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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

Fetter to Brezhnev

Through a series of misadventures, a young Liverpudlian woman finds herself handcuffed to Soviet supremo Leonid Brezhnev. "What's the point of this movie", both parties are said to have said.
The Prile of Miss Jean Brodie

When teacher invites her students over for a game of cards, three of a kind are never far from her mind
The Crime of Miss Jean Brodie.

She says it with pride, that she once knew (the) Clyde (even though that's in Glesgae Toon).
Force Den from Navarone

For some inexplicable reason Millwall relocate to the the legendary Greek island with an oddly Italianate name. With hilarious results. It's not long before the local mayor (masterfully played by Hugh Grant) decides that they have to go.
Raining Tones

A bizarre rain of tiny Tony Blairs falls on a small village in rural Iraq. They then run around screaming "45 minutes, 45 minutes".

M. Night Shyalaman directs.

nail-biting political suspense as the audience is kept guessing if the protaganist has a brexit plan

contains cunning plot twist as they leave no wiser than when they went in

Innocent internet user logs on to message board, only to be immediately sniped - or if you prefer "snided" - at by long term old lags who accuse her of being firky, or that weird paedo guy.
The Creamers. Story of a brother and sister who meet an American student while in Paris during the 1968 student riots. As they shelter from the turmoil the Parisians are introduced to a milk substitute.

Sampson, the movie. Story of a biblical character who is involved in a relationship with a cheating woman.
Alba the movie

Alec Salmond, Nicole Sturgeon, Mhari Black and Angus Robertson thrill the Scotch with rousing renditions of all the old hits, including their Eurovision winner "Culloden".
So I was browsing IMDb, and I came across this movie called Brad’s Status and the description said “a father takes his son to tour colleges on the East Coast and meets up with an old friend who makes him feel inferior about his life choices”

This thread came to mind immediately. I mean what a silly premise for a film. Perhaps the actual movie was called Brad’s Statue about about some interesting thing, but they played this game before writing the script.
Real Itty Bites - Ethan Hawke and Janeane Garofalo are two hipsters trying to run a cafe with the unique selling point of stupidly small portions.
The Imp OS Bible

A band of mystical creatures band together to navigate their way from their world to ours, but which of them will be able to lead the way?
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