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Change UK: Chuka Umunna resigns from Labour party and launches Independent Group

When did I say riddled?
Dont you think that? It appears you do from your pots. Apologies if you do recognise it is only a few cranks and arseholes. But if tat is the case, they're hardly in a position to take over the Labour party and make the UK wholly inhospitable for jewish people.
Do you think your approach to the topic could learn something from it?
I made many of the same points he does in the Jeremy Corbyn thread, especially about the need to speed up the process. He doesn't say anything about arguing on the internet with individual people who just pull up random comments from twitter trawls or who dismiss other jewish peoples opinions when they dont agree with them.

(or, indeed, who try to turn every thread mentioning the Labour Party into one on antisemitism)
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Not that the anti-semitism issue isn’t important, but does every thread involving Labour really need to become a rehash of it? This stuff is already totally dominating the Corbyn thread.
I agree, but it's difficult not to have outbreaks of it on here considering it's front & centre one of the main reasons given for the split.
Voted labour all my life except the last GE (went LibDem). Corbyn and the current regime does not represent centre-leftists remainers (like me).

Not really, it was for being such fanatically disloyal, treacherous, backstabbing wankers that they were seen by their CLPs as representing a threat to Labour's future chances of winning elections.
Labour generally give backbench MPs a lot of latitude in sticking by their own line. IME you have to do an awful lot to get vonc
I think Corbyn represents centre leftists pretty well, I mean he hardly represents full on leftists. I suspect your political leanings are not what you believe them to be.

This is interesting. I was out with a friend at the weekend who was telling me how much he hated Corbyn because he's a 'loony lefty'. This same friend then self-identified as a socialist I think because he 1) doesn't know much about politics 2) was brought up in a working class family in the NW and that's how people described themselves.

He doesn't seem to understand the massive disconnect between his current views (he seriously sounded like the Daily Mail at times :() and how he sees himself politically. I found it all really strange.
This is interesting. I was out with a friend at the weekend who was telling me how much he hated Corbyn because he's a 'loony lefty'. This same friend then self-identified as a socialist I think because he 1) doesn't know much about politics 2) was brought up in a working class family in the NW and that's how people described themselves.

He doesn't seem to understand the massive disconnect between his current views (he seriously sounded like the Daily Mail at times :() and how he sees himself politically. I found it all really strange.

I think how many people identify politically is for the most part a cultural rather than a political thing tbh.
That reminds me a bit of my mike gapes story (which is shit) , he was shitting it on our estate pub after doing some door-knocking when his seat was twinned with ours (after giving it the east end hardman spiel all day). I remember getting talking to a bloke who worked with my uncle whilst in there, giving us total encouragement, we've always been red, hard left, my dad his dad etc and saying that he'd feel betrayed if his daughter voted anything but labour. But he didn't agree with the party on anything that we talked about that night at all. That happened all the time - just brought to memory because of Gapes and i saw that uncle yesterday.
This is interesting. I was out with a friend at the weekend who was telling me how much he hated Corbyn because he's a 'loony lefty'. This same friend then self-identified as a socialist I think because he 1) doesn't know much about politics 2) was brought up in a working class family in the NW and that's how people described themselves.

He doesn't seem to understand the massive disconnect between his current views (he seriously sounded like the Daily Mail at times :() and how he sees himself politically. I found it all really strange.

I *think* it's a bit of a hangover from the 1980's, especially in the North, that people sometimes see being a socialist as not quite the same as being part of the 'Loony Left'. Older people remember Corbyn as being part of the London/Tribune set.
Most people in their 40s who knew who Corbyn was at all before 2015 will have been from that time in 2003 they went on an anti-war demo and Corbyn gave a speech. That single anti-war demo is also how they've been able to consider themselves left for the last 15 years.
I knew who he was from when a friend in Camden stop the poll tax had assistance from jc to get a new passport in a hurry so he could get to the fête de l'humanité
...and I think it's the hangover of this "trendy lefties" past that's hobbling Corbyn in his attempt to present as mild mannered Social Democrat.

Sure, the old white men in the media are just reprinting the same shit smears as the 1980s.

But more importantly Corbyn can't shake off his pals from then and their shitty Trot Lite cause based hobbyist. Of which Palestine (and the anti-Semitism that that attracts) is the most prominent.

Basically, Corbyn is a shit choice as the figurehead but a)it wasn't really planned and b) who else is there?

But, what do I care? I'm not a Labour supporter.
Why is McDonnell so hated amongst the PLP?

From long before Corbyn won the leadership election - he has an abrasive debating style, he could start a fight in an empty room. Since Corbyn won the the leadership election his approach and personality have, err... magnified.

Doesn't play well with others.
When I first heard of Labour MPs leaving to form a new group I thought that is Corbyn's chance at an election win finished. I have always read that voters don't like divided parties. Then some Tory MPs followed suit and .. well someone has to win the next election.
From long before Corbyn won the leadership election - he has an abrasive debating style, he could start a fight in an empty room. Since Corbyn won the the leadership election his approach and personality have, err... magnified.

Doesn't play well with others.
Magnified? Quite the opposite, he’s been seen as the ameliorating force trying to hold the main party wings together. Among the centre left MPs his standing has risen.
I note that the Tory splitters were talking about ‘destroying the party’. Did wonder if this sort of statement was thought through and planned in order to separate the new group from the tories in the eye of Labour supporters, so that it doesn’t put them off engaging with the new group. Easy to say ‘but there’s tories in with that lot’, but gives a defence of ‘ah, but they hate the tories, so not really’.

Think I predicted a while back that Brexit would somehow turn out fucking up Labour the same way the Scottish Indy ref did, despite it being a Tory mess, and maybe this new grouping will be the way this happens. Fucking Tory rule forever.
1. The middle class composition and the concomitant imperialism of the left - culturally, in respect of values, methods etc have turned off a massive segment of the working class who know that the culture, values and methods aren’t theirs.
2. The old Labour Party once looked low and professed to represent a particular type of working class person- White, Industrial, socially conservative. As that group in society has become peripheralised, the left has lost interest in them and their issues but, and this is important, the lefts focus on anti racism, gender etc has created a schism as these groups are perceived to undermine the previous relative privilege that the aforementioned group once enjoyed by that group.
3. Labour has increased its popular support on economic issues as it become increasingly clear that financial liberalism is a disaster. But on social liberalism it hasn’t and it’s the latter where the battle have and are increasingly being fought.
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