Apart from more money, I would have everyone in a given trust sharing money rather than them all working independently to make the most of their allocation. It seems like a doctor is happy not to do too much, sometimes telling the patient to go home and call 999 if anything changes, which looks like its pushing the financial burden on to the hospital. To meet targets and reduce costs, the hospital pushes people out before they are ready for it and before they have a care plan in place. Quite often these people end up back in hospital within 24 hours of last discharge. This is all wasting money at the patients expense.
if the doctors shared budgets with the hospital and social services would they not work harder at keeping people out-of hospital?
It would certainly help the patient and costs if everyone worked together a little bit smarter and talked a lot more.
as for carers and care homes, they are severely under funded.
a daily visit by a person like meals on wheels (remember them) was certainly good for a person's mental well being as well as diet/physical well-being.