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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

The Spy Who Goved Me

Spy thriller - evil terrorists have created a ray that turns normal people into an annoying, obnoxious and incompetent right wing Scottish men.
The Spy Who Moved Me

Bond is moved to tears by the experiences of one of his colleagues. Lots of flash-backs.
clear and Present Dancer

Film about someone who can't stop dancing, but isn't good enough to do it as a job, so just annoys people in the street and at work instead.

A tree extract that can cause a nasty rash has been mixed in with real balm products in a nationwide pharmaceutical company.

The race is on to find the Thunderbalm before some customers find themselves coming out in nasty rashes.
The Quink and the Dead

Writer who still uses an old fashioned pen and Quink ink to write, has a large body count in his new novel. Quickly though imagined events become real and people are laying dead in the streets of his town. Was it really his arrangement of ink that caused those people to die? What should he do to try to put it right?
The Ox-Cow Incident

In this classic Western, wanderers Gil Carter (Henry Fonda) and Art Croft (Henry Morgan) ride into a small Nevada town plagued by cattle thieves. Initially suspected of being the rustlers themselves. At first it looked bad for our heroes, but another group of strangers were in town and all it took was a silly error; and one that no-one in those thar parts, where people knew about cattle, would ever make. They mistook an ox for a cow.
Taint Your Wagon.

After a Russian nerve-agent attack, Clint Eastwood discovers that his wagon is irrevocably tainted.
The Green Mild
Ealing Comedy about a small local brewery that produce the best tasting mild ale ever - but it's green!!!

The Green Milk
similar but dairy and milk.
at least thrice and I was the first to do it, way back all those hundred pages ago



Looks like ole Terry beat either of us to it by a good decade and a bit
Concessions of a window-cleaner

In this exciting tale of cut-throat business Robin Askwith decides to turn his business empire into franchises. When he gets the time!
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