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Cheese + carrots

Lord Camomile

Is this a thing?

When I was a kid, every now and then on a weekend afternoon my mum would prepare herself a snack of some kind of cheese plus a carrot or two. I have since also taken to this snack, indeed I have the combo in front of me now, but I've only ever encountered it within the context of my family.

So, um, yeah...

Best. Thread. Ever.
I often eat raw carrot, and would have no issue having some cheese with the carrot, it sounds quite nice. Carrot is a component of coleslaw, which accompanies a bit of mature cheddar very nicely, so I don't see why not :)
my gran did this… I haven't for years but am going to right now.

May be regional- Where geographically is your family from? My gran was east end of London...
Sounds good to me. I think I would put the carrots first. "Carrot and cheese" comes off the tongue more easily. It would also go on the tongue pleasurably. Thinking about it I could imagine a carrot and cheese soup. Or perhaps "Cream of Carrot and Cheese" soup with optional corriander leaves sprinkled on.
oooh you dirty boy

sounds good - is the grated carrot a bit juicy for grilling? or does the cheese deal with that?
Carrot was underneath the cheese.

Safe to say I've never been the most culinary inclined, I just thought melted cheese is better than non-melted cheese ;)
Carrots are one of the finest accompaniments to cheese in the whole world and in fact are far superior to biscuits, breads or even toast itself.
My brother-in-law melted grated cheese on top of the carrots for christmas dinner one year. I'm not sure if he was trying to be fancy but I can't say it particularly enhanced the carrots.
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