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UCL News....

the righteous UCL said:
Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom

22 April 2008

UCL has been made aware of views expressed by Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom, an Honorary Research Fellow in UCL Science & Technology Studies.

The position of Honorary Research Fellow is a privilege bestowed by departments within UCL on researchers with whom it wishes to have an association. It is not an employed position.

The views expressed by Dr Kollerstrom are diametrically opposed to the aims, objectives and ethos of UCL, such that we wish to have absolutely no association with them or with their originator.

We therefore have no choice but to terminate Dr Kollerstrom’s Honorary Research Fellowship with immediate effect

Get in!

Gets its own thread as the other one was a monster.

Free to express his free speech without worrying about bringing his academic institution into disrepute.

Free, free, free - as we are to express our thoughts on academics expressing Judeaophobia and hate.

Good work BK, he was using his acadsemic credentials to spread his bullshit I cant see how anyone can complain at his unmasking.
yeah, after 40+ pages, let's rejoice

Even though Winston C. was a racist imperialist, and not a consistent opponent of fascism, this image is both amusing and appropriate:

Be interesting to see if all the hippy new age moon gardening arse-biscuit festivals that he seems to get invites to take heed. Suspect they are a nice little earner for him.
sorry, i cant quote text in board lite mode. i was asking if the documentary was being commissioned as a direct result of this nk business as you've mentioned it here, is all.
Kind of.

They're very interested in this new development.Which nobody knew about until the conspiraloons decided the pwnage was all because Kollerstrom had given a BBC interview about his bizarre 7/7 and 9/11 views.
sorry, i cant quote text in board lite mode. i was asking if the documentary was being commissioned as a direct result of this nk business as you've mentioned it here, is all.

Yeah, what this documentary stuff? I've invested so much time in this thread, I'd hate to fail at this late stage :(
My respect for UCL has gone up in direct proportion to my further contempt for these "truthseeker" parasites.

This BBC doco sounds like fun too.

Good work agents of Mossad!

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