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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

Weekend at Bertie's

For reasons deemed impolite by the Junior Ganymede Club, Jeeves string-puppets the corpse of his former master at one of Aunt Agatha's social functions
Return to AZ

When Dorothy's ruby slippers mishear 'home' as 'Tucson' (!), she finds herself doing battle with a malfunctioning air-conditioner in a cheap motel
Returns to AZ

Whilst playing down the growing dominance of Netflix, Amazon announces their latest Prime Video exclusive: Jeff Bezos explains the Amazon returns process
Local Heroin.

An American oil executive spends a month in Leith, scouting the area for his company. He quickly falls in love with it & its residents, Renton, Begbie, Sick Boy, Spud, Tommy & especially Diane. Although that might just be down to the smack. A heart warming comedy in the mould of the Ealing classics of old.
Wasters of the Universe

He-Man, Skeletor, Evil Lyn and all those characters that were invented for the movie reconsile their differences over a case of beer and a bag of chilli Doritos with sour cream dip
Dack to the Future

Doc Brown invents a time machine that will allow him to travel back in time and pull down the shorts of his favourite Australian Rugby players
Triumph of the Willy.

After being freed from SeaWorld, Willy gathers all the Orcas together into a Fascist organisation & tries to take over the world.

Shows you what they really are like. A bunch of cunts.
Cash Away - road trip/coming of age effort sees young country music lovers make a pilgrimage to visit the Man in Black but he's popped up the shops.
The Last Derail

Two hardened and cynical Urban veterans are assigned the task of escorting fresh-faced newbie to the Moderators' stockade to begin a temporary banning for off-topic posting.

Along the way they visit obscure sub-forums to give the newbie one last chance to sample various experiences he'll be missing while the ban is in force.
Fromage To Catalonia

A young, idealistic cheesemaker takes several massive wheels of his best to spain. Eric Blair finds comrades, crackers and war in the spanish revolution while being sickened by the actions of soviet agents. And overeating of cheese
Fromage To Catalonia

A young, idealistic cheesemaker takes several massive wheels of his best to spain. Eric Blair finds comrades, crackers and war in the spanish revolution while being sickened by the actions of soviet agents. And overeating of cheese

This is a great idea, but unfortunately it has to be disqualified because
  1. you've changed more than one letter
  2. there hasn't yet been a film made of Orwell's Spanish-Civil-War-set memoir
Land and Freedom :hmm:

I know (now that you remind me) it follows a similar "plotline", but as far as I'm aware it's not a film of the book in any real sense. Open to correction on that.

Bonus point for a good idea, even if not strictly within the rules of the thread.
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