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Coronavirus meme/panic/fear mongering general thread

If you really can't be arsed to iron a thing you're already wearing but have 'even a bit too creased for me' shame, then the way to go is a spritz of water (by spritz, I mean flicking your fingers from tap to clothing), pulling the fabric taught, and then blasting it for a minute with a hairdryer. I've, erm...heard it works a treat :thumbs:
If you really can't be arsed to iron a thing you're already wearing but have 'even a bit too creased for me' shame, then the way to go is a spritz of water (by spritz, I mean flicking your fingers from tap to clothing), pulling the fabric taught, and then blasting it for a minute with a hairdryer. I've, erm...heard it works a treat :thumbs:
Or hang it in your bathroom and have a hot shower
Mostly, these days, I just wear stuff that doesn't crease much. Hopefully not drenched in formaldehyde :hmm:
I usually pay someone else to do it (though not right now) And once used to take all 5 work shirts to the dry cleaner on a Friday and pick them up all pristine on a Sunday.
If you really can't be arsed to iron a thing you're already wearing but have 'even a bit too creased for me' shame, then the way to go is a spritz of water (by spritz, I mean flicking your fingers from tap to clothing), pulling the fabric taught, and then blasting it for a minute with a hairdryer. I've, erm...heard it works a treat :thumbs:
It works very well, in my experience.
I don't really get this one. A friend sent it to me and thinks it's hilarious. Dave Chapelle in a crowded small comedy venue the other night with no social distancing, no masks, blowing cigarette smoke all over the crowd, bragging about how he's just recovered from Covid. A black role model in the country with the highest number of deaths.

Am I missing the punchline - (I can't be arsed watching the whole thing tbh)

I don't really get this one. A friend sent it to me and thinks it's hilarious. Dave Chapelle in a crowded small comedy venue the other night with no social distancing, no masks, blowing cigarette smoke all over the crowd, bragging about how he's just recovered from Covid. A black role model in the country with the highest number of deaths.

Am I missing the punchline - (I can't be arsed watching the whole thing tbh)

What makes him a black role model?
He's a very famous and high profile black man. In a country where a large majority of covid deaths are in the African American community. Irresponsible at best?

If you havent actually watched it, he basically claims Covid is nothing. Despite just having it himself.

Then compares himself to Edward Snowden for pointing this conspiracy out. I'm not quite sure if I'm just missing the joke.
Hes a famous comedian, that's different to a role model. If he really just recovered from covid then he can enjoy a fag and mask free night as far as I'm conserned.
He's a very famous and high profile black man. In a country where a large majority of covid deaths are in the African American community. Irresponsible at best?

If you havent actually watched it, he basically claims Covid is nothing. Despite just having it himself.

Then compares himself to Edward Snowden for pointing this conspiracy out. I'm not quite sure if I'm just missing the joke.
Are all very famous people role models?
Hes a famous comedian, that's different to a role model. If he really just recovered from covid then he can enjoy a fag and mask free night as far as I'm conserned.

You don't really get how a virus works do you? He might be safe himself, he also might still be carrying. People cackling away at how he nailed Covid while he blows smokes over them in a tiny BBQ joint. Well. And yes, I do think a lot of people in the African American community would look up to him. He could easily have taken the opportunituy and his platform to tell people to mask up.
It's a subjective term, but yes. A lot are. And in the US, this guy is very very famous. Particularly amongst the most at risk demographic.
He's not exactly known for being reasonable and sensible, though, is he?

I haven't watched it, but I imagine he's being a fucking idiot.
I don't really get this one. A friend sent it to me and thinks it's hilarious. Dave Chapelle in a crowded small comedy venue the other night with no social distancing, no masks, blowing cigarette smoke all over the crowd, bragging about how he's just recovered from Covid. A black role model in the country with the highest number of deaths.

Am I missing the punchline - (I can't be arsed watching the whole thing tbh)

I don’t get a lot of American stand up. It’s just some guy talking. It was the same with Amazing Mrs Masel. I was bored stupid by the stand up sequences.

I have to admit I wasn’t familiar with Chappell. Looking at wiki it seems he’s been around a long time. I don’t think I need to see any more of his oeuvre.
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