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Colonel H - shot in the back by his own troops?

Argentinans are still pissed at being betrayed by Chile even though the Juntas next plan was too attack Chile.
And the USA that did try to save the junta.

They are now hoping the Russia or China will sell them enough hi tech kit too take there pecious🤣
Just out of interest, how is it that you have no doubt? There's a long tradition of Walt types claiming to be in the midst of the action, or whatever, such that if all their claims were true, half of Herefordshire would be a special forces base, Pen Y Fan would be worn down to a nub, and they wouldn't have been able to squeeze everyone in to the Falklands who claimed to be there.
My experience of army types is that they tend to tell anecdotes in the first person, as if they were there. They might or they might not have been there in person, or they might be relaying a story second, third or more hand, or it might be apocryphal, but they spin a good yarn, whether or not it's been embellished along the way.

It used to bug me a bit, took me a while to get my head round it, that they might be telling a story that happened to them, or it might have happened to someone else in their company/regiment, and it's just more simple and entertaining to tell the story in first person, rather than do what I'd do, being Aspie/autistic, which would be to say something like 'I was told this thing by my friend whose wife's, brother's third cousin twice-removed who was on duty during a royal visit and they retrieved the Queen's poo from a portaloo and made it into a paperweight'. They'd tell that story as if they were there and they made the poo paperweight or their best mate did.

So you learn to take some things with a pinch of salt, and realise they might or might not have happened, it might have happened but in a slightly different way, but who knows if it's a tall story or not?
Apparently, it also worked the other way. I remember hearing a story, from a moderately unimpeachable source, that one of the people who was there was in cover under a bus, but when he came to emerge, his webbing straps got stuck on something, and he ended up missing all the fun. I think it's probably true - if it isn't, it's because the bastard who told me was winding me up, which isn't beyond the realms of possibility :D. Although it's a weird windup story...

Tbf if I was told I needed to storm a building filled with itchy-trigger-fingered terrorists I'd have hidden under a bus an'all.
Standard on the ranges. Shut it, and hope the guy who was next didn't notice. Of course we poor medics had the SMG as our personal weapon, more effective for beating the enemy over the head with than shooting him. :)

Sterling SMG - the original "spray & pray" sub-machine gun. Responsible for killing as many allies as enemies! :cool:

I remember taking a call years ago....."Is there a new nightclub in your area called HMYOI Forest Bank?"....er nope it's a prison
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Apparently, it also worked the other way. I remember hearing a story, from a moderately unimpeachable source, that one of the people who was there was in cover under a bus, but when he came to emerge, his webbing straps got stuck on something, and he ended up missing all the fun. I think it's probably true - if it isn't, it's because the bastard who told me was winding me up, which isn't beyond the realms of possibility :D. Although it's a weird windup story...

There's a crowdcast with one of "them" and Guy Walters. I was going to ask the question but then I remembered how much space there is under a bus and how much bulk webbing adds to even the sveltest of bodies so jump onto the twitter thread and Rusty Firmin will confirm or deny I'm sure. :D

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