Characterising UKIP?
Difficult. As a party they are somewhat hard to categorise, many prima facie conflicting views within a single political entity.
They have plucked policies from the other parties, and amalgamated them into a package, that ensures that everyone could find a point of resonance.
Here are some of their 'manifesto promises' plucked from their web site, these are the ones I agree with:
– UKIP will increase personal allowance to the level of full-time minimum wage earnings (approx £13,500 by next election).
– UKIP will set up a Treasury Commission to design a turnover tax to ensure big businesses pay a minimum floor rate of tax as a proportion of their UK turnover.
– UKIP will scrap the HS2 project which is uneconomical and unjustified.
– Subject to academic performance UKIP will remove tuition fees for students taking approved degrees in science, medicine, technology, engineering, maths on the condition that they live, work and pay tax in the UK for five years after the completion of their degrees.*
– UKIP will ensure the NHS is free at the point of delivery and time of need for all UK residents.
– UKIP opposes the sale of NHS data to third parties.
– UKIP will abolish the export of live animals for slaughter
The full whack is here:
If you click the link, you will find that whole sections of their policy have been overlooked, because I don't agree.
*That is how it works in the army, you undergo a lengthy and expensive training course, you have to 'pay back', by service after qualification, for the time that the course took, so, for a nurse it was three years.