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Coronavirus meme/panic/fear mongering general thread

He's not exactly known for being reasonable and sensible, though, is he?

I haven't watched it, but I imagine he's being a fucking idiot.
Celebrities falling over themselves to look edgy. No one is boss of them. They march to their own creative free thinking drum. Raised eye brow at all the brainwashed sheep whilst they just wearily get on with things.

Which roughly translates to "selfish arsehole" in regards covid. Try as I might I don't know of another way to translate it. Selfish cunt maybe?
A bit region specific but it sums up the sentiment in the areas in Ontario that just came out of lockdown.

<blockquote class="reddit-card" data-card-created="1613281523"><a href="">lord of the rings but its ontario ending lockdown</a> from <a href="r/ontario">r/ontario</a></blockquote>
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street>sewer>river>sea or similar I guess.

The amount of disposable masks on the streets is horrific.

In Portugal I saw graffiti on the streets next to drainage grills saying "the sea starts here".

Private Eye cartoon ooo 25 years ago or more showed a toilet with a sign above it "to the sea".
The amount of disposable masks in the street is like an indicator of how many people are wearing them. Last summer they were everywhere, they died off in autumn and now they're back on the rise. Where my mam lives they are the most frequent item of litter you see - she lives near the hospital and a busy doctor's surgery/health centre. I have found them blown into in my garden and I live far from any health centre. This isn't funny so here's a picture of me coming out of lockdown. 0_Monty-Pythons-Life-Of-Brian-1979.jpg
Perhaps we need mask/hazardous waste bins on the streets* like dog shit bins. It's possible that people don't know what to do with the ones they take off. Urgh don't want it on me, but can I put it in a normal bin? Perhaps people are having a little 'dont know what to do with it but if I leave it here, someone who does will come along and deal with it' panic.

(I put mine in the haz bin at work, or forget and take them home to have my panic.)

* Weird times r us.
Perhaps we need mask/hazardous waste bins on the streets* like dog shit bins. It's possible that people don't know what to do with the ones they take off. Urgh don't want it on me, but can I put it in a normal bin? Perhaps people are having a little 'dont know what to do with it but if I leave it here, someone who does will come along and deal with it' panic.

(I put mine in the haz bin at work, or forget and take them home to have my panic.)

* Weird times r us.
I think most people just drop them accidentally. With the strings on them, it's easy enough.
Perhaps we need mask/hazardous waste bins on the streets* like dog shit bins. It's possible that people don't know what to do with the ones they take off. Urgh don't want it on me, but can I put it in a normal bin? Perhaps people are having a little 'dont know what to do with it but if I leave it here, someone who does will come along and deal with it' panic.

(I put mine in the haz bin at work, or forget and take them home to have my panic.)

* Weird times r us.

This is very charitable but honestly based on the average amount of trash in a British street it's no change from normal and probably just people being unthinking gits.
This is very charitable but honestly based on the average amount of trash in a British street it's no change from normal and probably just people being unthinking gits.
That's it, though. Unthinking, not malicious. I get really annoyed, but then think about how crap I am at some stuff until it's pointed out or made easy.

(I'm trying really hard not to be furious at the people at work who leave their discarded masks on top of my locker!)
when i went to a car park test i had to fill out an online form saying YES i had symptoms. without saying yes i couldnt get a test
Wow! I hadn't heard of that.

as of december (when i had a bug of some sort that wasn't covid) i got a test (did it by post as didn't feel up to driving 15 miles to the nearest one) and i think at that time you could only get a test if you had symptoms

there are now some test centres locally where you can go without symptoms if you're a key worker (and are advised to go fairly regularly)

is it possible that the latter sort don't want people with symptoms?
yeah it was good - also you crack open car window an inch to get the bits, and vice versa to drop them off - no contact at all
That was my experience. Mrs mx tested positive, so I lied to the app and went to get a test too. It was well organised in terms of social distancing/ppe etc, but I didn't envy the young people doing it. Though fair play to them.
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