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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

Rebel Without A Pause: James Dean never stops not acting.
Paint Your BandWagon: OK, more than one letter but I couldn't resist it.
Singin' In The Pain: Sounds awful.
3.10 To Yo Ma - drought-impoverished rancher (Bale) takes the titular train service to visit his good friend Chinese American cellist Yo-Yo Ma, but due to a platform alteration, inadvertently ends up in a tempestuous relationship with your actual mother - with hilarious consequences
Tarship Troopers - Fresh from "doing a motorway on Jupiter", fallen-on-hard-times denim-bedecked wayfaring astronaut collective B*witched attempt to flog surplus tarmacadam to alien lifeforms on Mars whilst struggling against the twin perils of a hostile climate and how block paving has largely supplanted demand for what was historically the first choice for driveway surfacing, in this satire of the form that never quite escapes the casual racism of this overarching plot synopsis or indeed the breathless length of this particular sentence.
Things To Do In Denver When You're Dean - Documentary in which Dean Cain tries to sneak around the limited selection of tourist attractions on offer in the Colorado capital, whilst being hunted down by the screaming hordes of fans that are an inconvenient product of being the world's second most popular star of New Adventures of Superman.
Requiem for D:Ream - in the cold light of the new Corbyn day, Brian Cox and company are called to atone for their hallmark of the Blairite era. Can plucky Brian use time travel and/or his boundless enthusiasm for volcanoes to prevent his own imminent appearance on Wonders of the Firing Squad?
Starship Troupers - A heartwarming tale of how an ABBA tribute act comprised of Z-list celebrities brings Christmas joy to residential care homes across the country.
Run Zola Run - confused reworking of the modern German classic in which dead French playwright Emile Zola, aging football manager Gianfranco Zola and still active barefoot ultramarathon runner Zola Pieterse (née Budd) all have twenty minutes to run somewhere and do a thing - with entirely predictable consequences
Gong with the Wind

Clark Gable has gay love affair with the shirtless bloke who used to bang the big gong at the beginning of Rank Organization movies.

Starship Droopers

Verhoeven's hilarious satire on erectile dysfunction.
Requiem for D:Ream


A crack team of heavily armed rogue evangelical Christians launches an assault on the Swiss particle physics laboratory, whereupon they strap down the senior technicians and wipe their brains in order to prevent them from creating a rip in the time/space continuum which would prevent the birth of our Lord and Saviour, and thereby ensuring the survival of everyone's favourite holiday
Things To Do In Denver When You're Dean - Documentary in which Dean Cain tries to sneak around the limited selection of tourist attractions on offer in the Colorado capital, whilst being hunted down by the screaming hordes of fans that are an inconvenient product of being the world's second most popular star of New Adventures of Superman.

I'd prefer if it was dean gaffney
Chick End Run. Infamous Christian Comic Writer Jack Chick is visited by the Lord and informed he had three days to let the world know the rapture is happening.

(Not very good, the last few pages have been quality)
Apocalypse Dow.

Peter Dow travels up the Mekong river in search of Condoleeza Rice, only to discover that she has gone completely insane and that her methods are unsound.
Skilling Zoe

A bank cashier who fell into heroin addiction after being made redundant in the global financial crisis is forced onto a retraining programme by the dole
Things to Dow in Denver when You're Dead.

Peter Dow attends the 2015 meeting of the American Anthropological Association. High concept.
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