, do I want to burn?
Is there something I can learn?
Do I need a business man to promote my angle
Can I resist the carrots that fame and fortune dangle
I see the velvet zippies in their bondage gear
The social elite with safety pins in their ear
I watch and understand that it don't mean a thing
The scorpions might attack, but the systems stole the sting
Punk is dead
Punk is dead
Punk is dead
Punk is dead

Crass are not the be-all-and-end-all of punk by a long way, but they at least had a clue.
Punk was dead by 1978 so I'm not sure what your point is. And I'm not sure why you think a (then) 35 year old ex-public schoolboy is the most qualified authority on punk either.
Sorry, who's elected you as the authority on punk here?

Of course as the site owner, you're the authority on everything. Nobody else could possibly have any experience that qualifies them for anything.

Feel free btw to twist this into whatever you like. Proprietor's rights innit. All our words belong to you once posted or something.
Of course as the site owner, you're the authority on everything. Nobody else could possibly have any experience that qualifies them for anything.

Feel free btw to twist this into whatever you like. Proprietor's rights innit. All our words belong to you once posted or something.
You're deceitfully inventing that whole argument again that my role as a mod here is somehow preventing you from articulating or posting a response to your daft claims.

It's an underhand and cowardly way to act.
You're deceitfully inventing that whole argument again that my role as a mod here is somehow preventing you from articulating or posting a response to your daft claims.

Not at all, I'm just saying that you tend to quote then re-write posters' posts when you object to what they say or you feel like needling them a little. You do it a lot. Occasionally you even push posters far enough that they get thread or temp bans. It's a pattern of behaviour, especially on the politics threads.

It's an underhand and cowardly way to act.
Occasionally you even push posters far enough that they get thread or temp bans. It's a pattern of behaviour, especially on the politics threads.
Could you list, say, three recent examples of this 'pattern of behaviour' from the politics forum please? Thanks. Oh, and kindly take this to the feedback forum where mods will be pleased to independently attend to your accusations.
Could you list, say, three recent examples of this 'pattern of behaviour' from the politics forum please? Thanks. Oh, and kindly take this to the feedback forum where mods will be pleased to independently attend to your accusations.

It wouldn't matter if I did. You'd find a way to deny it, deflect it, or insult me for bringing it up. And if you want a chat in the feedback forum, I suggest making an apology thread there which other posters you've done it to can post on. This exchange is over from my PoV.
Someone somewhere must be trying to convince others that Covid-19 is not actually a virus but an antibody type in the Gaian planetary immune system.
It's put me off my plan to go visit Dial House some day :/
I haven't felt right about Penny since I saw a clip of him online stating sincerely that he witnessed people in Africa magically flying through the air. Can't find the video now though.

I notice he's done some poetry recently that seems to be anti-lockdown, it's on YouTube but I couldn't be arsed watching the whole thing. It's a short film he made with someone else, it goes on for about 24 minutes.

Bloody hippies.
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Sorry I know it is old but how fucking dare they? Just remember what was done to NHS & care workers.

And yes Morgan is a cunt.

he has certainly posted some antivax connected stuff on his twitter last week
Having seen his tweets I can't say I can really decipher what he is saying, although it does appear to be anti-science and he does appear to have gone up his own arse (though I think that happened some time ago). I was actually watching a discussion between him and some other guy earlier (it went on for about an hour and a half), it's on YouTube. He questioned reality, science and calling people cranks. So I'm not surprised if he's come out with anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown stuff.
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Having seen his tweets I can't say I can really decipher what he is saying, although it does appear to be anti-science and he does appear to have gone up his own arse (though I think that happened some time ago). I was actually watching a discussion between him and some other guy earlier (it went on for about an hour and half), it's on YouTube. He questioned reality, science and calling people cranks. So I'm not surprised if he's come out with anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown stuff.
an hour and a half?
you have the patience of a saint
/me writes to pontif about Saint Count Cuckula
I can get all the reality stuff (did way too many psychedelics in my time ;-) and love PKD)
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