And today? The country is even poorer than it was. Many, many poor children still suffer abject poverty, degradation, discrimination and NOW, of course, a fuckin' war on top of it all.
Yes exactly when a country is poor, unstable; the primary concern should be towards stabilising it. Let us look at the time before the maoists. There had been few cases even during the rule of former king that some leaders started some fundamentalism but couldn't succeed, partly because they couldn't address the general interest of the people.
In a country like Nepal, where there is poverty, illiteracy and discrimination giving power to People usually doesn't work. Just imagine letting the hungry lions loose in the city. Power is only good when people know what to do with it. Otherwise it will be just like what happened in Nepal in the past. Few people will keep it to themselves and others will follow them, because they dont know. They dont have any knowledge. They will merely be puppets as we were. The richer with power will act for them, the poorer will be supressed more and become poorer even.
So we need stability, may be more equal distribution of "everything" then people can enjoy democracy, freedom. Thats what exactly Nepal lacked. During the Rana regime, public couldn't go to school. The whole 100 years of regime that didn;t let people and eventually Nepal develop. We need to fill that gap dude before talking of anything else. We have to be practical. Lets not argue only in terms of Theory.
Nepal is 100 years back. How do you fill that gap???? I hope i dont have to tell you what the prime ministers and ministers were like. So much of corruption and so much of filth going around. People who could read newspapers were aware. We were aware. We didn't want them in the parliament. But they would get elected from such laid back places where people couldn't write their own name. Its very easy to manipulate such people and exploit them as well. They are purely innocent its not their fault that they elected such bastards. But at the same time what could the educated people do? Helpless, becasue the people in the power wanted these poor people to remain poor because they would elect them next time as well.
Do you thing any sensible guy would support these bastards leaders. Sicne most of the time it was congress in the parliament and people were fed up with them. The urban people started electing communists because they wanted something different. It doesn't necessarily reflect the inclination of public towards fundamental theory of either party but something different that will do something good to the country. I dont think Nepalese people really care about the theory behind these different parties now. They want something different, something good.
I am not saying the present king is right. He is good. No, i dont have any biasness towards anybody but please for God sake's we need a leader, not corrupt mother fucking bastards to be there. We want a leader, a leader who has love and true feelings for the country. Anybody, a communist, a congress, green party, red party, yellow party, king, people... but only requirement is have National interest and please no Guns. We want the Nepal back where we were born. "The only declared Peaceful State in the WORLD." (More than 170 countries in the UN signed this declaration. )