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Coronavirus Haircuts

Um, my home haircut is even-(ish) but has more than a whiff of a bowlcut. In an attempt to distract from the (ahem) shape, I have dyed it purple, blue, pink (had an indecisive moment so used all the colours I had). Kinda hard to see the results at the moment. A combination of night lamps and filthy mirrors is making it look fairly OKish. I expect I might have a morning shock (will have drugs at the ready).
My first cut is 9th July. I really feel the need to change up my cut given that I've got all this length to play with but I'm totally uninspired. Is there tell me which cut suits me thread?

Also can we just post cuts on here or is it also to show the mullety shame of months of growth?
Thought I'd do a before lockdown and now lockdown as my transformation has been quite extreme (but fun). Unsurprisingly I dont have many pics of me on my phone at all.

But I found one for before....


And then one from yesterday after the kids and the Baroness had had a go with clippers and hair dye...

It's great, I can cut it when I want, trim it a bit every week or whatever.

Beforehand I'd wait until it was longer than I wanted it, and then have it cut slightly shorter than I wanted it. Now it can be at the optimum length at all times.
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Third time I have trimmed it and still can't get the back ok .. this time it is a mohican at the back I am told! :)
Third time I have trimmed it and still can't get the back ok .. this time it is a mohican at the back I am told! :)
It's all about the feel. You get used to stroking the back of your head :D

It's quite nice, if you haven't got someone else to do it for you :hmm:
My lovely friend and co-tutor is well into her chemotherapy, and her hair's starting to fall out. I've promised her that I'll scalp myself in solidarity.

I am beginning to regret this moment of rashness... :hmm:
I walked past about 25 men queuing up outside a barber this morning, at just gone 9am. I was a bit puzzled why more didn't just wait a few days.
I've got a haircut booked!!!!!
For the 23rd of fecking July :D

Just had my first haircut at the barbershop earlier today - he’s only raised his price by £1 (used to be £9 now £10)and said that he’s picked up a lot of extra business by greedy other barbers raising their prices by almost double what they were charging before (£8 now £14).

He mentioned that he got £10k of the govt but he has to pay £2k back (not sure why).

He knew one barber that also got £10k off govt but was still doing cuts during lockdown on the side - got caught once and got a warning then continued and got caught again only to be handed a £10k fine and have to repay the original £10k govt money back.
My brother and I are completely different as far as hair goes. I'm a hairy bloke with male-pattern baldness; he's not very hairy at all, but still has a full head on top. Which hasn't been cut for four months. Right before our family Zoom chat just now his young sons had discovered how much fun 'styling' daddy's hair for him is...

The only local barbers without access issues is charging £15 for a walk in and £20 for a booked appointment. My usual barbers only charged £8 before lockdown but had to bite the bullet as my uncut hairstyle was way too thick and long.
The only local barbers without access issues is charging £15 for a walk in and £20 for a booked appointment. My usual barbers only charged £8 before lockdown but had to bite the bullet as my uncut hairstyle was way too thick and long.

Looks like your local barbers is profiteering.
Nah he is aiming more for the hipster crowd. The whole decor vibe of his shop screamed hipster, with all the posters, model motorbikes and other tat on the shelves. Roll on 4 weeks time and I'll hopefully be back to my usual barbers.
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