QVC is right now flogging a box of fish goujons for £27 + £5 delivery, 14 working days delivery, so nearly three weeks.
You can pay for this meal in two easy instalments
This is is the best thing I have ever seen on TV
View attachment 213027
WTF are you doing watching QVC?
WTF are you doing watching QVC?
In the spirit of adventure I once mixed tea and coffee to see how it tasted - awful was the answer was it toffee or cea ? Also ordered a Guinness shandy in a pub in the same vein- I shall die a happy man knowing that I turned up some unturned stones on the brief journey to oblivion - happy to report the barman declared it a first.
In the spirit of adventure I once mixed tea and coffee to see how it tasted - awful was the answer was it toffee or cea ? Also ordered a Guinness shandy in a pub in the same vein- I shall die a happy man knowing that I turned up some unturned stones on the brief journey to oblivion - happy to report the barman declared it a first.
There are more things in heaven and earth that are undreamt of in our philosophy.
And throw away the key because the famous five were shit.
WTF are you doing watching QVC?
Yeah, that's one way to look at why he funded Khan Academy. A slightly fuller description would be 'free access to a high-quality capitalist educational agenda, with international reach, to small children who don't/didn't have access to any other information and whose parents didn't, either'.
You haven't seen their other courses, then?I've used khanacademy for the maths lessons. They're excellent. Cant see how they promote anything but mathematics?
You haven't seen their other courses, then?
Which is what?A subnet mask