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Bye bye MEAT! How will the post-meat future look?

How reluctant are you to give up your meat habit?

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But it’s ok to play silly tricks like that on carnists. If someone posted about feeding a vegan a risotto that was secretly made with chicken stock ‘but they didn’t notice and even said it was nice’, they’d be roundly, and rightly, pilloried.
I was talking to the new bloke at work a couple of days ago and he said that his gran had oncr made veggie soup as his veggie cousins were visiting. They thoroughly enjoyed it. When they left his mum asked what was in it. Chicken stock. The gran took a while to understand why it was wrong.
It's been tried. You can try again but you know what will happen.
There is some sensible discussion found around and about - try the food shortages thread.

I have tried to keep a lot of my posts so that anyone just reading and not wanting to participate could understand some of the challenges facing agriculture and food production.

I am happy to have sensible discussions around it, they are far less tiring.
I was talking to the new bloke at work a couple of days ago and he said that his gran had oncr made veggie soup as his veggie cousins were visiting. They thoroughly enjoyed it. When they left his mum asked what was in it. Chicken stock. The gran took a while to understand why it was wrong.
Still quite common if you're a veggie/vegan. That's why I always check with the person who's made it.
Still quite common if you're a veggie/vegan. That's why I always check with the person who's made it.
I've always tried to be careful re vegetarian food and obvious things ( or what I would think of as obvious anyway) but I've learned a lot from Urban over the years. And especially urban has taught me about veganism and aspects that I'd never thought of before and have incorporated eg swapping maple syrup for honey.
I'd also doubt the honesty of some of the answers tbh. My experience especially of people who describe themselves as 'pescatarian' is that they often don't stick even to that rather modest dietary restriction. It's more of an aspiration. As for 'I'm going to give up meat next year', the report itself admits that this is a virtually worthless promise. Bit like 'I'm going to give up smoking soon'. (Also the timing of the survey matters there. It was done in December. Giving up meat for New Year is a common NY resolution, and we know how effective NY resolutions are.)

At least they put the blatantly contradictory bits next to each other.

"This means that the UK could will probably have a total of 16 million 8.976 million meat-free reduced meat citizens at the beginning of 2023."
Why the fuck would you think it necessary to mention it for a cup of tea? Gluten isn't usually found in tea unless it's added by an inconsiderate wanker. :facepalm:

Perhaps in editor world people need to ask for gluten / nut free water as well. :(
This is what happens when you don't tell the truth about your milk!

I was talking to the new bloke at work a couple of days ago and he said that his gran had oncr made veggie soup as his veggie cousins were visiting. They thoroughly enjoyed it. When they left his mum asked what was in it. Chicken stock. The gran took a while to understand why it was wrong.

Yup, I had this experience, luckily I caught it early. Walked up to the pot on the stove and there was a massive meat slab simmering in it. Apparently, it was 'only for the flavour'. Maybe it was granny's genuine blind spot but by that time I'd had enough of relatives literally waving meat in front of my face or, alternatively, being dismissive of my choices ('you'll be on meat this time next Christmas, hahaha'). Those early days were grim.
Yup, I had this experience, luckily I caught it early. Walked up to the pot on the stove and there was a massive meat slab simmering in it. Apparently, it was 'only for the flavour'. Maybe it was granny's genuine blind spot but by that time I'd had enough of relatives literally waving meat in front of my face or, alternatively, being dismissive of my choices ('you'll be on meat this time next Christmas, hahaha'). Those early days were grim.
I was on tour in Portugal a few years back and this restaurant assured me that their soup was vegetarian. Except I could see the animal fat floating on the top amd smell its beefiness.

"But that's just flavouring" they countered!
I once had mushroom soup in the Czech Republic. Completely vegetarian other than the ham at the bottom of the bowl.
I wonder if giving a veggie cows milk with a punch of cyanide so it tastes like almond milk would be acceptable. :eek: :(
You actually typed that out and pressed "post reply" :facepalm:

You know they won't give up editor, they think they've got a gotcha so a point to them :rolleyes:
You actually typed that out and pressed "post reply" :facepalm:

You know they won't give up editor, they think they've got a gotcha so a point to them :rolleyes:
They'll be on the wrong side of history and deep down they probably know it,

Happily there's far more enlightened people who know the terrible damage that the meat and dairy industry is causing:

Irish Doctors for the Environment have slammed Bord Bia’s €8 million meat and dairy trade mission to Asia.

The Irish food board launched campaigns to sell dairy, beef and lamb to countries including Japan, Singapore and Vietnam on a ministerial-led tour earlier this month.

IDE outlined their concerns in a letter to Bord Bia, saying promotion tagline “Ireland, Working with Nature” was “not only misleading, but grossly misaligned with necessary actions to ensure food security, climate action and sustainable development”.

As the world teeters on the brink of irreversible climate damage, they believe Bord Bia should be more focused on helping producers transition to less environmentally damaging produce like fruits, vegetables, legumes and wholegrains instead of investing heavily in animal agriculture expansions and exports.

IDE’s Róisín Fitzgerald said when debate raged earlier this year about the sectoral emissions target for agriculture, she heard time and again ‘Ireland has the lowest greenhouse gas emissions beef and dairy in the world’.

But she says that statement “was not actually backed up”.

“Regardless of how low the emissions [for Irish beef and dairy] are per global standards, it’s still a high emission food compared to a lot of other produce,” Róisín added.

Analysis by the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organisation in 2021, found meat and dairy produces 14.5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. That’s the same as all cars, lorries, aircraft and ships combined.

The "right" side of history being one of those who welcomes massive industrial (apparently now some state sponsored) highly processed food manufacturers to supply most of our protien intake, giving the state/huge industry almost total control of our food supply, whilst forcing farmers off the land for greenwashing purposes, apparently.

It's a capitalists wet dream.

Luckily, the amount of vegans remains at less than 2% of the population, and shares in "meatless meat" companies continue to fall as nobody buys their product.
In your fantasy world where academics get paid mega bucks presumably.:D

You never did tell us all what you do for a living and yet you feel comfortable criticising academics...
What the fuck relevance is what I do?
Keep on fighting the industry fight, maybe you'll get a few pennies more
shut up awesome, you don't even have an argument
I haven't seen anyone in this thread posting up any details of their qualifications or links to their peer reviewed academic research papers, but I've sure heard a lot of full on Covid/Climate Change-style denial and instant dismissal of research from experts who are presumably infinitely more qualified them.
No links to peer reviewed papers?

Fuuuuuuck. :facepalm:

Also, I've quite literally explained what I do. I'm hardly going to put up personal details like my name or who I work for on an Internet forum, both of which would be on any papers I've written.
I've known of very few academics who teach on undergraduate degrees who don't at least have a relevant masters, usually a PhD/DPhil so you can assume at the very least I have a relevant masters.

I have, however linked a massive breadth of peer reviewed papers, links to discussions by other more well known scientists etc etc

This is like classic evangelism, maybe this stuff really is a religion.
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What the fuck relevance is what I do?
Keep on fighting the industry fight, maybe you'll get a few pennies more
Because, in your opinion having an opinion based on your life experience and having read reams of scientific publications on the subject at hand makes me a "shill" because I'm employed by a university.

So, what you do is clearly of relevance, because you've attacked what I do - presumably you have a job and by your logic are a "shill" for whoever you work for.

Also, it's incredibly rich for you to say someone has "no argument", because you've failed to make any arguments in this thread and have instead mostly sniped childishly and relied on ad hominem attacks.

How many publications have you written?
How much food have you produced in your life?

If the answer is "none" what the fuck makes you think you have the slightest clue what you are talking about?

You are the Matt "the hamster" Hammond to other posters "Clarkson".
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Because, in your opinion having an opinion based on your life experience and having read reams of scientific publications on the subject at hand makes me a "shill" because I'm employed by a university.

So, what you do is clearly of relevance, because you've attacked what I do - presumably you have a job and by your logic are a "shill" for whoever you work for.

Also, it's incredibly rich for you to say someone has "no argument", because you've failed to make any arguments in this thread and have instead mostly sniped childishly and relied on ad hominem attacks.

How many publications have you written?
How much food have you produced in your life?

If the answer is "none" what the fuck makes you think you have the slightest clue what you are talking about?

You are the Matt "the hamster" Hammond to other posters "Clarkson".
See, I don't claim to be anything special or see what I do or don't do work wise as any relevance
Karl Masks has no argument, not you, you have lots clearly
What have writing books and producing food got to do with a post-meat future?, that is of course a long way off

Your last line is very telling and yes a few of you in the glee gang do reach the depths of clarkson bants and bluster, a lot of people think he's a right cunt you know!
See, I don't claim to be anything special or see what I do or don't do work wise as any relevance
Karl Masks has no argument, not you, you have lots clearly
What have writing books and producing food got to do with a post-meat future?, that is of course a long way off

Your last line is very telling and yes a few of you in the glee gang do reach the depths of clarkson bants and bluster, a lot of people think he's a right cunt you know!
It was about you. :D

You know, the way that others, from a lack of knowledge, backed up with unwarranted confidence in their opinions (Clarkson) make points and you just kinda pop up and snark, like Matt Hammond.

What have producing food and reading and writing peer reviewed science about that subject got to do with food production? Is that what you are asking?

I farmed for nigh on 20 years and now I'm am academic in the agricultural sciences, which means also engaging quite heavily with ecology.......What would I know about producing food, eh?
See, I don't claim to be anything special or see what I do or don't do work wise as any relevance
Karl Masks has no argument, not you, you have lots clearly
What have writing books and producing food got to do with a post-meat future?, that is of course a long way off

Your last line is very telling and yes a few of you in the glee gang do reach the depths of clarkson bants and bluster, a lot of people think he's a right cunt you know!
You do realise that you were being compared to Clarkson don’t you? Or maybe not…
It was about you. :D

You know, the way that others, from a lack of knowledge, backed up with unwarranted confidence in their opinions (Clarkson) make points and you just kinda pop up and snark, like Matt Hammond.

What have producing food and reading and writing peer reviewed science about that subject got to do with food production? Is that what you are asking?

I farmed for nigh on 20 years and now I'm am academic in the agricultural sciences, which means also engaging quite heavily with ecology.......What would I know about producing food, eh?
I didn't say you didn't know anything about producing food willy waver

Why do you waste so much of your time and learned expertise giving out your professional opinion for free trying to refute "less than 2% of the population"?? :confused:
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